User talk:Rev. Michael S. Margolin

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HS, My religion is a valid and legal religion since 1999. We have the support of the O.T.O. A:.A:. Scott Rite Masons ULCM and many Satanic groups except the church of Satan. They have for going on 7 years tried their very best to undermine and keep SoS hidden from the public. Are theses actions of a church that supports freedom of religion? No, they are the actions of a tyrant that thinks it can monopolize religion and kill any potential competition. I will not edit the post anymore if you agree to place it under the LaVey one I removed if that makes you happy. ISN Baphomet Rex 666 The Mad Poet ACBHB O.T.O. Rev. Michael S. Margolin HP

HS, as far as Fame ever think of looking to Barnes & Noble? We are in a book called "Think you're the only one" Author Seth Brown Pub 2005 Let me also point out that church of satan was not mentioned in this book and they were quite upest that I was. O well. ISN 666 HS, I was not the original poster of "Margolinian" with over 4,000 members world wide, I have no idea who the original poster was. I was very glad to see it and then disapointed to see it gone the following day. That is why I wrote and posted one. I see you removed it again lol as I wrote before after 7 years we are used to the Church of Satan's religiuos biggotry but we don't let it keep us down. ISN 666

HS, thank you for your help and article. I hope this is an acceptable comprimize. ISN 666


[edit] The Satanism article

Please read the section of the Talk page entitled Sinagogue of Satan before continuing to edit the Satanism article. I really don't want this to become a revert war. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 22:42, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

Since you seem to refuse discussion, I have filed for mediation in regards to the Satanism article. My case can be found at this link. In case you are unaware, mediation is an attempt by regular Wikipedia members to resolve a conflict. Basically, some people will try to help us work out how to proceed. It is my hope that we can work this out easily and to everyone's benefit. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 05:37, 8 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] SoSatan

Re if it is a vanity page where is the bragging which you have posted all over the place. An article does not need to brag to be vanity - it simply means that it is created by the person to which it relates

I was not the original poster of the article, so your comment is nihl and void. I merely edited it after you Atwon LaGay fans butcherd it!

If you think the article Sinagogue of Satan should exist, please make your case at Deletion review. -- RHaworth 19:23, 7 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal/Cases/8 01 2006 Satanism

Hello, I'm the cabal mediator and I'd like to hear your side of the story of what's going on at the article Satanism (edit|talk|history|links|watch|logs). There has been an edit war over whether a section you have written should be included. Now I'm not sure yet whether is should or shouldn't, but I have noticed that you are not explaining your edits on the talk page. As you are new here, you don't probably know that only reverting to a disputed version of the page without discussing why on the talk page is generally disapproved of. We have policies such as three-revert rule, which you have come really close to violating and if you do, you can be blocked from editing for up to 24 hours. Please explain why whoever is disputing your edits is wrong in doing so. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks. Izehar 10:10, 8 January 2006 (UTC)

One other fact the whole section is a vanity page for church of satan including the philisophical satanism section. Since I am different than anything in the Satanism articles and I pulled the "PHILISOPHICLE CHECKMATE" it makes sense that my artical comes before the "Philisophical section and the rest of this page is an anton lavey worshipping vanity page. I accuse the editors of being Biased, which wikipedia is supposedly against.

If it is a vanity page where is the bragging or vanity? NOR AM I THE ORIGINAL POSTER! Fact Rev. Margolin is supported by the O.T.O. A:.A:., Freemasons, and many satanic groups except church of satan. The reason why church of satan has tried to suppress and destroy Sinagogue of Satan from its start is the fact that it is Based on Aleister Crowley and Albert Pike and has nothing to do with Anton LaVey. CoS went so far as to have some of its members join to find other CoS members in SoS to expell them. Are these the actions of a church that supports freedom of religion, let alone freedom of the individual? You will see SoS does not slander CoS or even discuss them, unlike church of satan's actions against other satanic groups calling them "Pseudo Satanists" . I assume Mikeblas is an Anton LaVey Fan and or a CoS member and is trying to undermine Sinagogue of Satan's existance as CoS has been doing for going on 7 years. The other fact I bring up is SoS does not charge for membership or ask for dues ever from its members. Membership so far is over 4,000 people world wide. CoS now charges $200 for membership. Do The Math 4,000 x $200= $800,000 in lost membership fees. This and the fact we have nothing to do with Anton LaVeys Satanism is the reason CoS wishes to Destroy SoS. I proclaim this dispute as biased! I ask wikipedia to stand by its non biased policies and protect Sinagogue of Satan's inclusion in it's encyclopedia. Thank you for your Time. Rev. Michael S. Margolin P.S. Besides if I wanted to bragg I'd need a few more pages.

[edit] That Section You Wanted

Here is the section you wanted, spellchecked to the best of my ability and grammar-corrected:

Hello America,
If you will do me the honor of making me your next President, I promise to take care of domestic policies before granting anymore foreign aid. I also promise to uphold the post at 1/4 the salary of the current President. My agenda is as follows:

  1. Concentrate on domestic affairs before giving anymore foreign aid and reduce the aid that is being given now, so as to first help America's needs.
  2. Cut the pay of all politicians in half and as an act of good faith take a three quarters pay cut to show that I am a President for the people and by the people, not corporations or private enterprises.
  3. I promise to drastically reduce income taxes for family households that make less than $200,000 per year and to abolish taxes for house holds that have an annual income tax of less than $80,000 per year. Furthermore, I will abolish taxes on Social Security payments for households that make less than $40,000 per year. These changes will apply to any private retirement plans as well.
  4. An affordable and efficient healthcare system for all American citizens.
  5. Carefully and calculatingly bring our troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Korea with minimal jeopardy to the goals achieved by their sacrifices.
  6. End all sanctions against Cuba and work toward a long and prosperous friendship with the country.
  7. Improve foreign relations by supporting diversity of culture, belief, and political rule, no matter how much it may differ from our own system, culture and set of beliefs.
  8. Continue to finance space exploration and technologies, general sciences and all aspects of the medical fields so that we may further the standard of living for all American citizens and residents.
  9. Ensure that the federally funded education systems are affordable for students of all ages, and make our education system best in the world.
  10. Create a checks-and-balances system to ensure the American government becomes and remains a government for the people by the people. To begin this process, I will make the office of President only achievable by popular vote, abolishing the electoral college.
  11. Review and repeal sanctions on religions. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will have the legal right to be polygamists, as will Muslims and any other religions that allow the practice. Homosexuals will be granted the same marriage rights as heterosexuals. The use of sacraments of all religions shall be protected by federal law, including wine, hashish, marijuana, salvia divinorum, as well as any others.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that I am just as poor as Abraham Lincoln was when he ran for President, but just as hard working. Please do not let my humble beginnings blind you from making this country a better place for all American Citizens.

