Ronald J. Rychlak

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Ronald J. Rychlak
Born United States
Occupation lawyer, law professor, author
Children six
University of Missippi Law School profile

Ronald J. Rychlak is an American lawyer, jurist, author and political commentator. He is the Associate Dean For Academic Affairs and the Mississippi Defense Lawyers Association Professor of Law at University of Mississippi School of Law, and is known for his published works, career as an attorney, and commentary on the role of Pope Pius XII in World War II.

Rychlak attended Wabash College and received a Bachelor of Arts degree Cum Laude in Economics in 1980. Next he attended Vanderbilt University School of Law, where he was honored with the Order of the Coif and received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) in 1983.

Rychlak is married, has six children and resides in Oxford, Mississippi.

[edit] Career

Before becoming a professor at the University of Missippi, Rychlak was an attorney with Jenner & Block in Chicago. He clerked for the Hon. Harry W. Wellford of the United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Rychlak is an academic fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. In 2004, the Bush Administration sent him to advise the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on the issue of free speech on the Internet. His memberships include the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, the National Association of Scholars, the editorial board of The Gaming Law Review, the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, the International Masters of Gaming Law, and . He was appointed by the Mississippi Supreme Court to be a member of the committee work on a revision of Mississippi's criminal code. Rychlak has received three medals from the Vatican for his diplomatic service and he advises the Vatican's delegation to the U.N. He is also a delegate at the U.N. on the creation of an International Criminal Court.

His most recent book is Righteous Gentiles: How Pius XII and the Catholic Church Saved Half a Million Jews from the Nazis, which Rychlak says puts to rest the black legend of the Church during World War II. According to The Weekly Standard, Rychlak's work, Hitler, the War, and the Pope (Genesis Press, 2000), is "the best and most careful of the recent works on the Church during World War II, an elegant tome of serious, critical scholarship."

[edit] Publications

Books, Chapters, etc.

