Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names/ Docs/ Inputbox

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the discussion-request inputbox used on Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names.
Please do not delete, move, or archive it elsewhere.

To report a username, add the username into the box below. Leave out the "User:" prefix.
Replace only the word USERNAME, leaving the rest as is.

Then click "Report a username". You will be taken to a page where you can fill out the request.
After you've saved the request, come back to see the remaining instructions below this box.

You must list your request (after it has been saved) by adding
{{Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names/USERNAME}}
as the last entry on Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names ←(click this link).

This is the discussion-request inputbox used on Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User names.
Please do not delete, move, or archive it elsewhere.