Thank you for your time.

Rev. Michael S.Margolin
Baphomet Rex 666
H.P. and founder of the Sinagogue of Satan

CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 15:02, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

THANK YOU CABHAN YOU SO ROCK!!!!!! But I don't wish to abolish social security payments just the taxes on them lol I have a.d.d. and as you know at 42 I'm still hyper so proof reading is a major chore for me. I'm going to copy paste this to word and correct the SS payments sentance. No worries on more work than what you already have done. I am in your debt. THANK YOU!!!! O and it is not a section for wihipedia it is a letter to America I won't be posting it on wikipedia because I don't see how it can belong here Again thank you and glad I caught that SS sentance before A.A.R.P showed up at my door. I got Visions of Alex from "Clock work orange" being beat up by all those old men.

The sinagogue of satan link still says please don't recreate this section so I guess I'm asking for another favor. Gee I went from fighting with you to depending on your talents, what a world, what a world.

Heh, no problem. I thought it was a little against what you were saying, but I wasn't sure about how best to put it. I did note one more problem that I failed to correct. The phrase "and any other religions that allow the practice" should be "and the followers of any other religions that allow the practice".
As far as the issue with the page still saying "Don't recreate", I have requested that Izehar change that. What may be beneficial is to start working on a page at User:Rev. Michael S. Margolin/Sinagogue of Satan and then, if people complain that the page shouldn't be recreated, you can show them what you intend for the page to be.
As far as the whole fighting thing, I'll admit that I was being a bit harsh in my feelings towards you. I did think that you were just a sort of anonymous vandal, but I'm glad that we managed to get the ordeal over with.

No as you can see I'm not a vandal, just a nutty old man with very big dreams. Again thank you for all your help. R.M.S.M.

Anywho, good luck, and if you need anything, please feel free to contact me on my Talk Page. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 19:37, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sinagogue of Satan

Hello, about unprotecting Sinagogue of Satan. I agree with Cabhan that you should do make it at User:Rev. Michael S. Margolin/Sinagogue of Satan first. Read our Manual of Style and make sure that your proposal complies with it. When it is ready, leave a note on my talk page letting me know. I'm sure Cabhan would help you with anything, if you asked him. Once it is ready, I'll check it and if it's OK, then I'll unprotect the protected page. Izehar 22:59, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

Thank you both I have a wild idea I'll even pay you but I ain't rich so please don't get gready. All the info that I want on "Margolinian" is at If you guys make it and I agree on the finished article it will save a shit load of hassles by people that do not see our agreement in the same light. This way the article will conform to all standards because I know you'd make sure they did. And I am very flexible I already understand the titles of the documents will be a problem but very willing to work out renaming them. If you two are not interestedin this I will go ahead and work on a page as you said and present it for aproval. Though I'm a poet/ religious leader I'm sure you can see you'd do a far better job than me. I fix buildings for a living, even unclog a crapper or two but hey I'll try with Jr.'s help. Thank you both for you patience and help. ISN me

I've gone ahead and copied a good bit over, and done some rephrasing and all that jazz. Go and take a look.

Looks good bro, is there a way we can get my 2nd degree cert, letter from Margie Bower, and my Expullsion letter from CoS up? Yes you can Change the names lol Jr was having fun with the guy from Acadine, If you look at the history the guy even wrote we were like CoS. But I was diplomatic and it all went well. If you didn't see the items I'm talking about they are linked to the Ordo templi orientis, LaVey and LaVey's in my page on Acadine. Thank you for all your help seriously. As far as different to me everything is different starting from the source of it all. Mine is from Freemasonery, O.T.O., A:.A:., Golden Dawn, Crowley. And is not based on anything from LaVey's bible. LaVey even called Crowley a child molester, something Crowley was never accused of in life. If you read you'd be familiar with "Tune in Turn on Take over" also not part of LaVey's teachings. Also LaVeian boast Eliteism we are not Elitists we are Philanthropists. We are about taking an active role in making society a better, freer place for everyone. I'm more than happy to help you in any way I can and thank you for all your help it is apreciated wheather I can spell it right or not lol Again thank you CABHAN and my point about you guys making leads back you Future edits of CoS members. If you guys make it and there starts to be a revert war again we all know it was made to wikipedia guide lines and with the help of wikipedia admins so if the page has to get locked to protect it at least it will be locked with a page I approve of. I don't know if you read or not but if you do I'm sure you'll see the only thing I have in common with LaVey is the freedom of the individual issue but not even that since I practice what I preach.

I would be interested in adding a bit more about the differences with LaVeyan Satanism, such as the social action vs. self-indulgence and belief on atheism. If you don't feel up to adding them in yourself, get me the info somehow, and I'll do it. I can be reached at my Talk Page, or I can be e-mailed from my User Page. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 03:45, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

HS Bro look above your paragraph I gave you some very good ones, and if you want you can use anything from my expullsion letter or the other two documents as long as you do not manipulate things. Meaning don't take things out of context or arange things to sway to one side or the other leave reality alone and let people come to their own conclusions. You will also notice that I and my people are placid, the paragraph at the very least says your not discriminating. I would like to add the Margolinian page to a link in the paragraph as we discussed. As far as noteriety issue, did you ask the secret societys who I am? They know, they all know. That quote of old Mordi Shapriro is what he gave Theophony records and is qouted on their site a "Christian" record company I might add. Dave Jones of enochian fame said "Mike Margolin is the best living Poet" notice the person that put up the articale didn't have that quote nor Keneth Angers Quote and Ken and my son pissed off a bunch of yuppies lol he rather talk to my son and made them all wait lol. Unlike LaVey I support freedom of religion and many support me back. Some people don't mind losing a game of chess to me. In ending I'd like very much to see the page made to wikipedia standards and including those documents. And if I was into vanity how come I never once mentioned I'm a famous occult poet? hhhmmm makes me wonder how bout you?



