
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rheintal (Swiss German: Rhine Valley) is a wahlkreis (constituency) of the Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland, formed under the new constitution of the canton on 10 June 2001. It consists largely of the former districts of Oberrheintal and Unterrheintal.

The population as of December 2006 was 64,138, living within 13 municipalities:

Constituency name Population
(Dec 2006)
Area, km² BFS
Altstätten 10598 39.11 3251
Au 6661 4.69 3231
Balgach 4077 6.52 3232
Berneck 3396 5.63 3233
Diepoldsau 5556 11.23 3234
Eichberg 1324 5.43 3252
Marbach 1878 4.42 3253
Oberriet 7816 34.51 3254
Rebstein 4228 4.26 3255
Rheineck 3226 2.18 3235
Rüthi 1945 9.34 3256
St. Margrethen 5338 6.85 3236
Widnau 8095 4.20 3238
Total (13) 64138 138.37 1723