Rich Matteson

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Jazzmen Rich Matteson, Red Rodney, and Ira Sullivan at the Village Jazz Lounge in Walt Disney World (photo by Laura Kolb)
Jazzmen Rich Matteson, Red Rodney, and Ira Sullivan at the Village Jazz Lounge in Walt Disney World (photo by Laura Kolb)

Rich Matteson, (born Richmond Matteson, January 12, 1929 - died June 24, 1993) was an American jazz icon who chose the euphonium as his primary instrument. He was acknowledged by peers worldwide as the premier jazz euphonium artist. He was greatly admired. Dedicated to jazz education, Matteson inspired colleagues and students alike to push the boundaries of their musical talents and performance abilities. Future generations of musicians will be inspired and influenced by the legacy of his recordings, publications, and by his many successful students and disciples.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Comments of Harvey G. Phillips