[edit] Possible Restoration to Article Namespace

Hi there! Well, since I think this article is significantly better than the former blurb that existed at Sinagogue of Satan, I have posted at Talk:Sinagogue of Satan that in a week, I will contact an admin to possibly restore the article. The week is so that there is time for objections or advice to be posted.

I should also note that I removed the comparisons to LaVeyan Satanism, as I realize that simply because a religion is Satanic does not mean that it must be compared to the CoS.

So yeah. Assuming that the article restoration occurs, I will link the Satanism article to the page right after. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 22:31, 16 March 2006 (UTC)

Well, I'm still working on it. The admins were unable to do anything, so I took the issue to Deletion Review. The discussion is ongoing at: WP:DRV#Sinagogue of Satan. It doesn't look like the article will be restored, but there is a chance. I would advise you to not post there, as it is often frowned upon for someone involved in the page to offer a vote on it. Anyway, we'll see how that goes. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 00:53, 21 April 2006 (UTC)

Well, the undeletion failed. You will see the decision under the section at: WP:DRV#2006 April. The discussion is at: [1].

There's nothing else to be done: sorry. Good luck with your future endeavors. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 16:12, 27 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] What Do You Mean?

I'm curious as to what you mean by saying Wikipedia went back on our agreement. In that the section was taken out of the Satanism article, I discussed that on the talk page there, and it should be back in. I admittedly haven't checked: if it's not there, I'll re-add it now.

As for making a Sinagogue of Satan article, I have done what I can, but the overwhelming feeling was that the Sinagogue of Satan is not notable enough to warrant an article of its own. I presented the same evidence that you did me, including your appearance in the book, as well as the to-be-expected lower Internet visibility of any Satanic organization, but the Wikipedia community decided that it was not enough. They were also put off by the lack of support except for your own website: if you have any other resources that can verify the information in the article, that would help greatly.

You are certainly welcome to try again with an undeletion request, though I do think it is unlikely to work. Wikipedia:Deletion Review. If you do decide to try again, please be sure to follow the appropriate procedure and formatting, as otherwise you are likely to turn opinion against you.

As far as the ACLU comment, there is no civil rights issue here: the Sinagogue of Satan is not being excluded because Wikipedia feels that it should not be included, but rather because it cannot meet the notability and verifiability standards of Wikipedia the community. I believed before, and I still do, that the group is unnotable in Wikipedia's sense of the word: I feel that the only Satanic organizations that are notable and verifiable enough for Wikipedia are the CoS and the Temple of Set, as they have a great deal of 3rd party information about them available, as well as a general awareness of them.

"I feel that the only Satanic organizations that are notable and verifiable enough for Wikipedia are the CoS and the Temple of Set, as they have a great deal of 3rd party information about them available, as well as a general awareness of them." Gee if that is the case why didn't Fcos and a few other orgs that were added to the list after SoS get treated like we did? Can you say BUSTED? Some Wiki editors were and still are biased toward SoS because they are CoS fans if not out right members. I see the groups that use CoS stuff are not hassled at all, gee why is that not a suprize?

Here and thats only 4 pages from google note I did not use any of the wikki and affiliates ones.

Unusual ChurchesThe Sinagogue of Satan is a religion based on the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Free Masonry's definition of Satanism. This religion is not based on those of ... - 40k - East Los Angeles Chapel of Satan Emporium - Lulu.comHe is also a priest to both the East Los Angeles Chapel of Satan and the SINagogue of Satan. ----- Visit the First Rastafarian Church of Satan's official Sophia Bestiae - The Wisdom of The Beast, US version, Aestheteka - Sinagogue of Satan. The Church of Satan. 10th July, 2006. Here is an unusual tome which sets out to prove that the God of the “Holy” scriptures is ...

Portal Of EvilSinagogue Of Satan. 05/21/03, 10:05 Society & Culture Occult · 10 Comments Oh, "Baphomet Rex 666" yourself, you crazy metalhead. Rock on with the Dark One!  

the League of Satanists"I have known about the Sinagogue of Satan for some time. ... What is the Sinagogue of Satan and What Makes it different from other Satanic organizations ... - 12k Sinagogue of Satan - Acadine ArchiveThe Sinagogue of Satan is an organization founded by Reverend Michael S . ... The Sinagogue of Satan promotes freedom of religion , and encourages its ... - am a member of the Sinagogue of Satan and its these people that I feel have truly helped me to where I am today, even if I have never met any by face Satanic ranting by the Ambassador "Knife" Sotelo of The Sinagogue of Satan residing in East Los Angeles, California, Satanic Rap set to psychedelic Houston Satanic CounselA satellite of Sinagogue of Satan. Welcome to The Houston Satanic Counsel. The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan ...

The Star and Scum of SocietyAlso on June 4, 2005, Knife has joined the Sinagogue of Satan where there he would meet the Stars of Society. - Late 2005, Knife has become an Ambassador of 

