Richard Ranallo

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Richard A. Ranallo is a writer and game designer. He is credited as one of the authors of the Starchildren: Velvet Generation role-playing game. Currently, Richard Ranallo is playing a number of characters in the Vampire: The Requiem circuit, in spite of what critics believe is a complete and total lack of piano playing ability.

Despite his many claims, it was established sometime in the late nineties that middle initial A did not indeed stand for Anarchy. Birth records show that the A stands for Agree. Both his personal life and professional life have been bolstered with fantastic stories. It is this skill as a charlatan that make him such a skilled game designer and story teller. Going along with his lies is often easier than pointing out the loop hole and inaccuracies.

While speculation is high on the subject, Richard has not yet announced any plans to run for public office, although he has hinted that he may run for private office.