Ridge Forrester

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Ridge Forrester Sr.

Ronn Moss as Ridge Forrester (2007)
The Bold and the Beautiful
Portrayed by Ronn Moss
(1987 - )
First appearance Episode 1
March 27, 1987
Nickname(s) The Dressmaker, Forrester (by Nick Marone)
Gender Male
Date of birth January 28, 1959
Designer at Forrester Creations
Former Designer at Forrester Originals
Former Head Designer at Forrester Creations
Former CEO of Forrester Creations
Former Vice Chairman of Marone Industries
Former Owner and CEO of Spectra Fashions
Residence The Logan Mansion
200 N. Beston Place
Los Angeles, California

Ridge Forrester Sr. (also known as Ridge Marone) is a fictional character from the American soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. Ridge has been played since the show's beginning in 1987 by actor Ronn Moss.


[edit] The favorite Forrester/Marone son

Ridge Forrester Sr. is the elder son of Massimo Marone and Stephanie Forrester, but he was raised by his mother's husband, Eric Forrester. He has four younger half-siblings: Nick (Jack Wagner), Thorne (Winsor Harmon), Kristen (Tracy Melchior) and Felicia (Lesli Kay). Ridge was the favored son of Eric and especially Stephanie, something that caused severe problems with their other son Thorne Forrester, because he was thought of as having Stephanie's strength and Eric's talent. Upon the revelation of being the son of Massimo Marone it became evident that his business skills come from Massimo while Eric did teach him designing. Ridge was also favored by his father over his half-brother Dominick Marone, which infriates Nick to this day.

[edit] Ridge's First Wife Caroline and her Death

In the beginning, Ridge was a "playboy", until two women, Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Caroline Spencer (Joanna Johnson), caught his eye. Ridge chose to marry Caroline in 1990, devastating Brooke. But their marriage was short lived because Caroline was diagnosed with cancer and her oncologist, Dr. Taylor Hayes, began to fall in love with Ridge. When Caroline died from leukemia, Brooke's heart once again went out to Ridge. Dr. Hayes (Hunter Tylo) advised Brooke to give Ridge time to grieve and then later pursued Ridge herself.

[edit] Brooke's Pregnancy

Brooke had become pregnant and went around telling everyone that the baby was Ridge's, which was later proven by a paternity test. Ridge was already then married to Taylor, and Ridge being Bridget's father took it's toil on their marriage, while Brooke and Ridge grew closer. When a plane crashed that Taylor was scheduled to be on, a grief stricken Ridge believed she had died in the fiery wreck. Brooke again comforted Ridge. Brooke was engaged to Dr. James Warwick (Ian Buchanan) and Ridge would not stand in her way. He told her that he did not love her and that she should marry James. As James and Brooke exchanged vows, Ridge rushed in, stopped the wedding and proclaimed his love for Brooke. Ridge and Brooke then married. As they honeymooned, they were happy, until a very much alive Taylor returned. Ridge was torn between the two women whom he supposedly loved deeply. When his marriage to Brooke was declared null and void, Ridge chose Brooke over Taylor, and divorced Taylor.

When a new paternity test revealed Eric as Bridget's father and not Ridge, Ridge called off the wedding. Brooke ran off to Barbados and Ridge followed to bring her back. Then the threesome played musical chairs a few more rounds. When Ridge caught Brooke kissing fashion designer Grant Chambers (Charles Grant) he proposed to Taylor the love of his life in front of Brooke at a fashion show. An angry Brooke ran off and married Grant. In order to get back at the Forresters, Brooke gave controlling interest of Forrester Creations to Grant. Grant became a tyrant and all of the Forresters hated him. Then somebody shot Grant. Grant knew it was Brooke's son Rick (then played by Steven Hartman) who had shot him, but he was accusing Ridge of doing it. When Grant went to Ridge and told him that Rick had shot him, Ridge pleaded guilty to the charge against him. Grant pleaded with the court to go easy on Ridge in his sentencing. Ridge was eventually let out on parole. After Taylor became pregnant with a child and told everyone that it was Thorne's, Ridge and Brooke finally married after Brooke was pregnant, only later to be faked after her miscarriage.

When Taylor's baby's paternity was revealed and Ridge learned that Brooke who had always been a third party in Taylor and Ridge's marriage had known and purposely withheld the information from Ridge. Ridge felt betrayed by his so-called bride, quickly had the marriage annulled, and remarried Taylor, who had given birth to his son and first child, Thomas (Drew Tyler Bell).

