Rindler coordinates/Old

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The Rindler coordinate system describes a uniformly accelerating frame of reference in Minkowski space. In special relativity, a uniformly accelerating particle undergoes hyperbolic motion.

Two-dimensional representation of the Rindler coordinate system with T as the "angular" coordinate and X as the "radial" coordinate.
Two-dimensional representation of the Rindler coordinate system with T as the "angular" coordinate and X as the "radial" coordinate.

Minkowski space is the topologically trivial flat pseudo Riemannian manifold with Lorentzian signature. This is a coordinate-free description of it. One possible coordinatization of it (the standard one) is the Cartesian coordinate system

ds^2 \, =dt^2-dx^2-dy^2-dz^2

It is possible to use another coordinate system with the coordinates T, X, Y, and Z. These two coordinate systems are related according to

t = Xsinh(T)
x = Xcosh(T)
y = Y
z = Z

for X > 0.

In this coordinate system, the metric takes on the following form:

ds^2 \, =X^2dT^2-dX^2-dY^2-dZ^2

This coordinate system does not cover the whole of Minkowski spacetime but rather a wedge (called a Rindler wedge or Rindler space). If we define this wedge as quadrant I, then the coordinate system can be extended to include quandrant III by simply allowing X < 0 as a parameter. Quadrants II and IV can be included by using the following alternate relations

t = Xcosh(T)
x = Xsinh(T),

in which case the metric becomes

ds^2 \, =-X^2dT^2+dX^2-dY^2-dZ^2

Furthermore, defining a variable R where

2R − 1 = x2t2

results in a single expression for the metric for all quadrants

ds2 = (2R − 1)dT2 − (2R − 1) − 1dR2dY2dZ2.

Rindler coordinates are analogous to cylindrical coordinates via a Wick rotation. See also Unruh effect

[edit] Observers in an Accelerated Reference Frame

Truncated Minkowski space with T as the "angular" coordinate and R as the "radial" coordinate.
Truncated Minkowski space with T as the "angular" coordinate and R as the "radial" coordinate.

[edit] Further reading

Category:Relativity Category:Coordinate charts in general relativity

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