Richard Grant (author)

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Richard Grant (born 1952) is a science fiction and fantasy author.

[edit] List of Works

  • Saraband of Lost Time (1985) Nominated Philip K. Dick Award-Science Fiction
  • Rumors of Spring (1986)-Fantasy
  • Views from the Oldest House (1989)-Fantasy
  • Through the Heart (1991) Winner Philip K. Dick Award-Fantasy
  • Tex and Molly in the Afterlife (1996)-Fiction
  • In the Land of Winter (1997)-Fiction
  • Kaspian Lost (1999)
  • Another Green World (2006)
  • "Drode's Equations" (1981), a short story that appeared in New Dimensions 12 and is available in the science fiction anthology The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, edited by David G Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer (1994)

[edit] External links

  • [1]Fantasic Fiction's entry on Richard Grant, which contains some images of his books' covers (note: some books had more than one cover)