Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Lightbringer/Evidence

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[edit] Evidence presented by {your user name}

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[edit] Evidence presented by {Lightbringer}

The First two thirds of the Freemasonry page are pro-masonic and largely consist of material apparently removed from Masonic websites. The last third, or quarter of the article are criticisms, and within the criticisms are a healthy rebuttal by the pro-masonic crowd. The links section is again two thirds pro, one third critical.

I seek a balanced article and I believe we have one there at the moment I write these words 10:35, 17 October 2005.

We had a freeze on the page, a cooling off period. Once the period ended the same cast of characters began deleting all of the links and entries like they had done previously. I tried my best to revert the article to it's previous state but was simply outnumbered by the Masonic editors.

I recommend you freeze the page at the point I indicated above or at the same point you did last week during the 'cooling off period' of the arbitration vote. What is 'frozen' now is a version with most of the links they disliked removed, as well as a great amount of material from the criticisms sections.

Furthermore the claims MSJapan makes below are a nonsense. He moved the anti-clericalism section to the 'anti-freemasonry' page he created directly, and not to the talk section as he claimed. Additionally it was previously decided well over a month ago that the old anti-masonry page should be merged with the freemasonry page. The purpose MSJapan and other Masonic editors have in the anti-freemasonry page is to ghettoize all views it dislikes into a infrequently viewed area, as an initial step towards deleting it entirely. You will note that all the links they deleted last night, and again tonight, links such as articles on the NYT and Washington Post, articles about leading Freemasons who founded other occult orders, links to 'anti-masonic' websites, that provide a balance to the dozen or more pro-masonic links, were not transfered to their new 'anti-freemasonry' page, they just erased them completely.

I also find MSJapans continual deletion of an article written by the Diocese of Arlington, Virgina especially offensive and no doubt motivated like his deletion of the anti-clericalism material - by out and out bigotry to the Catholic Church, caused by the Church's well known teachings about this secret occult society - teachings which Freemasons such as MSJapan seek to conceal from their members, prospective recruits, and the general public.

Anti-Clericalism was a political movement of Freemasonry, not a political movement of Anti-Freemasonry, so why does MSJapan move it to the Anti-Freemasonry page? I have concluded that the Freemason editors are only interested in monopolizing the Wikipedia entry on Freemasonry towards their Pro-Masonic point of view.

[edit] Links deleted <16> <Oct> by MSJapan & other Pro-Masonic Editors

Please provide links to instances where this link was removed
They deleted this link and the remainder of the links I listed below so many times it is hard to know where to start, and if I listed all of the instances it would run off the bottom of the page. Just take my word for it, and save everyone a lot of bother.Lightbringer 15:48, 24 October 2005 (UTC)

Fred Bauder 14:55, 18 October 2005 (UTC)

Please provide links to instances where this link was removed Fred Bauder 14:55, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to instances where this link was removed Fred Bauder 14:55, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to any instance where this material was added Fred Bauder 17:58, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
It was deleted not added Fred. Ibit, ibit, etc., etc.Lightbringer 15:52, 24 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to any instance where this material was added Fred Bauder 17:58, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to any instance where this material was added Fred Bauder 17:58, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to any instance where this material was added Fred Bauder 17:58, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to any instance where this material was added Fred Bauder 17:58, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
Please provide links to any instance where this material was added Fred Bauder 17:58, 18 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Partial list of material deleted <16> <Oct> by MSJapan & other Pro-Masonic Editors

