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War of the League of Cambrai alliances
1508-1510 League of Cambrai against Venice
League of Cambrai: Papal States France Holy Roman Empire Aragon Venice
Result: League victory over Venice; large French presence in Italy
1510-1511 Venice-Papal alliance against France
Papal States Swiss Venice France
Result: French victory
1511-1513 Holy League against France
Holy League: Papal States, Venice, Spain, Holy Roman Empire, England, Swiss France
Result: Holy League victory; Germans refuse to surrender territory to Venice - Venice turns to France for help
1513-1516 Venetian-French alliance against Holy League
Holy League: Papal States, Spain, Holy Roman Empire, England, Swiss Venice France Scotland
Result: Venice and French victory over the Holy League

War of the League of Cambrai results
1508-1510 League of Cambrai against Venice
Result: League victory over Venice; large French presence in Italy
1510-1511 Venice-Papal alliance against France
Result: French victory
1511-1513 Holy League against France
Result: Holy League victory; Germans refuse to surrender territory to Venice - Venice turns to France for help
1513-1516 Venetian-French alliance against Holy League
Result: Venice and French victory over the Holy League