Resurrection Catholic Parish (Wilmington)

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Resurrection Parish is a Catholic Church in the Pike Creek Valley in Wilmington, Delaware. Commonly referred to as Resurrection.


[edit] Contact information

3000 Videre Drive, Skyline Ridge

Wilmington, Delaware 19808

(302) 368-0146


[edit] History

Resurrection Parish was founded in 1969 by Bishop Thomas Mardaga. In effort to comply with Vatican II directives, the parish was able to offer alternatives to those who wanted them. The parish was set up in a way previously unheard of: there would be no geographical boundaries. People more comfortable with the traditional churches could remain in their existing parishes. Others could come from the entire region (northern Delaware as well as nearby Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey). The founding pastor, Father Frank Herron, was enough of a visionary to lead the way. Along with Liturgies in the vernacular (Masses in English) and guitar music in place of organ, Fr. Herron was pleased to guide the new church in its way of outreach commitment - service to the community at large as well as service to its own members. This emphasis was so strong that there was no attempt at all to begin with a building. The "church" referred to the community of believers, the people, the original connotation dating back to the Greeks and Romans. They would be, for several years, "a church without having a building to put it in." On Sundays for the first two years, they would rent a local grade school. For the subsequent twelve years, they rented the auditorium of St. Mark's High School.

Fr. Herron convinced a local apartment complex to break out an extra exterior doorway between two adjacent apartments for the parish chapel and office during these first fourteen years. His rectory "pad" was on the second floor just above the office area. He never expected the parish never to have a building; in fact, he envisioned a place that might even have a swimming pool and a pool table where people could unwind and unburden themselves in a relaxed atmosphere. At the first parish picnic, someone noticed, "Look! There's Fr. Herron wearing shorts!" This feeling of true community, belonging by choice rather than necessity of geographical boundaries has been of utmost strength when extending outreach and survival in difficult times (such as losing dedicated parishioners to surrounding parishes who needed to send their children to parochial schools - Resurrection doesn't have one).

[edit] Donut Ministry

One way Fr. Herron developed the community, communication, and spirit within the parish was to offer coffee and donuts after the Masses. This was quite effective - people actually stayed and mingled instead of breaking out for the parking lot. The Donut Counter continues to this day and is considered to be one of the parish and family life ministries. Many people stay after the Masses, often long enough to meet others coming in to the following Mass. Volunteers pick up and serve the donuts, coffee, tea, milk, orange juice and apple juice. As often as practical, the Donut Counter is served by Pastoral Council members as a way to meet and communicate with other parishioners.

[edit] Liturgy

Coordinator of Liturgy and Music - Oversees the sacramental and ritual life of the parish so as toinvite each member of the parish community to participate in thelife, death and resurrection of Christ.

Liturgy Committee Chair - Oversees all liturgical preparation. Fosters critical evaluation ofLiturgy.

Music Ministry Chair - Oversees and instructs folk groups, cantors, psalmists,instrumentalists.

Children's Liturgy of the Word - Offers the Liturgy of the Word on a child's level at 9 a.m. Mass onSundays.

Lectors - Each of 7 Teams meets every 7 weeks to prepare each Sunday'sliturgy.

Ministers of the Eucharist - Assist the celebrant and deacons distributing the Eucharist at liturgical celebrations.

Sacristan Coordinator - Has care of all vestments, cloths and sacred vessels.

Sacristan ("Marthas") - Prepare altar for Mass.

Linen Sacristan - Wash the linens used on the altar.

Environment - Designs setting of each season, Sunday and feast day.

Greeters/Ushers - Welcome all to our Sunday liturgies, especially guests and newparishioners, distribute bulletins and assist at communion.

Altar Servers - Boys and Girls, 5th grade and older, who assist at the altar

Bread Baking - Bakes the bread to be consecrated into the Body of Christ.

Sacred Dance - Dance and mime to enhance the liturgy.

[edit] Christian Formation

Christian Formation Program (CFP) - Provides religious learning for children from mid-nursery through10th grade, and for adult and parent/sacrament programs.

Christian Formation Committee (CFC) - Oversees and proposes policy for all religious education programsfrom Baptism through adulthood.

Cherub Nursery - Volunteers supervise infants to 3 year-olds while parents attend 9:00a.m. CFP Mass or 11:00 a.m. Mass.

M.O.M.'S Faith Sharing - A weekly gathering of book study, pray and share their lives. Mondays 9:30 - 11 a.m. at the worship center.

R.C.I.A. (Catechumenate) - Initiates new members into the Church through a year round process ofprayer, teaching and action according to the Rite of ChristianInitiation of Adults.

R.C.I.C. - A journey of faith formation for children who have not been baptized.They are prepared for Initiation (the reception of Baptism,Confirmation and First Eucharist) through Liturgy of the Word,"Breaking Open" our Liturgical symbols, shared prayer and communalgatherings. The process runs anywhere from one to three years.

Youth Minister - Coordinates total youth ministry program for youth in the 7th to 12thgrades. Includes religious education, service, and social events.

[edit] Parish Family Life

Membership / Welcoming Coordinator - Keeps parish roster up to date. Welcomes newcomers and plansCommunity Weekends.

Athletics - Adult softball & volleyball, Girl's softball (6th to 8th grade), Boy's basketball (9th to 12th grade).

Coffee and Donuts - Sees to the servicing and staffing of the coffee and donut counterafter the Sunday Masses.

L.A.F.F. (Life After Fifty-Five) - Weekly gathering for members 55 and older.

Next Step - A Christian group organized for Single, Separated, Divorced or Widowed adults to meet for spiritual growth, support & socialization.

Social Activities - Fosters community spirit within the parish through social events.

Parish Hospitality - Assists with setting up and serving refreshments for parish activities.

Youth Ministry - Coordinates social activities for youth of the parish.

Prayer Chain - Group prayer for the submitted needs of parishioners.

[edit] Pastoral Council

This council acts in concert with the pastor to lead and guide the people by making decisions with him for the common good. It also acts as a representative of the people, bringing their thoughts and concerns to the pastor.

The Council is composed of:

The Pastor

Five elected Ministry Representatives (CFC, Liturgy, Social Concerns, Parish & Family Life, Property & Grounds Committees)

Eight elected Stewards (representing parishioners alphabetically, two for each of four areas)

Two elected Trustees

Two Pastoral Appointees

Executive Officer of Finance Council (non-voting member)

Co-Mission Representative

Youth Ministry Representative