VampireFreaks Cult: Sinagogue_Of_SatanNot Only Is He The High Preist Of The Sinagogue Of Satan. ... Please Note, By Joining The Sinagogue of Satan Cult On Vampire Freaks Does Not In Any Way Make Merry Meet and Welcome to Mystical Village : Sinagogue of SatanSite Logo. Find in. entire site, wiki pages, galleries, images, files, forums, faqs, blogs, blog posts, directory, articles ... Journal CommentsMessenger one night Shadow stumbled on a room titled Sinagogue Of Satan, curiosity willed Matt to enter as he did. As he chatted in that room that night he ... Anti-Satanism: Just another form of bigotry<>, and the Sinagogue of Satan <www.zoo-gate. fi/~lvythn/sos/>. Research and educational foundations such as the Australian Crystal Dreams Publishing : Sophia Bestiae – The Wisdom of The ...Review by the Sinagogue of Satan. "Well, one good thing about all the exposure this book and the Da Vinci Code has received is that it is exposing people to Synagogue Of SatanWelcome to The Sinagogue of Satan founded on 1-29-99 ... called "Thien Tao; or, The Synagogue of Satan." Cannot be denied nor can we deny ... ... Other theistic Satanism sitesStella Tenebrarum (in Croatia -- excellent site); Sinagogue of Satan; Church of the Fallen - based on the novel The Apocrypha by John A. De Vito. ... - 24k YouTube - Aleister Crowley - Masters of Darkness pt 3Sinagogue of Satan? Jesus Christ, at least Discordians are honest about establishing BS orders to stick more letters, numbers, and titles after their names. Browse Music & Audio - - Self Publishing - FreeDescription: Mad Satanic rapping by the Ambassador "Knife" Sotelo of The Sinagogue of Satan residing in East Los Angeles, California, Satanic Rap set to ... satan :: research :: searchSatanic Hysteria Pages · Church of Satan · Snail of Satan · Disciples of Satan · Sinagogue of Satan · Radio Free Satan · Satan Shop ... Open Directory - Society: Religion and Spirituality: Esoteric and ...Sinagogue of Satan - A free church for change. Society of Dark Lily - A modern Satanic society with articles and message boards Organizations: Satanism at Canadian ContentSinagogue of Satan A free church for change . http : / / www . sosatan . org. Church of Pergamos First Church based on Doctrines of Pergamos . ... - 38k - Supplemental Result - Sun Signs, Astrology, Psychic, Tarot, Satanism, Numerology ...The Sinagogue of Satan is an organization of the religion founded by Reverend Michael S . Margolin based on the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Free Masonry's First Church Of Lucifer - Cult Of CthulhuNamely, the Sect Of Entrance, The Sinagogue Of Satan, and the Satanic Reds, as well as a member of The Cult Of Cthulhu. World of Satan on SquidooAlthough named for Satan, a name associated with evil and temptation, ... Sinagogue of Satan: A religion based on the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Free Seth Brown - Arts DispatchesFrom the Sinagogue of Satan, which hopes to "destroy religion as the world knows it," to the National Association of Left-Handed Golfers and its mission to ... Satanists, Satanism Meetups, events, clubs and groups near Houston ..."im josh im a 23 year old male from houston Tx i have been a member of Sinagogue of Satan for 7 years now www.SOSATAN.ORG". Learn how you could meet Shiatan ... Critisism of Christanity/Marcus - Edot forumsMost satanic beliefs are centered on the mythological being, satan, being the first ... about 70 Christians worldwide are members of the Sinagogue of Satan. Occult and Dark ReligionsSinagogue of Satan *. Spellmaker · Teenage Satanism (Club) · Ymp's Page. WICCA. Circle Sanctuary · Doug's Wicca Page · History of Wicca in England ... - 10k Theophany Records (reconstruct): The Mad PoetMad Satanic ranting by the Reverend Michael S. Margolin of The Sinagogue of Satan in Mountain View, California, set to psychedelic garage ambient dub. ... invictus alchemyYou can support The Sinagogue of Satan by making a ... Temple of Set Australasia: Links ... Satan - Loyal Servant Of God? - ULC Online ForumThe Sinagogue of Satan (IMG:style_emoticons/default/thumbsup(1).gif) ... It seems that everyone has a differing idea of satan and even satanists differ too. About meI considered that both God and Satan were alien beings and that mankind got it ... which were the First Church of Satan and the Sinagogue of Satan for they ... - 91k Moon And Back Graphics ~ Thrill of DiscoveryOrder of the Nine Angels: An Introduction to Satan - Order of the ... Sinagogue of Satan · Stella Tenebrarum · Syndicate of the Five Points ... - Best of the Web - What's New in Society For 7/10/2006Sinagogue of Satan - Provides details membership, priesthood, satanist, organizations, and information about chat and message board. ...

And one more thing Cabhan, Thank you for all your help. I do apreciate it. I understand you don't run the place and you are up against alot but all this info has been up and we are way more known and popular than alot of the other org.s listed I think even you have to admit after all you've seen some of wikki's editors are mega biased in some areas. And you really can't claim a non biased stance with biased editors, thats been the point I've been trying to show from the start. And your newest add even I've never even heard of nor my cofounder in Finland. But I see since they use Anton's 11 rules that makes it mentionable, even though far more people have heard of SoS. See my point? Anyway thanks for being the only non biased editor in wikkipedia and actually helping SoS I wish there were more of you in Wikki Cabhan. ISN RvMSM

I sympathize in that you cannot have an article of your own, but there really is nothing more I can do. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 03:43, 1 June 2006 (UTC)

To e-mail me, you just go to User:Cabhan, and in the "toolbox" on the left of the page, click "E-mail this user". -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 03:14, 14 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Your Recent Additions to my Talk Page

Hey. You've recently mentioned some stuff on my talk page. First off, the ABC News link that you keep posting is simply a link to your site. There's no interview. I then went to the ABC4 News site, and searched "Sinagogue of Satan", and there isn't anything. Secondly, you asked why we need to compare the SoS with the CoS: I'm not actually sure what you're referring to. Even when I was working on the article for you, we decided to remove that. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 02:13, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The Satanism Article

Yeah...while I agree with them that the article was a mess, I do disagree with the position that LaVeyan Satanism is the only Satanism: I would prefer to have a general page describing different approaches towards Satanism, with LaVeyan Satanism being its own article. Unfortunately, my original reversion after they began this was shot down, and I really don't care to fight it anymore. Best of luck with your own path, and it was good to work with you despite our conflicts :). -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 05:27, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

HS, see I'm only half crazy that comparison is back again lol ISNRev. Michael S. Margolin 23:31, 24 October 2006 (UTC) P.S. thanks for finding the strength to take up the battle again. It is an important issue that goes far beyond just Satanism.

