Robert Berger (mathematician)

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Robert Berger is the name of at least two notable mathematicians.

[edit] Robert Berger (U.S.)

Robert Berger invented the first aperiodic tiling using a set of 20,426 distinct tile shapes. This disproved a conjecture of Hao Wang (Berger's advisor), and was published as the Undecidability of the domino problem in the Memoirs of the AMS in 1966. This paper was essentially a reprint of Berger's 1964 dissertation at Harvard University; Berger's other two committee members were Patrick Carl Fischer and Marvin Minsky.

[edit] Robert W. Berger (Germany)

Robert W. Berger was born in 1933. He received his Ph.D. in 1958 at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; it was titled,"Derivationen mehrstufiger diskreter Bewertungsringe von Primzahlcharakteristik."[1] He published a number of geometry textbooks. Among them was "Differentialrechnung in der analytischen Geometrie" published in 1967 as part of the Springer-Verlag Lecture notes in mathematics series.