River City Locations

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The following is a list of locations often seen on the BBC Scotland television soap opera River City.

Scotland's Soap
Scotland's Soap


[edit] Current Locations

[edit] The Tall Ship

The Tall Ship - Shieldinch's watering hole
The Tall Ship - Shieldinch's watering hole

The Tall Ship, or The Ship, is central to much of the goings on in Shieldinch. First owned by Tommy and Eileen Donachie until his murder, it is now part owned by Raymond Henderson, who originally did so with his then-wife Roisin Henderson. Eileen continues to work in the bar, along with Raymond. Attached to the bar is a restaurant (see below).

[edit] The Grill

The Grill is the restaurant attached to The Tall Ship and often used by the residents of Montego Street for important occasions/general dinner dates. The main chef was Cormac O'Sullivan before he left Shieldinch, but it is now part-run by Liam McNulty, who has overhauled the eatery.

[edit] Oyster Cafe

The Oyster Cafe is owned by Gina Buchanan. With an art deco Italian design found in many cafes across Scotland, the Oyster Cafe has an authentically Glasgow-feel. Usually staffed by Gina and Sergio, they have been joined by Douglas Buchanan who wished to help out Gina after Scarlett Adams left to set up Interjumble. The cafe has been used for the usual catch-ups, but for special functions also.

The Oyster Cafe - owned by Gina Buchanan
The Oyster Cafe - owned by Gina Buchanan

[edit] Versus

Versus bar came about when Heather Bellshaw purchased the space from Blink Inc when it was wound up. It is the more modern of the bars in Shieldinch. It provides alternative nightlife for the residents of Shieldinch and attracts a rich and very colourful crowd. Managed by Heather, it was temporarily managed by Susie Wu when Heather was in Australia, but upon Heather's return, she found it was also being used as a base for the local escort service. Since then, and her partner Gerry McGrade's ill-health, Heather has been more determined than ever to run the bar to the best of her abilities.

[edit] Montego Deli

Montego Deli is the local shop owned by the McIntyre sisters. Providing a place for Montego Street residents to both shop and gossip, the deli has seen various faces behind the till. Currently, Shona, Roisin and Iona manage the shop between them.

[edit] Moda Vida

Local salon, owned by Billy Davies and Shirley Henderson.

[edit] McGrade & Kydd

McGrade & Kydd - Shieldinch's new legal practice
McGrade & Kydd - Shieldinch's new legal practice

A law firm with Gerry McGrade and Fi Kydd as its partners. Was previously JP McSweeney's, an unused set on the street. Since Fi's exit from Shieldinch and Gerry's long-term ill-health, the future of the practice is unknown.

[edit] Hola!

Hola! is Shieldinch's classy clothing boutique. It was opened by proprietor Lydia Murdoch using money from her gangster husband Lenny. As a result of this, it has attracted some criticism from Scarlett Adams.

[edit] Montego Motors

Owned by Bob Adams, Montego Motors is the garage used by the residents when automobiles require repairing.

[edit] Shieldinch Medical Centre

Currently, Dr. Mai Lau is the main GP at the medical centre. Alice Henderson used to provide a rehabilitation service at the centre. Other employees include Ruth Green and Tina Hunter, a nurse.

[edit] Med Dreams

An overseas property development company jointly owned by Marty Green and Niamh Corrigan. Lenny Murdoch is a silent partner in the firm, situated in the former construction site of Lewis Cope Construction.

[edit] Shieldinch Subway Station

No area of Glasgow is complete without one. The Shieldinch Subway station has seen many a dramatic entrance, and exit, in its time on River City.

[edit] New Locations

[edit] InterJumble

A new venture by Derek Henderson and Scarlett Adams, InterJumble is currently in its infancy, although both have high hopes for the project. It is modelled as a store that patrons can take items to be auctioned off on the internet, with InterJumble taking a cut of the profits.

[edit] Community Centre

idea came from Shona at her meeting in the tall ship in which many people discussed what was needed in their town. Possibly on the same site as 'DeeKafe'.

[edit] Past Locations

[edit] DeeKafe

An open-air cafe that was owned by Derek Henderson, with Carly Fraser the main employee. Since the lot was sold to Sonny Munro, its usage has remained unclear. Originally Sonny planned to open a new restaurant in his chain of fast-food outlets, but due to local opposition has handed the running of the site over to Shona MacIntyre, who has other more wholesome plans for it.

[edit] Lazy Ray's

Previously owned by Raymond Henderson, with Roisin its main employee, Lazy Ray's was then taken over by Derek Henderson who originlly continued to operate the unit as a beauty parlour until he rented it out to Lena & Angela who ran an escort service, using the parlour as a cover.

[edit] Blink Inc

Originally sited where Versus bar is now. Blink Inc was a graphics design company set up by Scott Wallace and Nazir Malik. The two got into trouble when they sub-let part of the office to Heather Bellshaw. Various financial difficulties, along with Nazir's exit from Shieldinch, meant that Blink Inc was sold.

[edit] Wok My World

Firstly a derelict unit, the basement of which was used by Brian Henderson to hold Hazel Donachie hostage, the corner building then became used for the Wu family's Chinese takeaway, Wok My World. It was also used by Lenny Murdoch as a front for his empire of crime, although the takeaway has now made way for Lenny's wife, Lydia Murdoch,'s boutique, Hola.

[edit] Lewis Cope Construction

Situated in the cabins on the construction site, Lewis Cope Construction was a building firm owned by Lewis Cope. It was sold when he left Shieldinch and is now home to Marty Green and Niamh Corrigan's Med Dreams overseas property firm.

[edit] Malik's

Malik's was the local shop run by the Malik family while they lived in Shieldinch. While they were leaving and when she won the lottery, Roisin McIntyre purchased the shop from them, turning it into the Montego Deli.

[edit] See also