Robert Kushner

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Robert Kushner, M.D. is a renowned Chicagoan, doctor and published author. Board certified in internal medicine and nutrition, Dr. Kushner has studied in-depth the life patterns approach to weight loss, which is based on more than 20 years of clinical experience.

Since 2001, Kushner has been listed in the Best Doctors in America Database, and has become a reputed national and international speaker. He is frequently quoted in the media and has appeared on such national television programs as Good Morning America and CNN.

As the author of the American Medical Association’s newly released Obesity Treatment Guide for Physicians (2006), Dr. Kushner requires all of his overweight patients to take the Diet Personality Quiz [1] before he initiates weight loss treatment. This is a diagnostic quiz that allows Dr. Kushner and his staff members to better focus their care on each patient and his or her specific problems.[citation needed]

According to Dr. Kushner,

"Most diet plans miss the boat when it comes to getting one’s weight under control for life. Being overweight is a multi-dimensional lifestyle problem; it’s not just about the food.”

Therefore, his approach is one that aims to work for not just one specific person, but rather anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off for good.


[edit] Education

Dr. Kushner received his medical degree from the University of Illinois Medical School in Chicago. He completed his internal medicine training at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago and received a fellowship and master’s degree in clinical nutrition from the University of Chicago.

[edit] Published Work

  • Dr. Kushner's Personality Type Diet (2004) ISBN 0312325827
  • Fitness Unleashed: A dog Owner's Guide to Losing Weight and Gaining Health Together (2006) ISBN 0307338584
  • American Medical Association's Obesity Treatment Guide for Physicians (2006)

[edit] Offices Held and Awards

  • Medical Director, [2]
    • President, American Board of Nutrition Physician Specialists

[edit] External links

[edit] References