Robert Laben

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Robert Laben ( November 16, 1920 - August 7, 2005) was an American academic.

Laben was raised in Genesee County, New York on a dairy farm. In 1948 he attended Cornell College. In 1950 he was hired at UC Davis. He is a Professor of Emeritus of Animal Sciences. For 36 years he was a highly regarded teacher and active faculty member. In addition he was a respected undergraduate advisor known for his open door policy and genuine concern for students. For 17 years he served as the Master Advisor of Animal Science. Professor Laben retired in 1986 and since has stayed active in the University. He served as a member of Animal Science Departs Memorial Fund Committee which supports undergraduate student activities. His Department also named an undergraduate scholarship after him and wife Dorothy. He has also throughout his lifetime been a generous contributor to funds supporting service. He died August 7th, 2005.

Mid school year 2006-2007 in honor of Robert Laben a Residence hall was named after him. Laben Hall stands in the South Tercero Residence Area. [1]