[edit] Just heard of SOS

Hi I have just read about SOS on the theistic satanism page and googled it, it sounds excellent. I also feel from all you've written above that you have a story to tell. I want to see the expulsion letter, etc:) Is all this detailed on the SOS website, I couldn't see it. It sort of edifies the tone of the site not to have it there- but I still want the gossip:) So feel free to add to my talk page or email me. HS, ISNRev. Michael S. Margolin 03:57, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

 I am trying to make the bit about the Joy of Satan encyclopedic in tone- have you heard of them?Merkinsmum 02:00, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

HS, Yes I've heard of them. One of their members joined recently. She is the Chineese Canadian girl that was involved in that run away teen Satanist fiasco. She joined a few weeks ago. ISNRev. Michael S. Margolin 03:57, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Vandalism

Please do not vandalize pages merely because you have a difference of opinion with the person for whom the article is a biography. See also the Wikipedia policy on articles on living persons. Further violations will be reported to Wikipedia administrators. -Lvthn13 04:59, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Vandalism? If you are referring to the biography of Nadramia what I added is history, real and supported with documentation. And it was in context as far as trivia which I placed it under. Again your bias shines like a light house on a clear moonless night. You Lvthn13 are the real Vandal, and your own words, actions and bias will show that, even to the blind, deaf and dumb.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 05:11, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

So Lvthn13 can't erase his own trial by his own hand I'm posting it here.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 08:34, 29 October 2006 (UTC) [edit] Vandalism Please do not vandalize pages merely because you have a difference of opinion with the person for whom the article is a biography. See also the Wikipedia policy on articles on living persons. Further violations will be reported to Wikipedia administrators. -Lvthn13 04:59, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Vandalism? If you are referring to the biography of Nadramia what I added is history, real and supported with documentation. And it was in context as far as trivia which I placed it under. Again your bias shines like a light house on a clear moonless night. You Lvthn13 are the real Vandal, and your own words, actions and bias will show that, even to the blind, deaf and dumb.Also note that what I posted was not demeaning toward Nadramia at all and if anything was demeaning to myself as the page history will show all the other admins and of course it points out your bias just like your removal of the Stantan LaVey wedding post. I promise to expose you for the bias vandal you are. Rev. Michael S. Margolin 05:11, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] From Lvthn13 's talk page

Do you suppose your personal opinion is of any relevance to a biography? Or do you suppose I get worked up when silly blowhards threaten to expose me? Get a library card. -Lvthn13 01:37, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

What I posted had nothing to do with personal opinion and everything to do with relative history and facts placed in context. Now stop your pathetic attempts to manipulate reality by spinning the non biased facts presented to the Satanism article including Stantan LaVey's wedding in which I was a guest weather you like that reality, fact and or not Mr. Opinion.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 07:50, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Why would I care whose wedding you went to, and why are you bothering with this? Do you think you'll convince me of something? -Lvthn13 07:52, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

It was STANTAN LaVey's NOT JUST ANYONES, ANTON'S GRANDSON! AND YOU REMOVED THE POST ABOUT IT!Rev. Michael S. Margolin 07:56, 29 October 2006 (UTC) With Guests, Glen Danzig, Hank Williams 3, Snoop Dog, Dolomite, Marvin Knifer Sotelo, Rev. Michael S. Margolin, Wee Man from Jack Ass and many more including CoS Priests that did not attend CoS's tiny shin dig.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 08:05, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

And? I reiterate, I don't care whose wedding you went to. Why are you wasting your time telling me this? In case you didn't notice, Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a message board, I'm an editor, not a gossip hound, and there are no "posts" here to remove. If you think so badly of me, why do you care what I think enough to keep telling me this? Shouldn't you be doing something productive? -Lvthn13 08:01, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

As with the Nadramia post it is relevent to the subject matter and is not only history but fact. But due to your personal opinion and Bias you edit it out.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 08:08, 29 October 2006 (UTC) Also fact by your own hand as wiki history can back up with it's saved pages. Rev. Michael S. Margolin 08:10, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

And I find interfering with your attempt to manipulate reality through wikipedia very productive.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 08:15, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

How are you interfering with anything except your own free time? I'm still editing pages. But enough of this, it is pathetic and I will remove this from my page shortly to keep from cluttering it with your foolishness. I'm sure you'll accuse me of bias for that as well, which is fine. -Lvthn13 08:27, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

You mean erase the evidence before other admins see you are guilty of personal bias?Rev. Michael S. Margolin 08:31, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Retrieved from ""

[edit] Your edit to Rev. Michael S. Margolin

Your recent edit to Rev. Michael S. Margolin (diff) was reverted by an automated bot that attempts to recognize and repair vandalism to Wikipedia articles. If the bot reverted a legitimate edit, please accept my humble creator's apologies – if you bring it to the attention of the bot's owner, we may be able to improve its behavior. Click here for frequently asked questions about the bot and this warning. // AntiVandalBot 05:16, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Nope wasn't vandalism, I deleated the article about me because I didn't want another lame ass battle.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 05:20, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

  • Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you're considered significant, you can't necessarily do that. Trust me on this, or if you prefer, trust Seth Finkelstein, who seems to have been quite happy to keep the page he disapproved of active for some time. Badbilltucker 21:57, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

Badbilltucker it's hard to take help the wrong way and thank you for your help. One of my fans perhaps more revamped my user page and made my name in the SoS paragraph point to my user page. All has been quiet since this was done almost a month ago and if wiki is ok with it then I'm ok with it. I'd love to see an article like my user page about me but Wiki killed it and I'm tired of fighting. If you scroll down you'll see even Zoe warned me about recreating the article. For historys sake I'm not the guy that created the first article on me but after I was shown the article and suprised as all hell to see it, it got killed. That's how I fumbled my way through wiki's policies and though I fought not knowing what I was doing Cabhan was cool enough to lend me a very big hand. As for an article on me, it's not as important to me as seeing what you guys accomplished with the Satanism article and I thank you all for your work and patience. I have one of the largest occult book collections in the world and am more than happy to help you guys with anything I have. As far as significant I'm being interviewed Saturday for inclusion in yet another book this one is strictly on Satanism. I would like to see Stanton's wedding placed under the CoS event on 6-6-06 and I saw at least one guy in the talk page on Satanism State due to the stars that were there it would be noteable to show how wide spread Satanism has gotten. It was at the Henery Fonda Theater in Hollywood Ca. with the likes of Snoop Dog, Dolomite, Hank Williams the 3rd, and I got Wee man so wasted he could barely walk. No, he would not kick himself in the head for me cuz he said he'd end up doing it all night for others. Also note that a very cute picture of Stanton with his grandfather apears in "Secret life of a Satanist" I think it's also in the SB but every time I buy a copy some guest steels it. CoS tried to keep Karla LaVey out of the Satanism article as well but lost in mediation. I am thouroughly convinced that CoS is behind keeping Stanton out for the same reasons they tried to keep Karla out.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 23:19, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