  • Righteous Gentiles: How Pope Pius XII Saved Half a Million Jews from the Nazis, Spence Publishing, 2005.
  • Trial by Fury: Restoring the Common Good in Tort Litigation, monograph 8 in the Christian Social Thought Series, The Acton Institute (2005).
  • Mississippi Criminal Trial Practice (with Marc Harrold) Thompson/West (2004).
  • Real and Demonstrative Evidence: Applications and Theory, Lexis Publishing Company, 1995 and Supp. 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, & 2001. Second Edition (2003).
  • Gaming Law: Cases and Materials (with Robert Jarvis et al.) Matthew Bender & Co. (2003). Separate teacher’s manual with same publication information.
  • Hitler, the War, and the Pope, Genesis Press (2000); soft cover: Our Sunday Visitor Press (2000).
  • The Pius War, Chapter 3: A Dangerous Thing to Do ( Lexington Books, 2004).
  • Courting the Yankees: Legal Essays on the Bronx Bombers, Chapter 12: Unlucky Numbers: Betting on, Against, and With the Yankee$ ( Carolina Academic Press, 2003).
  • Television series: Pope Pius XII, special guest on all 14 episodes (EWTN Television, 2004).
  • Audio CD: Hitler, the War, and the Pope ( St. Joseph Radio, 2003).
  • Audiotape: The Papacy: Forever a Sign of Contradiction ( St. Joseph Communication, 2002).
  • Teacher Manual for Archibald Cox, Derek Curtis Box, Robert A. Gorman, and Matthew W. Finkin, Labor Law: Cases and Materials (14th ed. 2006) (Foundation Press) (forthcoming 2008)
  • Criminal/Constitutional/Gaming Issues
  • Abortion, Thinking Americans, and Judicial Politics, 14 Life and Learning (Proceedings of the 14 th University Faculty for Life Conference, U. of St. Thomas Law School) 77 (2005).
  • From the Classroom to the Courtroom: Therapeutic Justice and the Gaming Industry’s Impact on Law, 74 Miss. L.J. 827 (2005) (with C. Hinshaw).
  • Legal Problems with Online Gambling, 6:1 Engage 36 (May 2005).
  • Baseball’s Integrity Still on Line, The Memphis Commercial Appeal, January 17, 2004.
  • An Empire of Law?: Legalism and the International Criminal Court, (with J. Czarnetzky) 79 Notre Dame Law Review 55 (2003).
  • Just-War Theory, International Law, and the War in Iraq, 2 Ave Maria L. Rev. 1 (2004).
  • A Bad Bet: Criminalizing Nevada’s College Sports Books, 4 Nev. L. Rev. 320 (2003-04).
  • Defense Counsel and the Death Penalty: An Obligation to Oppose the Theory Behind the Punishment?, 42 Brandeis Law Journal 372 (2003-04),
  • The International Criminal Court and the Question of Subsidiarity, Third World Legal Studies 2000-2003 115 (with J. Czarnetzky).
  • A Court Out of Order, First Things, April 2003 (with J. Czarnetzky).
  • The 1933 Concordat Between Germany and the Holy See: A Reflection of Tense Relations, 2001 The Digest 23 ( Syracuse University).
  • Compulsive Gambling as a Criminal Defense, 4 Gaming Law Rev. 333 (2000) (with J. Jarrell).
  • Federalist Society White Paper: Humberto Alvarez-Machain v. United States, posted on the Federalist Society Web page <<>>
  • Society's Moral Right to Punish: A Further Exploration of the Denunciation Theory of Punishment, 65 Tulane L. Rev. 299 (1990).
  • Pete Rose, Bart Giamatti, and the Dowd Report, 68 Miss. L.J. 889 (1999).
  • Mental Health Experts on Trial: Free Will and Determinism in the Courtroom, 100 W. Va. L. Rev. 193 (1997) (with J.F. Rychlak).
  • Lotteries, Revenue, and Social Cost: A Historical Perspective on State Sponsored Gambling, 34 Boston College L. Rev. 11 (1992).
  • The Introduction of Casino Gambling: Public Policy and the Law, 64 Miss. L.J. 291 (1995).
  • Direct Criminal Contempt and the Trial Attorney: Constitutional Limitations on the Contempt Power, 14 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 243 (1990).
  • The Insanity Defense and the Question of Human Agency, 8 New Ideas in Psychology 3 (1990) (with J.F. Rychlak).
  • Free Will is a Viable, Verifiable Assumption: A Reply to Garret & Viney, 8 New Ideas in Psychology 43 (1990) (with J.F. Rychlak).
  • Civil Rights, Confederate Flags, and Political Correctness: Free Speech and Race Relations on Campus, 66 Tulane L. Rev. 1411 (1992).
  • Videotape and Casino Lawsuits, 4 Gaming Law Rev. 241 (1999).
  • Video Gambling Devices, 37 UCLA L. Rev. 555 (1990).

Litigation Oriented Articles

  • Tort Reform as a Moral Issue, Acton Commentary, April 6, 2005.
  • Disciples on the Docket: A Christian Response to Tort Reform, Policy Reform (Acton Institute), February 2005.
  • Navigating the Murky Waters of Legal Ethics (reviewing Ronald D. Rotunda, Legal Ethics: The Lawyer’s Deskbook on Professional Responsibility), Federalist Society, Professional Responsibility Newsletter, Fall 2000.
  • Real and Demonstrative Evidence in Commercial Litigation, 17 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 509 (1997) (with J. Czarnetzky), reprinted in 46 Defense Law Journal 611 (1997).
  • Effective Appellate Advocacy: Tips From the Teams, 66 Mississippi Law Journal 527 (1997).
  • John Wade: Teacher, Lawyer, Scholar, 65 Miss. L.J. 1 (1996).
  • Problems of Burdens and Bias: A Response To Bornstein, 12 J. of Mind and Behavior 469 (1991) (with J.F. Rychlak).
  • Real and Demonstrative Evidence Away from Trial, 17 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 509 (1993) (with C. Rychlak).
  • Use of Real and Demonstrative Evidence at Trial, 33 Trial Law. Guide 550 (1990) (with T. Mulroy), reprinted in ABA, Tort and Insurance Practice Section, Demonstrative Evidence: Its Effective and Practical Use in Litigation (1992); and in Thomas R. Mulroy, Winning Your Case Before Trial (Paul M. Lisnek & Associates, 1995).
  • To Tell the Truth: Accuracy in Demonstrative Evidence, The Practical Litigator, March 1994, at 47 (with S. Dulaney); part 2 in the May 1994 issue.

