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The Project RoSta (Robot Standards and Reference Architectures) is a Coordination Action funded under the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)

[edit] Objectives:

The main objectives of RoSta are:

- Action plan for a standard defining activity
- Action plan for a community driven open-source activity
- Gaining international recognition as a standardizing community

[edit] Activities:

More specifically, the technological objectives are to coordinate a set of actions initiating and preparing a set of standard defining activities on the following topics of robotics:

1. Creation of a glossary/ontology (computer science) for mobile manipulation and service robots
2. Specification of a reference architecture for mobile manipulation and service robots
3. Specification of a middleware for mobile manipulation and service robots
4. Formulation of benchmarks (of components, methods, middleware and architectures) for mobile manipulation and service robots

We are a team of experienced robotics specialists, who join forces to initiate these standardization activities. Further experts are invited to contribute to our coordination action
The project is coordinated by Fraunhofer- Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (IPA); and managed by GPS GmbH in Stuttgart.

[edit] More Informations: