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Robert Wills
Robert Wills Computer Engineering was technically establish in 1984, when at the age of 14 Years, Robert Wills was liscencing software to Schools, Colleges & Universities, making a small fortune, Robert started his own business in Birmingham, mainly dealing with Acorn and Apple computers, and writing software for them. Mixing this with his young and exteremely successfull motoracing career with ex boxer Paddy Lynch as his sponsor and mentor, the onslaught of the IBM PC, and Microsoft Software crippled the companies cash flow. Robert wills sold the company as an ongoing concern, and emigrated to Canada, buying a local shop in Sudbury, Northern Ontario. After a 7 Years of Canadian life, he left his family behind, and came back to the UK with just the shirt he had on his back. Now Robert wills Computer Engineering, is in the Cambridge, the IT Silicon Valley of the UK. The company offers exclusive, RW Le Mans Endurance range of extreme high performance PC's and Workstations, that offer unprecidented robustness and reliability. The company also has an on site computer repair and maintainance service, covering all over Cambridgeshire and surrounding counties.