River Gee County

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River Gee County
Location of River Gee County in Liberia
Capital Fish Town
Districts 2
ISO 3166-2 LR-RG

River Gee is one of the 15 counties of Liberia.


[edit] Formation and Geography

River Gee split from Grand Gedeh County in May 2000 after receiving approval from Liberia's House of Representatives in May 1997 and Senate approval in March 2000. On the east of the county is the Cavalla River that forms Liberia's border with the Ivory Coast. River Gee also borders Sinoe County to the east, Grand Gedeh County to the north, Grand Kru County to the south, and Maryland County, also to the South. River Gee's capital is Fishtown.

The districts of River Gee County include:

[edit] Demographics

River Gee currently has a population estimated at 74,800, including thousands of people who fled to Liberia following conflict in the Ivory Coast during 2002. About 92% of the county's inhabitants derive the majority of their income from agricultural production. Rice is the principal crop in River Gee, accounting for approximately 60% of the county's production according to UN estimates. Other important crops include cassava and bananas.

[edit] Government

River Gee county is currently led by county superintendent Hon. Karuku Sampson..

[edit] External links

  • Press Release on visit of top UNMIL officials to River Gee County describing UNMIL operations in the county.
  • Report on conditions in River Gee and other Liberian counties by the ICRC.

Coordinates: 5°15′N, 7°55′W