You couldn't recreate the article. That doesn't mean someone else might not be able to. Not that I have anyone in particular in mind, of course. Yeah, right. If you could point me toward what would be considered reliable sources, I might be able to see what I can do. If you want to, of course. Badbilltucker 23:41, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

Again my article is low on my list but thank you and feel free do what thou will. As for helping The two books I posted about in Satanism talk are probly the best examples of Christian mystisim. Again in short the system is basicly like Solomons. Invoking God and or angles to make demons work for them. Are you Familier with the story about Asteroth helping King Solomon build the Temple? Also 1001 Arabian Night's by Richard Burton as well as "The sacred magic of Abramelin the Mage" ISBN 0-486-23211-5 Dover Publications 1975 S. L. McGregor Mathers. Original by John M. Watkins London 1900. Highly recomended by Crowley by the way. Please feel free to ask about other sections I might be of help with. And thank you for your help.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 01:37, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Reply

I hope you find truth. All I have to say. --Yancyfry jr 04:02, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

Truth? who's truth yours? Just as you would call Satan a liar for his truths, I call you a liar for your truths. And that is all I have to say to you christian.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 16:47, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

Look, Christians have a view that Satan is stupid & doesn't realize what's going on. I know that Satan knows what's going on & he has a better knowledge of us & the bible than we do. Satan uses his knowledge to decieve us. He wants us to do anything that would get us into the Lake of Fire & suffer with him for all eternity. We would all deserve it. -- 05:18, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

That is your reality, not mine nor 10 million Budhists, Hindus and Zorastarians. Again when you try to force your belief and or realities on people that don't share your belief and or reality you are commiting the hate crime of religious harassment. If you can not respect the right of others to believe as they will, you should be deported to a country that does not have freedom of religion. A good place for christians is Kuwait, they kill you for being christian there. Now stop trying to undermine the Beauty and Freedom of America with your brand of poison/slavery.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 15:32, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Warning

You keep recreating your article despite a clear consensus for deletion at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Sinagogue of Satan. Recreating consensus-deleted articles is considere vandalism. In addition, please review WP:COI. User:Zoe|(talk) 23:48, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] What are you waiting for?

Quit playing around and hit up the Project page! If Satanism on Wikipedia is to have any kind of objectivity or credibility we need a project man. WerewolfSatanist 16:23, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] MedCab open!

Hi Michael, I have now opened your request for mediation and im awaiting comment. Thanks Squad'nLeedah 21:41, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

HS MedCab, Several editors worked very hard at ironing out and puting aside their differences and started working together to make the Satanism article not only better but also non biased. All their efforts were in vein due to one editor insisting on the biased article that we again have. Though the church of Satan is the most known group, their definition of Satanism is not the most known. Therefore to define Satanism in the CoS terms is biased. Please allow the editers that agreed to work together for a non biased article to go back to work. Also see if you can provide protection for this work during it's creation and after it's completion. Thank you for your time and assistance.ISNRev. Michael S. Margolin 01:39, 4 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Article space categories on user page

Please remove the categories from your user page. Article space categories do not belong on user pages. Please use something like Category:Satanist Wikipedians, which is a category for user pages. Thanks. Tunnels of Set 06:06, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

Thanks! Great pic, by the way. :-) Tunnels of Set 23:45, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

Thanks, awhile ago someone else tried to get it removed claiming copy rite violation. Just shows how I'm treated by some wiki editors.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 20:51, 6 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] FYI

Just to help you understand some Wikipedia policies: named external links are not permitted in the body of an article. They may only be listed in the External links section. This is why I had to revert your edits to Theistic Satanism. Nothing personal. :-)

Another thing that you might want to be aware of: sites hosted on geocities are considered personal sites and are almost never considered reliable enough to be used as references. Also, there is a general prohibition against linking to your own site (or the sites of organizations of which you are a principal). It is considered a conflict of interest. You have to wait for someone else to add such links. It's likely that your treatment on Wikipedia is more related to not understanding these policies than to your religion. Tunnels of Set 20:39, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for your help. Since the is on hostways would you be kind enough to add the link for me? It is in context with the paragraph about Sinagogue of Satan since it is the Manifesto. Again thank you for your help and patience. As far as my treatment the picture problem was not a matter of understanding policies.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 23:49, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

Question, How come its ok for the group above mine to do it? Unitary Satanism; The Satanic Alliance Ministries.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 01:22, 8 January 2007 (UTC) is already linked in the external links section, so it doesn't need to be added. The answer to the other is that I only noticed your's b/c you added it and the article is on my watchlist. I didn't look through the article for other linking. Thanks for pointing it out, though, I've now remove their link from the body of the article. :-) Tunnels of Set 03:12, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Well the satanism article was reverted again, so much for the record. Does any other articles in wiki have this much controversy?Rev. Michael S. Margolin 15:33, 9 January 2007 (UTC) How small is your monitor? Seriously, it was the paragraph directly above the Sinagogue of Satan Paragraph. And I'm not supposed to feel like I'm being singled out?Rev. Michael S. Margolin 06:10, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Question, why are you so focused on the Sinagogue of Satan that not only do you watch it's every move, but in doing so, neglect to watch those that teach me how to violate your policies?Rev. Michael S. Margolin 06:41, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Do you use a watchlist and diffs? What I saw was [2]. You make a big mistake if you assume that everyone edits like you do. I saw the change, and fixed the parts of that change that violated policy. I am NOT focus on Sinagogue of Satan, I am focused on reviewing changes and correcting them. Tunnels of Set 02:22, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

I saw what you said on the theistic satanism talk page, thank you for your help.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 03:07, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

You are most welcome. I am always happy to assist those who are learning and helping themselves. :-) Tunnels of Set 03:18, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

