Romanum decet pontificem

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Not to be confused with Decet Romanum Pontificem.
Pope Innocent XII issued Romanum decet pontificem on June 22, 1692
Pope Innocent XII issued Romanum decet pontificem on June 22, 1692

Romanum decet pontificem is a papal bull issued by Pope Innocent XII (1691—1700) on June 22, 1692, banning the office of Cardinal Nephew, limiting his successors to elevating only one cardinal relative,[1] eliminating various sinecures traditionally reserved for cardinal-nephews and capping the stipend or endowment the nephew of a pope could receive to 12,000 scudi.[2][3][4]

Romanum decet pontificem was later incorporated into the Code of Canon Law of 1917 in canons 240, 2; 1414, 4; and 1432, 1.[5] In 1694, Innocent XII's series of reforms was capped off with an expensive campaign to eliminate the venality of offices while reimbursing their current holders.[6]

However, following Romanun decet pontificem, only three of the eight popes of the 18th century did not make a nephew or brother cardinal.[7]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Salvator, Miranda. 1998. "Consistory of September 1, 1681 (I)."
  2. ^ Standen, Edith A. 1981. "Tapestries for a Cardinal-Nephew: A Roman Set Illustrating Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata." Metropolitan Museum Journal. 16: 147-164.
  3. ^ Chadwick, Owen. 1981. The Popes and European Revolution. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198269196. p. 305.
  4. ^ Ed. Philippe Levillain. 2002. "Nepotism." The Papacy: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. ISBN 0415922283. p. 1032.
  5. ^ Miranda, Salvator. 1998. "Guide to documents and events (76-2005)."
  6. ^ Levillain, 2002, p. 468.
  7. ^ Chadwick, 1981, p. 304.