Environmental Law

  • Ocean Aquaculture, 8 Fordham Env. L.J. 497 (1997).
  • Changing the Face of Environmentalism, 8 Fordham Env. L.J. 915 (1996).
  • People as Part of Nature: The Law of the Mother, 13 Stanford Env. L.J. 451 (1994)(book review).
  • Swimming Past the Hook: Navigating Legal Obstacles in the Aquaculture Industry, 23 Environmental Law 837 (1993) (Lewis & Clark) (with E.M. Peel).
  • Coastal Zone Management and the Search for Integration, 40 DePaul U.L. Rev. 981 (1991).
  • The Humorous Origins of the Green Movement: The Three Stooges as Early Environmentalists, 48 Okla. L. Rev. 35 (1995).
  • Common Law Remedies for Environmental Wrongs: The Role of Private Nuisance, 59 Miss. L. J. 657 (1989).
  • Thermal Expansion, Melting Glaciers, and Rising Tides: The Public Trust in Mississippi, 11 Miss. Col. L. Rev. 95 (1990).
  • Environmental Regulation of the Aquaculture Industry, 11 WaterLog 10 (1991) (with E.M. Peel).
  • Trace Gases, Equal Footing, and the Public Trust: Ownership of Coastal Properties after the Greenhouse Effect, in Long Term Implications of Sea Level Change for the Mississippi and Alabama Coastlines (Conference Proceedings) (1990).

