Richard Fields

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Richard Fields
All My Children
Portrayed by James A. Stephens
First appearance 1993
Last appearance 2003
Cause/reason Fatal heart attack

Richard Fields was a fictional character on the American soap opera All My Children. The character was portrayed by actor James A. Stephens from 1993-1994 and then 2003.

[edit] Brief character details

Richard Fields was a motion picture heartthrob of the 50's and 60's. He is also a sexual predator who has attacked a string of underage girls. In 1976 a thirteen year-old Erica Kane has a crush on Fields and her father, a film director arranges for her to meet him on her fourteenth birthday. An awe-struck Erica dances with Fields and he then rapes her. A confused and traumatized Erica ends up pregnant, which she manages to hide from her mother for a while. Mona finds out what happened that stormy night and takes Erica to Arizona to have her baby, which she puts up for adoption.

Years later the child that Erica gave up, Kendall Hart, shows up in Pine Valley. She doesn't know that Erica was raped and is determined to get to know her birth mother. Erica is cold to Kendall and when she finds out Kendall is her daughter, she tells Kendall to go back to her adoptive parents.

Kendall was now determined to make Erica pay! She concocts a plan where she attempts to seduce her mother's husband, Dimitri Marick. When that doesn't work, she seduces Dimitri's son, Anton Lang. She then lies to Erica, telling her that Dimiti raped her. An angry Erica stabs Dimiti with a letter opener.

When Erica is charged with attempted murder, Kendall recants her story, to make Erica seem unbalanced. She tracks down Richard Fields and he convinces Kendall that he never raped Erica.

One day Kendall brings a young Bianca with her when she visits Richard. While the two a briefly left alone, Richard tries to rape Bianca. Kendall returns to find Bianca sobbing hysterically and her skirt is torn. Kendall finally sees her father for the monster he really is!

Mona confronts Richard and in the midst of a heated argument he has a massive heart attack and dies. Mona is convinced that he is faking and walks out on him.

[edit] External links