Robert Sheaffer

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Robert Sheaffer (born 1949), is a freelance writer and a prominent investigator of unidentified flying objects, Christianity, feminism, and many other subjects. He is an outspoken skeptic and critic of the above topics, and has written numerous critiques of feminist beliefs and ideas, Christian beliefs regarding the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the theory that UFOs may be alien spacecraft or some other unknown phenomena and not simply hoaxes or misidentifications of known phenomena. He is also a strong defender of the theory of evolution, and a critic of the theory of creationism, or the belief that God or a supernatural being created the universe.

Sheaffer has written articles for Scientific American, Astronomy magazine, The Skeptical Inquirer, Fate Magazine, and Spaceflight. He was a founding member (with Philip J. Klass and James Oberg) of the UFO Subcommittee of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (formerly CSICOP), and is a fellow of that organization. He is a member of MENSA.

[edit] Books and articles by Robert Sheaffer

[edit] External links
