
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
This user enjoys
heavy metal music.
This user has an iPod.
band-3 This user loves the band Megadeth.
This user is a fan of BAD RELIGION.
This user is an Ed Head.
This user is a fan of The Offspring.
S This user is a fan of Slayer.
This user enjoys punk rock.
This user enjoys film scores.

HTML-3 This user is an advanced HTML user.
batch-1 This user is an occasional Batch programmer.
This user has an account on Rate Your Music.
MA This user has an account on Metal-Archives.
This user likes their Martinis shaken, not stirred.
This user enjoys playing Magic: The Gathering
arg-3 This user is an advanced air guitarist.
Firefox This user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
NOTEPAD.EXE| This user contributes using Notepad.
This user contributes using a laptop.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user can't stand hip hop music.
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
This user enjoys reading magazines.
This user's favorite subject is Music.
This user clicks on Random article way too often.
This user has left the planet Earth 0 times.
This user is most likely listening to Opeth right now.

[edit] Recent cover/infobox adds

Image Artist Title
Budgie Squawk.jpg Budgie Squawk
NeverTurnYourBackonaFriend.jpg Budgie Never Turn Your Back On a Friend
Budgie-Bandolier.jpg Budgie Bandolier
BudgieIfiwerebritanniaidwaivetherules.jpg Budgie If I Were Britannia I'd Waive the Rules
CandlemassEpicusdoomicusmetallicus.jpg Candlemass Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
CandlemassNightfall.jpg Candlemass Nightfall
CandlemassAncientdreams.jpg Candlemass Ancient Dreams
Candlemass talesofcreation.jpg Candlemass Tales of Creation
CandlemassChaptervi.jpg Candlemass Chapter VI
Cannibalcorpse15yearkillingspree.jpg Cannibal Corpse 15 Year Killing Spree
ChildrenofbodomDownfall.jpg Children of Bodom Downfall
Tokey warhearts.jpg Children of Bodom Tokyo Warhearts
Bestbreeder From 1997 to 2000 (musical album).jpg Children of Bodom Bestbreeder From 1997 to 2000
ChildrenofbodomInyourface.jpg Children of Bodom In Your Face
ExodusBondedbyblood.jpg Exodus Good Friendly Violent Fun
ExodusLessonsinviolence.jpg Exodus Lessons in Violence
ExodusGoodfriendlyviolentfun.jpg Exodus Bonded by Blood
Trueobsessions.jpg Marty Friedman True Obsessions
musicfor1.jpg Marty Friedman Music For Speeding
musicfor2.jpg Marty Friedman Music For Speeding
HelloweenHelloween.jpg Helloween Helloween
HelloweenWallsofjericho.jpg Helloween Walls of Jericho
HelloweenChameleon.jpg Helloween Chameleon
HelloweenMasterofring.jpg Helloween Master of Rings
IronmaidenMaidenengland.jpg Iron Maiden Maiden England
IronmaidenLiveone.jpg Iron Maiden Live+One
ManowarBattlehymns.jpg Manowar Battle Hymns
ManowarIntogloryride.jpg Manowar Into Glory Ride
ManowarHailtoengland.jpg Manowar Hail to England
ManowarSignofthehammer.jpg Manowar Sign of the Hammer
ManowarFightingtheworld.jpg Manowar Fighting the World
Md45Thecraving.jpg MD.45 The Craving
Megadeth Rusted Pieces DVD Cover.jpg Megadeth Rusted Pieces
MegadethRudeawakeningDvd.jpg Megadeth Rude Awakening (DVD)
MegadethUnitedabominations.jpg Megadeth United Abominations
NuclearassaultThirdworldgenocide.jpg Nuclear Assault Third World Genocide
SixfeetunderHaunted.jpg Six Feet Under Haunted
SodomInthesignofevil.jpg Sodom In the Sign of Evil
SodomObsessedbycruelty.jpg Sodom Obsessed by Cruelty
SodomExpurseofsodomy.jpg Sodom Expurse of Sodomy
SodomPersecutionmania.jpg Sodom Persecution Mania
SodomMortalwayoflive.jpg Sodom Mortal Way of Live
Sodom-AgentOrange.jpg Sodom Agent Orange
SodomAusgebombt.jpg Sodom Ausgebombt
VenomPossessed.jpg Venom Possessed
VenomMetalblack.jpg Venom Metal Black
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This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user to whom this page belongs may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at