  • - Masons use the phrase "It is raining" to refer to a Mason that non-Masons exist around them.
  • Historically, Freemasonry has been identified with 19th-century bourgeois liberalism, and Freemasons have often tended to regard traditional Christianity as allied to reactionary powers defending the status quo against the advance of human freedom. Masonic Lodges of this period were often associated with anticlericalism, and were part of a broader movement, as is pointed out by Ralph Gibson: "The republican enemies of the Church did not simply attack it on the grounds of its political alignment, but also in terms of more positive ideologies: to the old traditions of the Enlightenment were added first positivism, and then scientism. Science was supposed to be the key to the understanding of the universe, and even to enable men to grasp its essential meaning. Social science was believed to be able to provide the basis for an ethical system. This new faith was ardently preached under the Third Republic in Masonic lodges and circles of libre pensée, in learned journals, and in educated republican society in general" (A Social History of French Catholicism, 1789-1914 [London & New York: Routledge, 1989], pp.237-38).
  • Controversies over the historical involvements of Freemasonry and anticlericalism reach a peak in attempting to understand the role of Freemasonry in the history of anticlericalism in Portugal, Italy, and Mexico. Freemasons were prominent in the foundation of the modern Mexican state and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the writing of its anticlerical constitution. Under the regime of Plutarco Elías Calles, the enforcement of anticlerical laws provoked the Cristero War. These animosities persist. As recently as 2004, Norberto Cardinal Rivera of Mexico at a conference in Mexico City denounced the influence of Freemasonry.
  • The scandal brought down the Italian government at the time and a full blown parliamentary inquiry ruled that P2 was 'a state within a state' — it listed as members the heads of all the branches of the Italian military and intelligence services, and many corporate titans, including the present Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The Grand Lodge of England and many North American Grand Lodges have claimed that P2 was expelled from the Grand Orient of Italy. Additionally, the Grand Master of P2, Lucio Gelli, was implicated in terrorist bombings throughout southern Europe as part of the strategy of tension. Police found paintings of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini on the walls of his Tuscan mansion when they searched it.
  • Gelli ran the infamous Rat-line that spirited numerous Nazi Party Members to Argentina, on behalf of both U.S. and Italian intelligence agencies. Gelli was charged with war crimes by the Italian Government Commission for his involvement with atrocities committed by the Herman Goering Division, where he served as a liaison officer. Lucio Gelli fled to Switzerland, then to France, but he was later extradited back to Italy. After posting bail, he fled again, but was returned to live under house arrest at his villa. In the summer of 2005, Gelli, now well into his 80's, found himself once again under investigation by Italian authorities, this time in connection with the trial of the murder of Roberto Calvi.
  • The most vigorous opposition to the fraternity has come from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is openly hostile to Freemasonry, deeming it at least partly responsible for the French Revolution and the resulting decline of the church in Europe. The Knights of Columbus and other Catholic fraternal organizations were established to provide alternatives to Freemasonry for observant Catholics. Ironically, some Catholic organizations (not fraternal organizations) such as the Jesuits and Opus Dei have more recently been the target of anti-masonic libels. Although most Freemasons in the English-speaking world are Protestant, some Protestant churches hold that Freemasonry is incompatible with being a member of a community of Christian faith, based on the scriptural holding that "no man can serve two masters".
  • The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declares that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication; the revised code issued in 1983 does not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies condemned in canon 1374. According to some interpretations of canon law, Roman Catholics are forbidden to become Freemasons by their church, though Freemasons do not bar Roman Catholics and it is not unusual to find Catholic members. However, in a letter to the United States bishops from the Office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the interpretation was made clear — the prohibition against Catholics joining Masonic orders remains. Many Catholic Masons in the United States choose to rely on the letter of the law.
  • The Eastern Orthodox church forbids its members from becoming Masons.
  • One reason the Free Methodist Church was founded in the 1860s was that its founders believed the Methodist Church was being influenced by Freemasons and members of secret societies. The Free Methodist Church continues to prohibit its members from also joining societies such as the Freemasons. Recently the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest association of Baptists in the United States, also stated that participation in Freemasonry is inconsistent with its beliefs.
And a good amount more

Lightbringer 09:14, 18 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Evidence presented by {MSJapan}

The complaint is that Lightbringer has been editing and reverting Freemasonry to include material that is clearly not appropriate, and also against editor consensus. Furthermore, any attempt to clarify the issue leads to cries of "Pro-Masonic" editors, rather than good research sense, which a cursory look at the Talk page will illustrate. In order to keep things brief, I am only choosing a few incidents, but the are generally multiple occurrences, and a look at the history page will also show that personal attacks are being made within edit comments by Lightbringer, without any basis whatsoever.

User:WegianWarrior seems to have neatly summarized the majority of the information of incidents on the talk page, but I would also urge the ArbCom to look at the edit comments left on the history page by Lightbringer since September (approx. 2 pages worth), and the gist and tone of the discussion of the Talk:Freemasonry page to see the extent of the problem.

