Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

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Roch Marc Christian Kaboré (born 25 April 1957) is the President of the National Assembly of Burkina Faso.


[edit] Early years

[edit] First school years

Kabore was born in Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso. He started in 1962 as a pupil his primary school and obtained his CEP in 1968 (Certificate of Primary School). This certificate permitted him to enter in a high school named College Saint Jean Baptiste de la Salle in the capital. He stayed in this school for seven years. From 1968 to 1975, Roch Marc Christian studyied to get a BEPC in 1972 and his Baccalaureate in 1975 which allowed him to enter university[1].

[edit] Last years of studies

He attended the University of Dijon in France. There, in 1975 he followed the Economic Science program to get his Bachelor's degree in 1979. After that he started the university third program cycle to get in 1980 the DESS, the diploma of superior studies in management. The acquirement of his diploma of management gave him the ability to enter in the active life but also drew the end of his studies in France and his return at home[1]. After finishing his studies, he returned to Burkina Faso.

[edit] Career

[edit] Professional career

Kabore worked as a banker for the International Bank of Burkina (BIB). He was eventually promoted to the head of the company. In 1984, at 27 years old, he was named the General Director of the BIB, and stayed in this position for five 5years. From 1984 toSeptember 1989, he has directed the bank before going into the political arena[1] [2].

[edit] Political career

He served in the government of Burkina Faso as a Minister, was a Special Adviser of the President, and has been a deputy in the National Assembly.[1] [2] [3] On June 5, 2002, he was elected for the second time as President of the National Assembly of Burkina Faso.

Function Period
Minister of Transports and Communications September 21, 1989
Minister of State February 16, 1992
Member of the Parliament Representing of the Kadiogo Region for the ODP/MT (now the CDP Party) May 24, 1992
Minister of State Minister of Finance and Plan From June 19, 1992 to September 3, 1993
Minister of State From September 3, 1993 to March 20, 1994
Prime Minister March 20, 1994
Special Advisor of the President of Burkina Faso From February 1996 to June 1997
Elected as a member of the National Assembly for the CDP Party May 11, 1997
Elected as President of the National Assembly July 1, 1997
Elected as the National Secretary of the CDP Party August 1999
Re-elected President of the National Assembly June 5, 2002
Elected President of the CDP Party August 2003

In the May 2007 parliamentary election, Kaboré was re-elected to the National Assembly as the first candidate on the CDP's national list. Following the election, the National Assembly again elected Kaboré as its President. He received 90 votes, while Norbert Tiendrébéogo received 13; there were seven invalid votes.[4]

[edit] President of Burkina Faso National Assembly

Being the President of National Assembly gives him three powers: political, parliament and administrative. Politically, he can replace the President of Burkina Faso in certain cases. Before to nominate the Mediator or dissolve the Parliament, the President of Burkina must consult him. The President of the Parliament has the power to nominate three members of the Conseil Constititionel and to establish and drive the international relationships of the National Assembly. On the administrative side, we can say that he is the administrative chief of the Assembly. He is the one proposing the budget before it goes for the vote. Also by controlling the police of the Parliament, he is responsible of the security inside and outside the Parliament. Considering the parliament powers, he is the Chief of the Parliament Office and the only one directing the discussions. He also orders and presides ordinary and extraordinary sessions. Moreover, he maintains the order, insures the respect of the rules in the Parliament and can stop at any moment a meeting in the Parliament.[5]

[edit] Cabinet of the National Assembly President

The President of the Parliament is helped in his work by his Cabinet. The cabinet is composed of the Cabinet Director who coordinates and transmits to all the agents the directions of the President. The chief of the Staff manages the program, the calendar and plans the activities of the President. The Protocol Office is in charge of the ceremonies, trips and audiences while the Office of Communication and Public Relations supervise the public relations of the Parliament, the audiovisual and all the information and documentation about the National Assembly. The Office of Procurement organizes the Parliament’s official reception and takes care of the Parliament President guests. The Particular Secretary takes care of the confidential mails and files all the fills treated. The Advisors are some specialists that the major role is to help the President of the parliament in specific domains. The President Particular Doctor looks after the health of the Parliament President and his family[6].

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Assemblee Nationale. (2006).Le President>>Biographie. Retrieved March 19, 2006 from
  2. ^ a b La Petite Academie. (2004). Detail sur la personnalite de KABORE Rock Marc Christian. Retrieved March 19, 2006, from
  3. ^ Sana, G. (2002). Roch Marc Christian Kabore: Le grand retour. Retrieved March 26, 2006 from
  4. ^ List of candidates elected to the National Assembly in 2007, National Assembly website (French).
  5. ^ Assemblee Nationale. (2006). Le President>>Attributions. Retrieved March 19, 2006 from
  6. ^ Assemblee Nationale. (2006). Le President>>Cabinet. Retrieved March 19, 2006 from