The Return of the Rivers (1958) ·The Galilee Hitch-Hiker (1958) ·Lay The Marble Tea (1959) ·The Octopus Frontier (1960) ·All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (1963) ·Please Plant This Book (1968) ·The Pill versus the Springhill Mine Disaster (1968) ·Rommel Drives on Deep into Egypt (1970) ·Loading Mercury with a Pitchfork (1971) ·June 30th June 30th (1978) ·The Edna Webster Collection of Undiscovered Writings (1999)
At Sea Wild Dogs (1965) .The Overland Journey of Joseph Francl and the Eternal Sleep of His Wife Antonia (1968) .The Old Lady (1971) .The Silence of Flooded Houses (1975) ·Owl's: The CoEvolution Quarterly (1976) ·Space Colonies (1977)