Robin Hood's Ball

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Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites*
UNESCO World Heritage Site
State Party United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Type Cultural
Criteria i, ii, iii
Reference 373
Region Europe and North America
Inscription history
Inscription 1986  (10th Session)
* Name as inscribed on World Heritage List.
Region as classified by UNESCO.

Robin Hood’s Ball is a Neolithic causewayed enclosure located on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It is approximately 5 miles from the town of Amesbury, and 2.5 miles from Stonehenge.


[edit] Etymology

Robin Hood’s Ball, despite the name, is entirely unrelated to the famous folklore hero Robin Hood. In fact 19th Century maps indicate that Robin Hood’s Ball was the name given to a small circular copse of wood just to the north west of the earthworks. It is probable that over time the name came to be associated with the enclosure instead.

[edit] Context

A causewayed enclosure consists of a circuit of ditches dug in short segments, leaving ‘causeways’ passing between them to the centre. Whilst some have three or four causeways Robin Hood’s Ball has only one, cutting through two circuits of ditches with some low banks behind them. If it were assumed that the area was free of woodland in the Neolithic period then its position on a low hill would have afforded clear views of the Plain in all directions, and the site of Stonehenge would have been visible, although it is likely that the Ball predates it by some time.

Robin Hood's Ball is located just outside the northern boundary of Stonehenge World Heritage Site but is listed as an associated site by UNESCO.

[edit] History

Robin Hood’s Ball is a Neolithic feature that dates from the earliest developments around the plain. It was probably constructed at some time around 4000BC and in use possibly up to 3000BC. When first constructed none of the more famous monuments to the south such as the Stonehenge Cursus, Durrington Walls, or even Stonehenge itself had yet been constructed. However, there may have been a henge at Coneybury, 1 mile east of Stonehenge, and it is possible that there were earlier features at Stonehenge before the bank and ditch was dug, as indicated by the Mesolithic postholes found in the area now under the car park. Several Long barrows will have been constructed on the Plain around the same time, including one close to the Ball and several more within short distances such as White Barrow and Winterbourne Stoke Long Barrow. It is estimated that the site began to fall out of use around 3000BC, about the same time as the earliest earthworks at Stonehenge (itself originally a causewayed enclosure) began.

[edit] Use

Robin hood’s Ball has never been comprehensively excavated and its use is unclear. The ditches and banks will not have been much use for defence, but may have helped keep animals out. The site was constructed at a time of transition from hunter-gatherer to permanent settlement during the Neolithic revolution, and the relatively even spacing of causewayed enclosures across the south indicates that they may have been the central points of tribes or communities.

[edit] Location

The site is located on Salisbury Plain Training Area and within the boundaries of its live firing area. It is next to a public right of way, but this can only be used when danger flags are not flying, and it is not permissible to leave the track.

[edit] See Also

[edit] Bibliography