Roman Catholicism in Afghanistan

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The Roman Catholic Church in Afghanistan is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and curia in Rome. There are very few Catholics in this overwhelmingly Islamic country - just over 100 attend mass in its only chapel - and freedom of religion has been difficult to obtain in recent times, especially under the former Taliban regime. On 16 May 2002, Pope John Paul II established a mission sui iuris for Afghanistan with Father Giuseppe Moretti as its first superior. The only Catholic church in the country is the chapel at the Italian embassy in Kabul. In 2004, the Missionaries of Charity arrived in Kabul to carry out humanitarian work.


[edit] History of the Catholic Church in Afghanistan

Legend from the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas and other ancient documents suggests that Saint Thomas preached in Bactria, which is today northern Afghanistan.[1] The Nestorians planted Christianity in the area, and there have been 9 bishops and dioceses in the region, including Herat (424-1310), Farah (544-1057), Kandahar, and Balkh. This early establishment of the Church was overcome by Muslim invasions in the 7th century[2], though the territory was not substantially controlled by Muslims until the 9th and 10th centuries.[3] In 1581 and 1582 respectively, the Jesuit and Spanisch Montesserat and the Portuguese Bento de Goes were warmly welcomed by the Islamic Emperor Akbar, but there was no lasting presence by the Jesuits in the country. [4][5]

[edit] The 20th Century

Italy was the first country to recognise Afghanistan’s independence in 1919, and the Afghan government asked how it could thank Italy. Rome requested the right to build a chapel, which was then being requested by international technicians then living in the Afghan capital. A clause giving Italy the right to build a chapel within its embassy was included to Italian-Afghan treaty of 1921, and that same year the Barnabites arrived to start giving pastoral care.[6] The actual pastoral work began in 1933 when the chapel international technicians had asked for was built.[7] In the 1950s, the simple cement chapel was finished. [8]

Pope John Paul II called for a "just solution" to the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980s.[9] From 1990 to 1994, Father Giuseppe Moretti was the only priest in Afghanistan,[10] but was forced to leave in 1994 after being hit with shrapnel and had to return to Italy.[11] After 1994, only the Little Sisters of Jesus were allowed to remain in Afghanistan, as they had been there since 1955 and their work was renowned. [12] An official from the last pro-Communist government of Mohammad Najibullah went to see Fr Giuseppe Moretti in 1992 with a sketch for a small compound that would be guaranteed immunity. However, nothing came of it as the political situation in Afghanistan unravelled - the civil war escalated, the Taliban came to power and then lost it after the American invasion.[7] Father Moretti again was forced to flee because of the invasion by the United States, but later returned.[11] Following the attacks of September 11, Catholic Relief Services sent clothing, food and bedding to returning refugees and internally displaced persons. They also bought school supplies for children returning to school.[13]

[edit] Post-Taliban

Missionaries of Charity pray in their home for street children
Missionaries of Charity pray in their home for street children

The first Mass in 9 years was celebrated on January 27, 2002 for members of the International Security Force and various members of foreign agencies.[8] On May 16, 2002, a mission sui iuris was created for all of Afghanistan. There is only one functioning chapel in the country and it is the Italian Embassy's chapel.[14] Projects of the new mission include a "Peace School" for 500 students that began construction in August 2003 and will be at "European standards". [10] Three nuns also work with those who have mental disabilities in the capital city, teaching those with cerebral palsy how to go to the bathroom and how to eat on their own.[15] The small community went through a period of crisis during the kidnapping on May 17, 2005 of Clementina Cantoni, a member of Care International, by four gunmen in Kabul as she walked to her car.[16] Sisters from the Missionaries of Charity had their house blessed on May 9, 2006, and have already started taking in street children. There had been fears that their distinctive blue and white dress would make them stand out and be harassed by Islamists, but their order is generally respected.[17] Jesuit Relief Services has also applied to join the growing number of religious orders in the country.[12] Jesuit Refuge Services has recently opened a technical school in Herat for 500 students including 120 girls.[18]

There have been efforts made to start inter-religious dialogue, with the Islamist head of the Afghan Supreme Court, Mullah Fazul Shinwari attended the inauguration of the mission and has expressed a desire to meet with the Pope.[19]

The Catholic community in Afghanistan is mainly made of foreigners, especially aid workers, and no Afghans currently are part of the Church, mainly due to great social and legal pressure not to convert to non-Islamic religions. Some Afghans have converted while overseas, but keep it secret when they return.[20] Despite this, the community has grown from only a few nuns to a full Sunday Mass of around 100.[14]

Relations with the new democratic government of Afghanistan have been positive, such as President Hamid Karzai attending Pope John Paul II's funeral and congratulating Pope Benedict XVI on his election.[21] The nuncio to Pakistan visited Afghanistan in 2005 and held a Mass in the Italian Embassy Chapel to an overflowing crowd, and Catholic officials hope that official diplomatic ties and a public Catholic church will be possible in the future.[22]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Merillat, Herbert Christian (1997). Wandering in the East. The Gnostic Apostle Thomas. Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  2. ^ Asia at a glance. (April 17, 2001). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  3. ^ "Afghanistan." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 20 Dec. 2006 <>.
  4. ^ Jesuits in Afghanistan?. SJ Electronic Information Service (June 17, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  5. ^ Australian Jesuits, "After 400 years, Jesuits return to Afghanistan"
  7. ^ a b A “public” church in Afghanistan? The past offers hope for the present (Overview). (October 12, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  8. ^ a b Mass Celebrated Again in Afghan Capital. (January 27, 2002). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  9. ^ Pope Asks Afghan Solution. New York Times (December 29, 1983). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  10. ^ a b The Sisters of Mother Teresa arrive in Kabul. (November 2, 2004). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  11. ^ a b Afghanistan May Now Be a Priestless Nation. (November 8, 2001). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  12. ^ a b Catholic presence expanding, Jesuit NGO and Sisters of Mother Teresa to arrive. (May 23, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  13. ^ Our Work: Afghanistan. Catholic Relief Services (2006). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  14. ^ a b Caffulli, Giuseppe (January 30, 2004). A Church of the catacombs, made up of only foreigners. Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  15. ^ Nuns in ‘civilian’ clothes serving Jesus in Kabul. (June 15, 2006). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  16. ^ Caritas in Kabul: anguish but no panic, still standing by the Afghans. (May 18, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  17. ^ Sisters of Mother Teresa in Kabul. (May 18, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  18. ^ Catholic School Opens in Afghanistan. (June 20, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-06-28.
  19. ^ Draft Afghan Constitution Does Not Address Religious Freedom. (November 20, 2003). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  20. ^ Barker, Kim (March 22, 2006). Afghan man faces death after leaving Islam for Christianity. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  21. ^ South Asia welcomes new pontiff. BBC (April 20, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.
  22. ^ Nuncio to Pakistan visiting Kabul. (October 12, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-06-18.

[edit] External links