Rheinische Dokumenta

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The Rheinische Dokumenta is a phonetic writing system developed in the early 1980s by a working group of academics, linguists, local language experts, and local language speakers of the Rhineland. It was presented to the public 1986 by the Landschaftsverband Rheinland. It offers a uniform common notation of almost every phoneme spoken in the Lower Rhine area, the western and central Rhineland, the Berg region, the Westerwald, Eifel, and Hunsrück mountain regions, plus the areas surrounding the Nahe and Moselle Rivers. It encompasses the dialects of cities such as Aachen, Bingen, Bonn, Cologne, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Eschweiler, Essen, Eupen, Gennep, Gummersbach, Heinsberg, Karlsruhe, Kaiserslautern, Kerkrade, Cleves, Koblenz, Limburg, Ludwigshafen, Luxembourg, Maastricht, Mainz, Malmedy, Mönchengladbach, Nijmwegen, Oberhausen, Prüm, Raeren, Saarbrücken, Siegen, Trier, Venlo, St. Vith, Wiesbaden, Wipperfürth, Wuppertal, Xanten, and many more.


[edit] Letters

The Rheinische Dokumenta uses the letters of todays latin alphabet less c, q, x, y, z, plus the bigraphs ch, ch, ng, and the trigraph sch, and in addition, the three common German Umlauts, and Image:Rheindok1.png

Each letter is strictly representing one phoneme. Most letters represent the usual phonemes for which they are used in the German language writing or, slightly less so, in the Dutch language writing, as well. Several letters are ambiguous in these languages, such as voiced consonants which lose their voice when appearing at the end of a word. These ambiguities are avoided writing Rheinische Dokumenta; despite the fact that word stems may change their printed appearance, when declensed or conjugated, always the most phonetically correct letters are being used.

[edit] Accents

Stress, and the tonal accents are usually ignored when writing in Rheinische Dokumenta. There are diacriticals to indicate them, though, but since they are seen to considerably hamper readability, make prints ugly, and are hardly necessary to facilitate understanding, they are seldomly used. Some dialects do not have tonal accents anyway. For the other ones, there are only very few word pairs or triples having identical unaccented Rheinische Dokumenta spellings, but different tonal or stress accents.

Also, other prosody, such as the "melody" of sentence, which carries semantic information in many Rheinisch languages, is not preserved in Rheinische Dokumenta writing.

[edit] Vowels

Vowels come in two variants, short and long. The fact that not so few dialects have 3 or more chronemes for vowels is ignored, as it does not create any ambiguitites to do so, and makes reading easier. Short vowels are represented by single letters, long vowels are represented by the same letters doubled to indicate lengthening.

[edit] Short Monophtongs

There are 14 short vowels, 13 of which are representable in Rheinische Dokumenta:

Letter Sample Word Rheinische Dokumenta
Aa  English "bud", "but", "butt": bat 
  English "column": kạle̩m 
Ää  English "batch": bätsch 
Ee  English "bed": bet 
  English article "a" in casual speech: e̩ 
Ii  English "spit": spit 
Oo  French "Cologne": kolǫnje̩ 
Ǫǫ  English word "off": ǫf 
UU  English verb, to "put": put 
Üü  French "rue": rü 

[edit] Long Monophtongs

There are 12 long vowels:

Letter Sample Word Rheinische Dokumenta
Aaaa  Kölsch "Aap": Aap 
Ạạạạ  British English "Argument": Ạạgjume̩nt 
Ääää  Kölsch "Wääsh": Vääsch 
Ą̈ą̈ą̈ą̈  strong Southern Texas accent "Dad": Dą̈ą̈t 
Iiii  English "speed": spiit 
English "meal": miil 
Oooo  French "Eau de Cologne": oode̩ kolǫnje̩ 
Ǫǫǫǫ  British English "door": dǫǫ 
Ǫ̈ǫ̈ǫ̈ǫ̈  English "stern": stǫ̈ǫ̈n 
British English "burger": bǫ̈ǫ̈ge̩ 
English "colonel": kǫ̈ǫ̈nl, kǫ̈ǫ̈ne̩l 
Uuuu  English "boot": buut 

[edit] Consonants

[edit] Unvoiced Plosives

Letter IPA Sample Word Rheinische Dokumenta
Pp  p ]  English "pitch": pitsch 
Tt  t ]  English "tell": täl 
Kk  k ]  New England American English "colt": kǫlt 

[edit] Voiced Plosives

Letter IPA Sample Word Rheinische Dokumenta
Bb  b ]  English "bee": bii 
Dd  d ]  English "dull": dal 
Gg  g ]  English "guts": gats 

[edit] Nasales

Though some dialects vary the durations of nasal consonants considerably, they are not doubled to indicate extended lengths when written, while vocals are. Though this does never create ambiguities within a language, comparison of languages is less supported. A good argument against doubling is, that often nasal durations are depending on speaker, style of speech, and prosody rather than being a characteristic of a word, or a dialect.

Letter IPA Sample Word Rheinische Dokumenta
Mm  m ]  English "moon": muun 
Nn  n ]  English "new": njuu 
Ngngŋ  ŋ ]  English "long": lǫng 

[edit] Liquides

Some dialects vary the durations of liquides sometimes. This is hardly a characteristic of a word, but prosodic, it is not noted when writing Rheinische Dokumenta.

Letter IPA Sample Word Rheinische Dokumenta
Ll  l ]  English "law": lǫǫ 

[edit] External links