[edit] <18 Oct>

The discussion [here] is another indication of Lightbringer's inability to accept anyone else's reasoning, and accuses the Masons of "deletion and vandalism", when in fact, the material he complains about was either removed as unscholarly, unverifiable, or wrong, or, as in the case of the Criticism section was [[2]] in the current protected version, or moved to Anti-Freemasonry.

[edit] <16 Oct>

  • <06:24>
    • Lightbringer reverted the edit of the section on anticlericalism, stating as an edit comment that the section was "destroyed" [[3]], when I clearly stated [[4]] that I moved it to the Talk page because it no longer made sense in context as noted on the [page] here.
  • <03:23>
    • [|This] is an edit comment with a personal attack on me. I explained that the NYT article was removed because it is not viewable without registration, and TBH, the Catholic Enctclopedia article was very good, all thngs considered.
  • <00:29>
    • An article from the Washington Post was removed by me a second time [| here], because the link to the original article provides only a paragraph, and Lightbringer's link is to FreemasonryWatch, not the original source. The Post website clearly states that republishing costs money, even for non-profit organizations, therefore it violates copyright to republish it. A look at the link from FreemasonryWatch, Fezzes, Sphinxes and Secret Handshakes, shows no copyright notice, and following the original link obviously shows an incomplete article and a link to a page to pay for republishing rights. Another link that was readded at this same time was this one. The gist of it was that a candidate was supposedly shot during a ritual in a Lodge. However, the real story is here. Therefore, it is clear that the entire tone of the article was wrong, and therefore was not acceptable as a reference item for an encyclopedia article.

[edit] <18 Sep>

[edit] Response to Lightbringer's quoted deletions

As I don't have too much in the way of evidence that hasn't already been well-documented by others, I figured I would respond to Lightbringer's statements.

