Ron Scapp

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Ron Scapp is a noted American educator and author. His work focuses on urban education, educational leadership and policy, and teacher empowerment. He also writes on topics as varied as homelessness, American theater and continental philosophy.

He is the founding director of the Graduate Program in Urban and Multicultural Education at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in the Bronx, where he is professor of humanities and teacher education. Dr. Scapp is a fellow of the Education Policy Studies Laboratory at Arizona State University, a member of the Education Policy Alliance and a senior associate and founding member of the United Federation of Teacher’s Urban Educators Forum in New York City. He is also a member of the NYC/UFT Teacher Center policy board.

Dr. Scapp has Ph.D. in philosophy from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he studied continental philosophy, the history of philosophy and concentrated on race, class and gender issues. He is a founding member of Group Thought, a philosophy collective based in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

He is the author, editor and co-editor of a number of books and journals, including Teaching Values: Critical Perspectives on Education, Politics and Cultural (Routledge, 2003). He is co-editor, with Brian Seitz, of the series Hot Topics: Contemporary Philosophy and Culture (published by SUNY Press). And with Kenneth J. Saltman, his is co-editor of the series Positions: Education, Politics and Culture (published by Routledge). In addition, he has collaborated with many others, most notably with writer and critic bell hooks [sic] (see Teaching to Transgress and Teaching Community). He is also the series editor of Dialogue with Teachers (published by the UFT/Teacher Center).

Praising his 2006 publication, Managing to be Different: Educational Leadership as Critical Practice, Henry A. Giroux notes that Ron Scapp

“offers a view of educational leadership that is as empowering as it is insightful…Scapp develops a theory of leadership that is not only empowering and critical but takes seriously the relationship between leadership and the imperatives of a substantive democracy. Every educator as well as everyone interested in education should read this book.”

Ron Scapp continues to explore and expand the connections to be made among education, politics and culture.

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