Wikipedia talk:Requested articles/Biographies

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Hey User:Ricardo Carneiro Pires, when you grab this stuff from places I'm trying to organize... take all the entries with you! :D

I'd wanted to get people listed all in one place, and it looks like you've made that place, so move all the other sections over here - and then put links in, like I'd started doing on Wikipedia:Requested articles/Social sciences‎. And like the header section you'd grabbed from one of those places.
~ender 2008-02-16 14:07:PM MST

[edit] Professional list vs. Straight alphabetical list?

Personally, I like them broken up by functional group, by profession (or perhaps major nationality?) But we should pick one way of doing things. With of course an alphabetized list of unsorted/other people at the bottom.

If we break it up by profession, we can link individual sections from other Requested article pages as I used to have done intra-page at Wikipedia:Requested articles/Social sciences‎.
~ender 2008-02-16 14:53:PM MST

[edit] Biography requests for Biz, Math, Nat. Sci.

Right now, I'm tentatively advocating leaving those major request pages alone, in their categories. The people running those sections made individual sections for biographies, and have been keeping them organized. I say we just link to them, and make a catch-all container for each at the bottom of the page, as I've done for Math. What're your thoughts?
~ender 2008-02-17 11:42:AM MST

[edit] Please don't delete people's requests

Please don't delete people's requests.

Refile them appropriately THEN delete them.

The Biography page is *NOT* cleaned up. I'm in the process of cleaning it, but yeah, it ain't done yet. I'm sorting things out (notice many of the professional sections are not suppossed to be on that page, but I've not gone thru every letter yet, nor the unsorted, to pull out every businessman, writer, etc, etc, etc).

The biography requests were in a state of higgedly-piggedly for like 2 years? And have sections all over the place - which non-users could not fix (if you notice I started trying to fix stuff about a year or two ago, getting people put into only a couple of places, until a user made a central location).

Unfortunately, that means that random non-wikipedians dropped requests into sections that were mostly people (and there are people requests scattered throughout related sections). When I pulled all of those sections to biography page, they weren't sorted. But they did need to be deleted from the places they were at so that reconciling the names and such didn't get even worse (and it was bad as it turned out).

If you want those sections gone, then find the correct places to file those requests. That's why they're below the fold in the 'working on area'
~ender 2008-03-16 01:27:PM MST