  • - Masons use the phrase "It is raining" to refer to a Mason that non-Masons exist around them.
Neither I nor others have ever heard this phrase used, nor could I find any source for verification of its usage. The value of this is therefore questionable, as well as grammatically incorrect (should be "inform", not "refer").
  • Historically, Freemasonry has been identified with 19th-century bourgeois liberalism, and Freemasons have often tended to regard traditional Christianity as allied to reactionary powers defending the status quo against the advance of human freedom. Masonic Lodges of this period were often associated with anticlericalism, and were part of a broader movement, as is pointed out by Ralph Gibson: "The republican enemies of the Church did not simply attack it on the grounds of its political alignment, but also in terms of more positive ideologies: to the old traditions of the Enlightenment were added first positivism, and then scientism. Science was supposed to be the key to the understanding of the universe, and even to enable men to grasp its essential meaning. Social science was believed to be able to provide the basis for an ethical system. This new faith was ardently preached under the Third Republic in Masonic lodges and circles of libre pensée, in learned journals, and in educated republican society in general" (A Social History of French Catholicism, 1789-1914 [London & New York: Routledge, 1989], pp.237-38).
This was moved to Anti-Freemasonry, but I also fail to see how this is relevant to either Masonry or Anti-Freemasonry, as it is limited to only one country, and talks only tangentially about Freemasonry. Furthermore, anti-clericalism does not seem to have been used to criticize Freemasonry, nor can I find any credible source identifying Freemasonry with any political or religious movement.
  • Controversies over the historical involvements of Freemasonry and anticlericalism reach a peak in attempting to understand the role of Freemasonry in the history of anticlericalism in Portugal, Italy, and Mexico. Freemasons were prominent in the foundation of the modern Mexican state and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the writing of its anticlerical constitution. Under the regime of Plutarco Elías Calles, the enforcement of anticlerical laws provoked the Cristero War. These animosities persist. As recently as 2004, Norberto Cardinal Rivera of Mexico at a conference in Mexico City denounced the influence of Freemasonry.
Also moved to Anti-Freemasonrey, but again, the link between Freemasonry and anti-clericalism is very unclear, and its relevance as part of an article on Freemasonry is debatable, as it is discussed only superficially.
  • The scandal brought down the Italian government at the time and a full blown parliamentary inquiry ruled that P2 was 'a state within a state' — it listed as members the heads of all the branches of the Italian military and intelligence services, and many corporate titans, including the present Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The Grand Lodge of England and many North American Grand Lodges have claimed that P2 was expelled from the Grand Orient of Italy. Additionally, the Grand Master of P2, Lucio Gelli, was implicated in terrorist bombings throughout southern Europe as part of the strategy of tension. Police found paintings of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini on the walls of his Tuscan mansion when they searched it.
  • Gelli ran the infamous Rat-line that spirited numerous Nazi Party Members to Argentina, on behalf of both U.S. and Italian intelligence agencies. Gelli was charged with war crimes by the Italian Government Commission for his involvement with atrocities committed by the Herman Goering Division, where he served as a liaison officer. Lucio Gelli fled to Switzerland, then to France, but he was later extradited back to Italy. After posting bail, he fled again, but was returned to live under house arrest at his villa. In the summer of 2005, Gelli, now well into his 80's, found himself once again under investigation by Italian authorities, this time in connection with the trial of the murder of Roberto Calvi.
  • The most vigorous opposition to the fraternity has come from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is openly hostile to Freemasonry, deeming it at least partly responsible for the French Revolution and the resulting decline of the church in Europe. The Knights of Columbus and other Catholic fraternal organizations were established to provide alternatives to Freemasonry for observant Catholics. Ironically, some Catholic organizations (not fraternal organizations) such as the Jesuits and Opus Dei have more recently been the target of anti-masonic libels. Although most Freemasons in the English-speaking world are Protestant, some Protestant churches hold that Freemasonry is incompatible with being a member of a community of Christian faith, based on the scriptural holding that "no man can serve two masters".
  • The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declares that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication; the revised code issued in 1983 does not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies condemned in canon 1374. According to some interpretations of canon law, Roman Catholics are forbidden to become Freemasons by their church, though Freemasons do not bar Roman Catholics and it is not unusual to find Catholic members. However, in a letter to the United States bishops from the Office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the interpretation was made clear — the prohibition against Catholics joining Masonic orders remains. Many Catholic Masons in the United States choose to rely on the letter of the law.
  • The Eastern Orthodox church forbids its members from becoming Masons.
  • One reason the Free Methodist Church was founded in the 1860s was that its founders believed the Methodist Church was being influenced by Freemasons and members of secret societies. The Free Methodist Church continues to prohibit its members from also joining societies such as the Freemasons. Recently the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest association of Baptists in the United States, also stated that participation in Freemasonry is inconsistent with its beliefs.
All these items were moved to Anti-Freemasonry and summarized in the relevant section on Freemasonry in accordance with the length limits imposed on the article, and no information was destroyed at all. MSJapan 06:11, 31 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Evidence presented by User:WegianWarrior

I'll try to be short and to the point, as it ought to be clear just from looking at User:Lightbringer's userpage and his contributions that he is on Wikipedia solely to push his anti-masonic POV in all likely and unlikely articles. The following is just a representative cross section of his edits. All timestamps are as they appear on my screen, which probaly means UMT+2.

Before registring a username, Lightbringer used the IP, as proven by the fact that Lightbringer's userpage is whole written (exept some unfortunate vandalism and reverts thereoff) by this IP, and that Lightbringer signed a comment made from that IP. His history of POV pushing goes roughtly three weeks further back when one looks at the contributions of this IP. It also seems unlikely (at least to me) that any other editors have used this IP based on the edits made.

[edit] 01 november

Please note that the edits presented as evidence on this date (1 November) took place while Lightbringer is banned from editing pages relating to Freemasonery (pending the resolution of this case).

  • 12:26 & 12:30
    • Despite being banned from editing artilces relating to freemasonry by the arb-com, Lightbringer edited the Anti-Freemasonry page twice; first time removing two links (one of which gave the history of Anti-Freemasonry), the second of which was close to (but not excatly) a revert to an earlier revert by Lightbringer, deleting several sections of the article (including the section on the history of Anti-Freemasonry).
  • 1 2:46
    • Edited the Freemasonry page, despite his ban, adding two links of uncertain value.

