Robin Hood and Queen Katherine

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Robin Hood and Queen Katherine is Child ballad 145.[1] Robin Hood's Chase, Child ballad 146, takes up after it.

The Queen Katherine of the title is not certainly identified. The periods of time with which Robin Hood has normally been associated did not have any queens named Katherine. Because the king is sometimes called Henry, she may be meant as Katherine of Aragon, and the events taking place in the reign of Henry VIII of England.

[edit] Synopsis

Queen Katherine makes a bet about winning an archery contest. She summons Robin Hood and his men, and they win it for her.

[edit] Adaptations

Howard Pyle included this tale in The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood but, to make the tale historically consistent, made it Queen Eleanor making a bet with Henry II of England. Others have followed his lead in the substitution.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Francis Child, "The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, "Robin Hood and Queen Katherine"
  2. ^ Allen W. Wright, The Search for the Real Robin Hood