The parents kept their marriage together, because of Brooke's never-ending train of crises and needing Ridge to sort out her problems and her begging Ridge to end his marriage to Taylor took a toll on the couples marriage. Ridge and Taylor, became parents again in late 1999, this time to twin girls, Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Phoebe (MacKenzie Mauzy). But problems surfaced; Morgan DeWitt (Sarah Buxton), Ridge's former lover and Taylor's friend, was expecting a child, fathered by Ridge as a result of an e-mail fiasco: Morgan sent an e-mail from Taylor's e-mail box giving Ridge permission to impregnate Morgan the oldfashion way. And Ridge was stupid enough to buy it. After Taylor learned of this, she and Morgan had a heated confrontation which resulted in Morgan falling down the stairs, causing her to miscarry, an event that sent Morgan over the edge. She then kidnapped Ridge and Taylor's daughter, Steffy, and made it look like she died in a boating accident. She then changed the young girl's name and passed her off as her own child. After Taylor discovered Steffy was alive, Morgan kidnapped Taylor as well, with the help of her friend, Dr. Tim Reid (Aaron Lustig). Morgan went after Ridge once again, but when he realized where his wife and child were he rescued them and had Morgan committed.

Months later, Ridge used Brooke's absence from Forrester Creations to take over the company for good. He almost succeeded, but Rick (then Justin Torkildsen) and brother-in-law Deacon Sharpe stopped him by telling Brooke everything. Ridge was then demoted from CEO of the company to his old position, head designer. Ridge could not stand his old position and at a board meeting, threatened that if Brooke didn't make him CEO again, he was quitting. Brooke refused his deal and ousted him from the company. He then injured his drawing hand severely during a fight with Deacon and Rick. The injury left him unable to draw. Ridge then turned to Massimo Marone (Joseph Mascolo), an old friend of his mother's, who was revealed to be his real father, for help. Massimo made him heir to all of his fortunes and allowed Ridge to use Marone Industries to take revenge on Brooke for destroying his career.

[edit] Taylor's Death

When Amber Forrester (Adrienne Frantz) need help for her drug addiction and needed a place to stay, she turned to Taylor, who let Amber move in. This new relationship between the two women became problematic for Taylor and Ridge's marriage. Ridge hated most of his family, especially Rick and Amber, for "stealing" Forrester Creations from him. He thought of Amber as nothing but trailer trash who shouldn't be in his home. While Amber was staying with Ridge and Taylor, she was kidnapped by Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown). After a failed attempt on Amber's life, Sheila then drove to Eric's house and held him at gun point. Taylor realized that Eric, the man she had loved once, could be in danger and went to him home to warn him, discovering that Sheila was already there. Taylor had almost convinced Sheila to put the gun down when Brooke walked in, and a struggle between the four of them erupted. Brooke and Taylor were both shot. Taylor hung on in a critical condition long enough to say goodbye to her family, before dying peacefully in her husband's arms.

While mourning the loss of Taylor, Ridge let the family feud die down, and turned to them for comfort. He also received comfort from Brooke and psychiatrist Tricia Quick (Tamara Davies), a friend of Taylor's. Taylor had called her from her deathbed and asked her to be there for Ridge and the children. Brooke and Ridge became very close again. To give Ridge something to focus on other than the death of this wife, Eric challenged Ridge to a fashion duel in Italy. Ridge accepted, and both Spectra Fashions and Forrester Creations went to Italy to battle on the runway. After a time, Ridge began to fall in love with Brooke again and they married. On there honeymoon in South America Ridge then Brooke and Ridge's half-brother Dominick Marone were kidnapped by Sheila Carter. They were rescued by Massimo but in a fight with their kidnappers Ridge saving Brooke fell into a burning furance alive and was presumed dead. Devastated Brooke was seduced by Nick but when Ridge turned out to be alive Brooke was faced with a dilemma once she learned she was pregnant. Believing that Nick was the child's father, her marriage to Ridge was annulled, and she prepared to marry Nick.

[edit] Taylor's Return

Ridge, devastated by Brooke's rejection, was determined to get her back in his life. After making sure that Nick and Brooke's wedding didn't happen, Ridge managed to talk Brooke into a reconciliation, and they soon learned that Brooke's baby was fathered by Ridge not Nick. They wed again, planning to spend the rest of their lives together. Ridge was then shocked to discover that Taylor was, in fact, still alive.

Ridge now faced a new dilemma - he now had two women calling themselves Mrs. Ridge Forrester. His marriage to Brooke was soon revealed as invalid due to Taylor's reappearance, but Ridge could not decide which woman he wanted to be with. After Stephanie faked a heart attack, Ridge and Taylor renewed their vows at the hospital, almost a shotgun wedding manipulated by Stephanie, but Ridge was furious with his mother after learning that she had faked the heart attack to manipulate him. He remained with Taylor, but when Taylor confessed to both a kiss with Hector Ramirez (Lorenzo Lamas) and a one night stand with James Warwick at Big Bear years ago, Ridge told her that their marriage was over because he couldn't forgive the way she had treated Brooke over the years, despite being guilty of worse things. After he and Taylor divorced, Ridge began pursuing Brooke in earnest, but Brooke insisted she was loyal to Nick, who had recently separated from her daughter Bridget (Ashley Jones).