I'm sorry I'm just punch drunk. I got thrown into this wiki stuff by accident. One of my members a year ago put up a SoS article here and posted about it on our message board. I was very glad to see the article and did not judge it by it's writing quality. We all were a bit caught up in how cool it was to be in an encyclopedia. Then it was gone and before learning about wiki I went to town, not in a good way. What was nice out of all the ugliness was actually working things out and working with good people to try and make the Satanism article and everything related to it non bias. As you can see everything but the banner is now. And the revert war has been over for more than a week. I think that's a recored. Anyway thank you for your help and sorry for misjudging your actions.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 03:44, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

Well the satanism article was reverted again, so much for the record. Does any other articles in wiki have this much controversy?Rev. Michael S. Margolin 15:34, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Satanism my attempt at at least the intro

Satanism has a very broad and varied definition. Most commonly used in the context of devil worshipper. Wheather it's used in the context of self proclamation or as an accusation to justify persecution by various religions around the world that have an antithesis to their belief. Though predominant in dualism such as Christianity it can also be found in monotheism such as Judaism and Islam as well as indigenous religions around the world. As far as Satanism as an organized religion, and used in the context of self proclamation, the most popularly and widely known groups are the Church of Satan founded by Anton Zandor LaVey in San Fransisco California in 1967. They also have their own definition of Satanism which is basically Atheism and is based on their Satanic bible. The next two most popularly known groups in Satanism are the Ordo Templi Orientis (Aleister Crowley )and the Temple of Set (Michael and Lilith Aquino), but these two groups fall under Satanism in the context of an accusation, for neither group proclaims they are Satanists but other religions accuse them of being Satanists. The third most widely known group in Satanism proclaims they are Satanists, they are the Order of the nine angles, ONA. Like the Church of Satan they have their own definition of Satanism which is the antithesis of Christianity.

This space reserved for anyone that feels their group is more known or has more members than the Sinagogue of Satan which boasts well over 4,000 world wide.

Unlike the aforementioned groups is the Sinagogue of Satan. Again they have their own definition of Satanism which is nihilist in nature and based on its self canceling philosophy. SoS based their religion on freedom of religion as an act to undermine all religions including itself. Therefore not all of its members are Satanists and besides not accepting donations or charging for membership explains it's rapid growth world wide.

[edit] Left Hand Path work group is now active

You were one of the parties who indicated an interest in the Left Hand Path group on the Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals page. The project is now active at Wikipedia:WikiProject Religion/Left Hand Path work group, and all the names from the proposed project page have been transferred to the new active page. Badbilltucker 19:09, 12 January 2007 (UTC) Thank you Bill and thank you for all your help with the Satanism article.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 19:42, 12 January 2007 (UTC) I'll reread Magick without tears in the chapters of Three schools of Magick Crowley discusses the left hand path but following those chapters is a chapter called left hand path. Then I'll try to write a summery of the work. Please try to remember I'm not a technical writer and my education as far grammer and spelling sux!Not a good childhood but I don't let it keep down. Like the rough artical I posted in Satanism talk my work would just be a template for real writers.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 19:56, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

Hows the template coming? I can't wait to get some real work done on the main Satanism article! WerewolfSatanist 22:23, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

Far from a template. More like I was taught besides my own reading and not relying on Crowley's dffinition alone that the LHP is the choice of the soul to attempt to keep itself, to not reincarnate. To not melt in the big bang. To endure the years of darkness till once again the light explodes into the void. And while the light again returns fullfill those desires they it did not fullfill the last time the light was here. It has nothing to do with good or evil. But everything to do with either untiting with the universe or trying to keep yourself seperated from it. Right hand path is one the seeks to become or unite with God or the universe. Left hand path is the one that desires to strengthen its identification, its sepperation from everything else and all it goes through. Choosing to not burn up in Daath.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 07:16, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Not to late

Accept Christ as your savior. Jesus loves you. You have false hope, I want you to know that Christ will fill the void in your heart. There's a God-shaped hole in all of us. Let God fill your void. -- 06:41, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

You are guilty of religious harassment, if you are in America you should be deported. America has freedom of religion, if you cannot accept and support freedom of religion, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY!Rev. Michael S. Margolin 18:38, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

Micheal, America is all about freedom. What you said is against my basic rights. I have my own opinon, such as you do. Now, Freedom of Religion is a good and bad thing. Frankly, I don't like Mormans and Muslims. But, I have no right to deport them, as you are aware. But by cursing my right to even talk to you about what I believe make you out to be the bully. No one likes bullies. So, I am being persecuted. You are taking away my right. That's a crime. But who cares?

We both believe in something. My religion is the one most persecuted. But it seems you are defending yourself. You hate to think I'm right. Of course, we all want to be right. Muslims find a different physical way of satisfying this need, so do you. You base it on a belief that there is no god or satan or Allah, etc. No heaven, no promise of hope. What's the use of staying alive?

I would now like to share a testimonial with you, and you don't have to believe me, God gave us freewill. Please, I want you to know you can delete this if you don't want it here.

I am addicted to pornography. Every time I look, I feel extremely guilty. I beg God to take it away from me, but I don't stop. I hate pornography, but I look at it alot. Everytime, I ask God to stop me from doing this despicable act. Now, my computer has little problems. I have no problem getting from website to website. But, when I try to look at porn, my computer freezes, or something. I am given an error report. The Internet Explorer shuts off. How? God works, He is trying to stop me from looking at smut. After that, it's my choice. He just pops in to warn me.

This is a confession. Yes, I although I say I'm Christian, I do do these things. I hate them, but I do sin. You do things you aren't proud of either. We all do evil things. God forgives freely, if you are willing to accept it. I really am not good at these conversations, but I hope I got a point through. If not, then that's your right. -- 07:04, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

Freedom of speech is one thing, harassment is another. When you preach to those that don't want to hear it that is Harasment, thus you are guilty. You'll never see me push my religion on others, not even on you. So go fuck yourself, you whiney little piece of shit.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 16:06, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

Well, you have your opinion. So, I guess I won't leave messages for you anymore. -- 17:53, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] History channel Appearance?