[edit] 31 october

Please note that the edits presented as evidence on this date (31 October) took place after Lightbringer was banned from editing pages relating to Freemasonery, and while he was banned from editing Wikipedia due to breaking the aforementioned ban.

  • 13:02
    • Using the IP, known to be used by Lightbringer in the past (see above, and also further down in the evidence presented), reverted (refered to it as restoring) the article once again.

[edit] 30 october

Please note that the edits presented as evidence on this date (30 October) took place after Lightbringer was banned from editing pages relating to Freemasonery.

  • 14:24 & 14:24
    • In the article on William Wirt, Lightbringer removed infomrmation, refering to it as unreferenced factually wrong nonsense, before his next edit removed the reference that backed it up...
  • 14:35
    • Yet again, a revert, attempting to hide by refering to it as 'restoring', offensive editsummary, again deletes (without concencious) an important section of the article about the Landmarks of Fremasonry. Also removed a good, external link in the lead.

[edit] 24 october

  • 17:24 to 17:29
    • Over the course of three edits, Lightbringer changes the scope of the article (again, without concensius on the talkpage), removes links not fitting his POV and deposits several highly POV links, some of which leads to websites that isn't very encyclopedic.

[edit] 23 october

  • 04:56
    • Lightbringer reverts the Anti-Freemasonery page, ruining the work of several other editors to improve the page (again making claims that every other editor is "pro-masonic" btw)
  • 05:08
    • Lightbringer announces his intent to break WP:POINT at a future date (and ranting a bit too).

[edit] 18 october

  • 04:48
    • Lightbringer reverted to a previous version by himself, claiming in his editsummary that revert vandalism. slander and personal attack noted.. The "slander and personal" in question was undoing a POV-based revert with deceptive comments claiming he was reverting vandalism
  • 10:03
    • Lightbringer attemps to get aminds to protect his version of the article, obviously not realising that protection is not meant as an endorsment of a perticulat POV, but as a tool to stop pointless revert wars. In his favour he adds a thank you later.
  • Starting at 12:07, for now ended at 12:38
    • Lightbringer removes all information from the article Anti-Freemasonry that does not sit well with his POV, as well as adding more highly POV material: [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17] (removing any hint that the conspiracy theories are in fact theories), [18] and [19](changing the scope of article to suit his POV), [20], [21] (replacing a reasonable NPOV section with a highly POVed one), [22] (dumping a load of highly POV links into article),

[edit] 17 october

  • 12:35
    • Changed section title to be in line with his own POV, away from a more NPOV wording.
  • 12:31
    • Hidden revert, no edit summary. This revert on his part took out an important section of the article on the 'landmarks' of freemasonery (pretty much what defines freemasons).
Edited by me, corrected link that had gotten messed up when I cut and pasted. WegianWarrior 07:02, 20 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] 16 october

  • 08:56
    • Attacking other editors after he was blocked for a 3RR violation.
  • 08:06
    • Patently false statements in the editsummary - there is NO concensus for adding these links, and AFAIK no other editors have been rebuked by Wiki Arbitrators for abuse in this case.

[edit] 12 october

  • Starting at 08:03, ending at 08:35
    • Lightbringer claims that User:Spinboy is sabatoging (sic) the talkpage, later changes it to hacking, then gets angry when Spinboy moves and renames the section in accordance with the guidelines for no personal attacks.
  • 19:49
    • A edit summary with not just a personal attack on User:DreamGuy, but also flat out stating that he strives for an extreme POV, as opposed to NPOV.

[edit] 10 october

  • 06:52
    • In responce to having the section of the talkpage he removed (see entry for 9th october @ 0745) restored, Lightbringer claims that the other editors desire to inform others of the history of Freemasons is a Masonic P.O.V. Manifesto.

[edit] 09 october

  • <7:45
    • Lightbringer deletes and entire section of the talkpage, no edit summary or justification.

[edit] 08 october

  • 15:37
    • Lightbringer apperantly claiming that Wikipedia is run my Freemasons. Seconds later changed the wording to a personal attack on the arbtrators.
  • 21:08
    • Lightbringer attemps to [23] hide two of his personal attacks as arbitration draws nearer.
  • 21:11
    • Lightbringer tries to hide a third personal attack.

