
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

responsibility - 1. the state or fact of being responsible. 2. an instance of being responsible: The responsibility for this mess is yours! 3. a particular burden of obligation upon one who is responsible: the responsibilities of authority. 4. a person or thing for which one is responsible: A child is a responsibility to its parents. 5. reliability or dependability, esp. in meeting debts or payments. —Idiom 6. on one's own responsibility, on one's own initiative or authority: He changed the order on his own responsibility. beyond the general concept of taking responsibility for something, and is not to be confused with the general notion of making an assumption that a concept such as "responsibility" exists.

 A 2005 study at the East Harmon University shows that not finishing a task such as a 

project,errand,or sentence will most likely lead to a lack of responsibility in the present and in years to come.