History, Biography, and Religion

  • Wrong Turn: The Purpose-Driven Life Gives Bad Directions, This Rock, December 2005 (with Kyle Duncan).
  • A Righteous Gentile (reviewing David Dalin’s The Myth of Hitler’s Pope), Crisis, October 2005.
  • Dealing with Dissent: Fr. Richard McBrien, This Rock, July/August 2005.
  • Vatican insiders talk of likely front-runners, The Commercial Appeal, April 6, 2005.
  • Cornwell's Latest Folly: Trying to Smear Pope John Paul II (reviewing John Cornwell’s The Pontiff in Winter: Triumph and Conflict in the Reign of John Paul II), Catalyst, March 2005.
  • Postwar Catholics, Jewish Children, and a Rush to Judgment,, posted Jan. 18, 2005 (including sidebar: Jewish Children After World War II: A Case Study), also reprinted in Inside the Vatican, January-February 2005.
  • The Catholic Church in France During World War II, The Catholic Response, Jan./Feb. 2005.
  • It Really Happened, 84 The Linking Ring 55 (Nov. 2004).
  • Book Review: Hitler and the Vatican: Inside the Secret Archives That Reveal the Complete Stories of the Nazis and the Church (by Peter Godman), First Things, May 2004.
  • New Anti-Pius XII Book by an Old Critic (reviewing Robert Katz’s The Battle for Rome), Catalyst, May 2004.
  • Hitler and the Vatican – Reopening the Case, Crisis, April 2004 (reviewing Peter Godman, Hitler and the Vatican); reprinted in Newsmax magazine, May 2004.
  • In Defense of Cardinal Stepinac, The Catholic Answer, March/April 2004.
  • It’s Campus Ministry Done Right, Our Sunday Visitor, November 16, 2003.
  • Book Review: The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945, by Richard Steigmann-Gall, First Things, October 2003.
  • Daniel Goldhagen’s Assault on Christianity, 4 Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions 184 (2003).
  • The Social Justice Network, Forum Focus, Summer 2003.
  • Book Review: Pius XII und Deutschland, by Michael F. Feldkamp, The English Historical Review, June 2003, at 840.
  • A Moral Force on the International Scene, Forum Focus, Spring 2003.
  • Book Review: A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair, by Daniel Goldhagen, The Catholic Historical Review, April 2003.
  • Opening the Archives, Not Ending the Debate, The Wanderer, March 13, 2003.
  • Book Review: The Defamation of Pius XII, by Ralph McInerny, The Catholic Historical Review, January 2003.
  • Dean of Catholic-Bashers, The American Conservative, Feb. 10, 2003.
  • Another Reckoning: A Response to Daniel Goldhagen’s A Moral Reckoning, Crisis, Jan. 2003.
  • A “Righteous Gentile” Defends Pius XII, National Catholic Register, Oct. 28, 2002and in 32:11 Briefing 8 (November 2002) (Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of England & Wales and Scotland).
  • Comments on Zuccotti’s Under His Very Windows, 7 J. Modern Italian Studies 218 (2002).
  • A Broken Faith: John Cornwell’s New Book, St. Austin Review, July/August 2002.
  • Goldhagen v. Pius XII, First Things, June/July 2002, at 37-54.
  • Misusing History to Influence the Future, Forum Focus, Summer 2002.
  • Path of Popular Culture Led Catholic Church Astray, Commercial Appeal, May 9, 2002.
  • The Church and the Holocaust, The Wall Street Journal ( Europe), March 28, 2002.
  • Pius XII and the Holocaust, The Times Literary Supplement, March 15, 2002 (solicited letter).
  • With This Sister, It’s No Act, (reviewing The Fighting Nun: My Story and Pope Pius XII: Consensus and Controversy both by Margherita Marchione) Catholic Dossier, March/April 2002. Longer version: VII Catholic Social Science Review 242 (2002).
  • Book Review: Hitler and the Holocaust, by Robert Wistrich, First Things, March 2002.
  • Spins of Deceit, (reviewing David Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews and Jose Sanchez, Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy), Crisis, March/April 2002.
  • Joseph Timothy O’Callahan: The Navy Priest, The Catholic Answer, March/April 2002 at 55.
  • In Praise of World War II Veterans, Wabash Magazine, Winter/Spring 2002.
  • Guess Who’s Back? (Reviewing John Cornwell, Breaking Faith), Catalyst, Jan-Feb. 2002.
  • The Popes and the Jews (reviewing Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews) Catalyst, Dec. 2001.
  • The Pope Pius XII Study Group: A Wasted Opportunity, Catalyst, September 2001.
  • At Cross Purposes (reviewing James Carroll, Constantines’s Sword: The Church and the Jews) The Washington Post, February 12, 2001 at C3.
  • Catholic Answers About Pope Pius XII, The Catholic Answer, March/April 2001.
  • Historical Dishonesty: The Big Lie of “Hitler’s Pope”, This Rock, January 2001.
  • The Pope Pius XII Study Group: Read the Documents!, Catalyst, December 2000.
  • A Response to: The Vatican and the Holocaust: A Preliminary Report By the International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission, The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights web page, posted Nov. 2000 <<>>
  • Guilty Collaborators, or Charitable Victims: The German Church and Forced Labor, Our Sunday Visitor, October 15, 2000.
  • Newly Beatified Popes Passed Intense Scrutiny, Our Sunday Visitor, October 8, 2000.
  • 60 Minutes on Hitler’s Pope, Catalyst, May 2000.
  • Vatican Chronicles: A Different Read (An Exchange with John Cornwell), Brill’s Content, April 2000.
  • This New Commission is a Redundant Exercise, Inside the Vatican, January 2000.
  • Cornwell’s Errors: Reviewing Hitler’s Pope, Catalyst, December 1999.
  • Nothing is Ever Anybody's Fault: Do We Choose to Act or are We Merely Conditioned? This Rock, October 1999.
  • The Selling of a Myth, Inside the Vatican, Oct. 1999.
  • Theology According to Richard McBrien, The Wanderer, March 25, 1999.
  • Why I Don’t Hold Hands at Mass, This Rock, July/August 1998.
  • Why Pope Pius XII Was Right: The Holy See v. The Third Reich, New Oxford Rev., Oct. 1998.
  • A Clear-Cut Case For Excommunication, New Oxford Review, April 1997 (with Fr. K. Slattery).
  • History Kidnaped? (reviewing David Kertzer, The Kidnaping of Edgardo Mortara) Crisis, May 1997.
  • Church’s Role in World War II Examined, Mississippi Today, March 25, 1994.

[edit] External links