[edit] 07 october

  • 01:03
    • Revert, once again, this time with a personal attack in the edit summary against a spesific user.
  • 01:17
    • Moveing another editors comment on talkpage for no apperant reason. I theorise this was done so it would appera the other edotor replied to something else than he in reality did, likely to make the other editor appear dumb.
  • 01:44
    • Again, a revert where the editsummary is a personal attack on other editors.

[edit] 06 ctober

  • 12:36
    • Even more attacks on other editors, this time claiming everybody else lies.
  • 13:41
    • Lightbringer claims on talkpage they the other editors are conspireing agianst him by by 'back-channel' e-mails. Can aslo be read as an accusation of every other editor being a sockpuppet.

[edit] 02 october

  • 07:08
    • Yet another revert, this time with namecalling and personal attacks in the edit summary.

[edit] 01 october

  • 16:17
    • Yet another revert on his part, but one where the editsummary nicely states his POV and intentions.

[edit] 30 september

  • 14:51
    • In the last edit so far by an editor using the IP known to be used by Lightbringer, namecallingin direct violation of the no personal attacks policy (a policy which it seems Lightbringer don't care much about in regard to others).
  • 14:53
    • Lightbringer signs the comment mentioned above, also adds a bit more namecalling.

[edit] 27 september

  • 11:02
    • Lightbringer (presumably) blanks the talkpage for the IP he's been using.

[edit] 18 september

  • 00:10 - 01:05
    • Over a series of edits, an editor using the IP that is known to be used by Lightbringer copies the contens of his talkpage onto the Talk:Freemasonry, starts to attack Masons in general, removes a personal attack, but soon after inserts another, longer one aimed at DreamGuy in particular (and Masons in general).Shortly after he follows up with more of the same, including refering to the Wikipedia as Wilkopeida (and admitting he is furious at Masonry in general).
  • 01:24 - 01:31
    • In Talk:jack the Ripper, an editor using the same IP as is known to be used by Lightbringer copies part of the discussion from Talk:Freemasonry, gives it a heading which is a personal attack on User:DreamGuy. In his favour he deletes it as of 02:05 the same day (also the third edit he did with his present username) - but see entry for this date @ 02:06
  • 02:33 & 02:35
    • On two talkpages ([24][25]) an editor using the IP that is known to be used by Lightbringer writes To add information to a Wikipedia page via paragraph and heading insertions and additions is in the spirit of this project. To wholesale delete entries, repeatedly and completely erase them, is certainly not. These entries are not the personal domains, websites, or fifedoms of anyone.. It is a shame Lightbringer don't follow this for himself.

[edit] 17 september

  • 03:52 - 04:34 & 11:36 - 11:54 & 13:36
    • Over a long series of edits(too many to list, see the edit history of the IP for all of them) an editor using the IP that is known to be used by Lightbringer uses as a source to try to name British Freemasonery as suspects for the Jack the Ripper murders, as well as other murders (Mozart, William Morgan and Stephen Knight). Freemasonswatch is not a reliable source for information.
  • 23:58
    • An editor using the IP known to be used by Lightbringer replies to a warning on his talkpage, not just claiming that Freemasons are stupid and they are liars, but also that User:DreamGuy is a mason. In addition, this is the first (I think) edit where Lightbringer (it must be presumed) claims that Freemasons run the Wikipedia, or attempts to run the Wikipedia.

[edit] 8 September

  • 14:44 - 14:50
    • Over a series of edits([26][27][28][29][30]), an editor using the IP that is known to be used by Lightbringer uses as a source to attack Wicca. While not directly related to Freemasonry, it uses the same source Lightbringer has used to attack other articles later.

[edit] Evidence presented by User:CambridgeBayWeather

I have no real desire to be involved in this as I am unsure of which party is in the right.

[edit] 31 October

  • 12:34 Zulu Time
    • Lightbringer removes personal attack from talk page here.

[edit] Evidence presented by User:SarekOfVulcan

[edit] 4 November

[edit] 7 November

  • 15:15
    • He attempts to turn the "Claims that Freemasonry worships Satan" section into a list of Masonic quotes of "dubious" material, and deletes all of the "response" sections.

[edit] 9 November