Rosario Robles

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Rosario Robles Berlanga is a left-wing Mexican politician who was appointed substitute Head of Government of the Federal District ("Mayor of Mexico City") when Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas resigned from the post to run (unsuccessfully) for the presidency in 2000.

Her term in office was highly controversial for an intensive media campaign in her government promoting her personal image, the high cost of which raised corruption concerns, and for introducing her political allies to entrepreneur Carlos Ahumada, who videotaped himself giving large cash quantities to fund political campaigns in exchange for government posts. The scandals this caused created a major crisis for her party, the Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD). As a result, she subsequently resigned from the party.

Her successor as chief executive of the Federal District was Andrés Manuel López Obrador, of the same party but a former PRI member, elected in 2000 with an advantage of less than 5% over the PAN candidate.

In 2005 she announced her intentions to run for the same office, although it is unclear under which party she would run, as her political image was affected by the videoscandals of that year. In the event, the election passed by without her participation.

Preceded by
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano
Head of Government of the Federal District (interim)
Succeeded by
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Preceded by
Amalia García Medina
President of the Party of the Democratic Revolution
Succeeded by
Leonel Godoy Rangel