Rolls-Royce RB262
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The Rolls-Royce RB262 is a new 2-shaft turbofan, which is due to run in Germany by the end of 2007, as part of the Efficiency, Environment and Economy (E3E) technology programme.
As a demonstrator, the RB262 is sized to develop a static thrust of 16,000-18,000lbf. At this size the gas generator comprises a 9-stage HP compressor driven by a 2-stage HP turbine. Probably, the fan has booster stages and the LP turbine at least 3 stages.
No engine cycle details are currently available for the demonstrator, but it is known that the E3E programme targets are:
1) a 20% reduction in fuel burn, when compared with a typical 5:1 bypass ratio turbofan
2) an 85% reduction in NOX emissions, when compared with current ICAO standards, by 2010
3) a 10dB reduction in noise level
Fairly obviously, the RB262 is aimed at the V2500/BR700 replacement market. Although the engine is intended to be scalable, it is understood that at small scale the gas generator may be simplified to a 7-stage HP compressor driven by a single stage HP turbine, since a high overall pressure cycle might not be suitable for the market.