Rick van Velthuysen

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Rick van Velthuysen (Rotterdam, 15 September 1961) is a Dutch radio dj.

Rick started his career at the age of 18 with Radio Bollenstreek. In 1985 he became a dj with KRO and had a gameshow with Peter van Dam.

With AVRO Rick started dj-ing for the big public in 1986. When Kas van Iersel left Radio 3 Rick was allowed to make the later popular radio- and televisionshow Top Pop.

On 11 December 1992 Rick van Velthuysen was asked to help start Radio 538 by Erik de Zwart. He has since then had successful shows at Radio 538 and has now been working there for 14 years.

Currently you can listen to Rick every Tuesday till Friday from midnight till 3 am. He has the show MiddenInDeNachtRick (MiddleInTheNightRick) then, with side-kick Rianne, producer Koert Walraven and the so-called side-chicks (Varying Guests).

Rick also has an own program in Spain called "Hallo Costa Olanda" for Dutchmen in Spain. He does do that from his own house.

Rick has been married and has two children.

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