Massimo, in favor of Ridge's union with Brooke, attempted to break up Nick and Brooke by framing Nick's mother (and Massimo's ex-wife) Jackie Payne (Lesley-Anne Down) and having her sent to jail, saying that he would have her released only if Brooke left Nick for Ridge. Nick and Brooke stood strong and remained together, and were eventually able to convince Massimo to free Jackie.

Ridge even went so far as to bringing Brooke's father back in town to show her a man who had done even worse things to her than he himself had done. Brooke was so shocked of Ridge's plan that she told both of them to leave her house and took sedatives in order to sleep. Ridge followed her upstairs and slept with the drugged out half unconscious Brooke.

When a depressed Ridge had a heart attack during an argument with Stephanie over Brooke leaving him, Stephanie had a change of heart about Brooke and begged her to reunite with Ridge, if for no other reason, to save his life. Brooke went back to Ridge, but when he recovered she let him down gently and married Nick.

A relationship developed between Ridge and Donna (Jennifer Gareis), Brooke's sister. However, he never let go of his love for Brooke, and neither did she. Eventually Ridge and Brooke reunited after Nick had a one-night stand with his ex-wife and Brooke's daughter Bridget and along with his mother, Jackie, blackmailed Eric and the rest of the Forresters into selling them Forrester Creations in lieu of Stephanie going to prison for Jackie's fall during an argument. Brooke was disgusted with Nick's cruel treatment of the Forresters, and it was she who initiated her and Ridge's new-found love for each other. However, a strain was put on their relationship when Rick (now Kyle Lowder) returned from Paris and began a relationship with Ridge's teenage daughter, Phoebe. Ridge considered Rick to be too old for his daughter, and Stephanie also had reservations. Brooke, however, was more understanding of the relationship and allowed them to continue to see each other, unbeknownst to Ridge. When Ridge discovered that Phoebe was still seeing Rick, he became physically aggressive toward his stepbrother. Brooke was furious with Ridge for manhandling her son, and warned him that if he ever laid another finger on Rick, he would lose her. When Ridge again caught Rick in bed with his daughter Phoebe during a trip to Sydney, Australia, Ridge, defending his daughter's honor, hit Rick knocking him to the floor. Brooke was devastated that Ridge had again reacted with violence towards her son and broke off her engagement to Ridge.

[edit] Ridge's Struggle

In April 2007, Ridge was involved in a violent struggle with the unstable Shane McGrath (Dax Griffin), resulting in Shane deliberately shooting himself in order to get back at Ridge. Ridge disposed of the body in the Santa Monica Bay, and has reluctantly agreed to Stephanie's scheme to frame Nick for the crime. However, Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson), who Ridge dated, has grew suspicious of Ridge. However, Ridge was cleared when it was discovered that Shane had shot himself and that Ridge hadn't ever shot Grant Chambers, because Rick had. (Ridge had claimed responsibility for that to protect him). Even later, after some unfortunate situations which led Child Protective Services to temporarily remove Hope and R.J. from Brooke's custody, had strained relations between Brooke and him. However, after Brooke was attacked by sleazy lawyer, Andy Johnson, Ridge fought him, and he accidentally electrocuted himself. Then Ridge dropped the custody suit that his mother wanted him to file, and reunited Brooke with her children. He then enlisted the help of one of Andy's co-workers, and a private investigator, Ridge had discovered that it was Stephanie, his own mother, who had given Andy all the information on Brooke. Eric, Ridge and Brooke got together to confront Stephanie, but she left a letter apologizing. When Stephanie returned, Ridge exploded at her about what she did to Brooke; and told her not to expect to be forgiven this time. His animosity towards his mother continued unabated when she tried to attend the first fasion show since Eric regained Forrester Creations. He told his mother not to interfere and not to attend, however she attended nonetheless. Ridge stated he supported Eric's decision to be with Donna, to Thorne and Felicia's collective dismay; but he joined them in a unified front. Ridge had been speaking to the media when Stephanie was shot, and he hadn't been aware of her shooting and hospitalization as of yet.

[edit] Return to Brooke

After breaking off his engagement to Ashley Abbott and returning to Brooke Logan, his true love. The disclosure of Brooke being the biological mother of Nick's son, Jack Marone has put a potential problem in the way of Ridge remarrying Brooke but both are committed to each other and raising Hope and R.J. together under the same roof.

Yet another problem has arisen with Ridge learning that Brooke's brother Storm Logan was the one who shot his mother. Brooke has tried to asure Ridge that Storm is not a threat but Ridge disagrees. Although Stephanie has given Storm his freedom Ridge was furious to learn that Storm was still employed at Forrester Creations. Ridge then fired Storm from Forrester warning him to stay away from him, his family, and anyone that works for Forrester Creations.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