I think I saw you on there! It was a special called Hell:The Devil's Domain. Basically they talked about conceptiosn of hell and the devil and eventually it turned to Satanism. And for just a minute I think they showed a clip of you. I could be wrong but that was sort of cool. WerewolfSatanist 05:25, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the info Wolf I'll look into it. It might be me, they interviewed me about 7 years ago in Los Angeles the same day I did the Roger Martin Show at the Pagen Fest put on by PanPipes Occult shop. I plan going this year its gonna be around Thanks Giving wierd timing but I get to have a great dinner with a few of my members down there so its all good.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 18:43, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

Hey Rev, trying to see if I can't draft improvements to the Satanism article. I've started my own sandbox here: Tell me what you think. I want to add a little to the history section if I can. I'll have to read up a little (on Elphias Levi in particular). Then I figured I could go through the different and most prominent Satanic groups, giving synopsises on their ideas while putting the "see <insert Satanists here>" links to their respective articles. WerewolfSatanist 05:27, 7 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Set as the Egyptian Devil...

...wasn't an idea of Anton LaVey or Michael Aquino. It has earlier roots in the works of such men as Paul Carus. There's a whole load of information on the subject and some still debate whether or not he counts as a Devil. Another neteru that could be construed as a devil is Apep/Apophis, who was pretty much an evil serpent of chaos waging war on Ma'at. And is there any real indication that Hadit is a devil beyond Crowley saying that Hadit was a devil? 20:09, 18 October 2007 (UTC)

Nope Just Crowley, but I agree about Apep the great worm or serpent which was actually a fog bank between the the two great rivers. There is an egyptian group that supports Bes in the position of Devil besides myself but their name eludes me at the moment.Rev. Michael S. Margolin 22:23, 22 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Lol If I Were a More Sensitive Person, I'd be Hurt

Am I, dare I say it, being Censored? Just for laughs, why was I banned from your website Rev? Was it the shot I took at the Path to Satan book? Just curious, if I'm banned, thats your decision and I respect it. But generally I like to know just WHY I'm being banned from a website. WerewolfSatanist (talk) 06:04, 15 December 2007 (UTC)

Perhaps if you were more sensitive you would not have worded this sentence the way you did. "I found the COS Files to be hilarious. A big boohoo fest from everybody who felt "wronged."

My reply was this, HS, I did not Boo hoo I crowed like the proud Rooster that I am. I proudly display my expulsion letter even to the point of proudly posting it on the web. Your generalized comment exposes you for what you are. ISN 666

This one is another members reply

Y'know, I never actually looked at their Bunko Sheet before cause I couldn't really give less of a fuck about it than I do right now; but I just read it. Here's a quote: "The difference between legit writers doing it and Daimon Oleaginous doing it is that the “Daimon” sprinkles his articles with sour-grapes attacks on the Church of Satan while stealing from us. That’s Christianity—tearing down the “other guys,” who don’t have the “true message.”" Isn't that precisely what the CoS is guilty of in and of itself? Even their Bunko Sheet is guilty of what the Bunko Sheet warns about. I call bollocks...let the chips fall where they may. Fuck the CoS. -"Even a nothing threat deserves a response you won't soon forget."

And finally my reply to his,

HS Scott, I'm trully sorry he can't reply, to your reply it was great. Even if he could reply I highly doubt he'd reply to it anyway. Again my apologies Bro! ISN 666Rev. Michael S. Margolin (talk) 21:40, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

Fair enough, Rev. I bear no ill will. It was fun while it lasted, anyway. HS. WerewolfSatanist (talk) 01:27, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Speedy deletion of Reverse Christians

A tag has been placed on Reverse Christians, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section G1 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the page appears to have no meaningful content or history, and the text is unsalvageably incoherent. If the page you created was a test, please use the sandbox for any other experiments you would like to do. Feel free to leave a message on my talk page if you have any questions about this.

If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion by adding {{hangon}} to the top of the page (just below the existing speedy deletion or "db" tag), coupled with adding a note on the talk page explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for speedy deletion, if the article meets the criterion it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would would render it more in conformance with Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. Lastly, please note that if the article does get deleted, you can contact one of these admins to request that a copy be emailed to you. Beach drifter (talk) 02:53, 27 March 2008 (UTC)

I tagged it for speedy because of the way it reads. If you rewrite it I'm sure it would sound more plausible. Some of those sentences are not even full sentences. I also find it ludicrous to mention sacrificing babies. I saw the reference on the Satanism article and was tempted to redirect the whole article to it. However the reference in that article also reads poorly and is not sourced, and so should probably be removed as well. Beach drifter (talk) 03:07, 27 March 2008 (UTC)

"I also find it ludicrous to mention sacrificing babies" when the media and Christian propaganda say Satanists kill and eat babys and I get the stink eye for being an open Satanist, it's not so ludicrous. But I will work on the article more. I'm not a technical writter I'm a poet any help besides deleating would be apreaciated.Rev. Michael S. Margolin (talk) 03:16, 27 March 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Sinagogue- theistic

I was wondering, is the SoS in general, as outlined in the Book of the Goat etc. theistic Satanist? From the first page of the site, it seems more like they are slightly philosophically, and definitely politically satanist. I know you can't speak for what the members believe and many may also be TS, but the worship of Satan doesn't seem to be the primary aim of SoS, which seems to be freedom of religion and freedom in general (which is of course a good thing.) Merkin's mum 19:49, 14 May 2008 (UTC)

Here is the Book of the Goat, there is a line in it where Satan says "Yet I am not worshiped unless you become me" Therefore it is a worship but more of a Tauist/tantric form than western thought. Feel free to ask anything you wish after you read it. Again it is not mandatory for members to accept.Rev. Michael S. Margolin (talk) 22:24, 14 May 2008 (UTC)

Ooh, thanks, I look forward to reading it and will start this evening. :) Merkin's mum 21:42, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] runaway teen satanist?

i you answered me years ago further up the page lol but I didn't check wiki as often then and didn't notice it:-

I am trying to make the bit about the Joy of Satan encyclopedic in tone- have you heard of them?Merkinsmum 02:00, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

HS, Yes I've heard of them. One of their members joined recently. She is the Chineese Canadian girl that was involved in that run away teen Satanist fiasco. She joined a few weeks ago. ISNRev. Michael S. Margolin 03:57, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

-What was this, was it in the papers? Do tell! Sticky Parkin 01:56, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

She gave me a cnn link at the time, so there should be something in archives somewhere.Rev. Michael S. Margolin (talk) 05:38, 10 June 2008 (UTC)