Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics

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Please follow the Wikipedia conventions of not capitalizing words in an article title except for the first letter and proper names. That is, write your request as This and such theorem instead of This And Such Theorem.


[edit] Abstract algebra

Approximately finite-dimensional (this is mentioned in Von Neumann algebra but isn't it more general notion?) - Asymmetric range/Symmetric range - Basic perturbation lemma - Central factor - Cosocle - Dedimensionalisation - defectless valuation - Descendant subgroup - Eigenvariety (needs to be defined and explained in brief detail) - Formal module - Freshman's dream theorem - Hopkin's theorem - Hyper-finite field - Lazard ring (redirects to formal group#Lazard ring) - Lüroth's theorem (redirects to rational variety) - Mittag-Leffler condition - Precrossed module (perhaps redirect to an expanded Crossed module?) - Predicative arithmetic - Pseudo-finite field - Saturated field - Serial subgroup - Square class (element of F * / (F * )2 for some field F) - Skew-symmetric ring -

[edit] Actuarial mathematics

See also Requested articles in finance.

Analog sum

[edit] Algebraic geometry

A1 homotopy theory - algebraic cobordism - Bruhat order - Devissage - Dianalytic structure - Elliptic modulus - étale homotopy group - formal scheme - Hilbert-Blumenthal surface - Lefschetz principle - Linear complex (see, e.g., [1]) - p-divisible group - Picard scheme - Plethystic algebra - rigid cohomology - rigid geometry - Rosati involution - Secant-secant theorem - semisimple algebraic group - semistable vector bundle - smooth morphism (own article) - valuative criterion - Zernike moment - Isoperimetric quotient - Central quadric

[edit] Arithmetic geometry

anabelian geometry - Bloch-Kato conjecture on special values of L-functions - Bogomolov conjecture - criterion of Néron-Ogg-Shafarevich - diamond operator - Dieudonné module - Drinfeld upper half plane - Fontaine-Mazur conjecture - fundamental lemma (Langlands program) - Galois representation associated to a modular form - generalized elliptic curve - isocrystal - Katz-Lang finiteness theorem - Kodaira-Spencer isomorphism - modular elliptic curve (add the different equivalent formulations of "modular": analytic, geometric, arithmetic) - p-adic Hodge theory - period domain - section conjecture - Tate elliptic curve - Weil converse theorem - Zarhin trick -

[edit] Calculus of variations

Abstract comunitronics - Deformation theorem - Ekeland's variational principle - Geometric theory of regression- Lie point symmetries- point symmetries

[edit] Category theory

2-morphism - Allegory (mathematics) - Atomic topos - Bar construction - Coquasitriangular Hopf algebra - Effective topos - Enriched limit (mathematics) - Final algebra (to be contrasted with initial algebra and linked with anamorphism as initial algebra is linked from catamorphism) - Frobenius category - Intertwining operators relations and number - lim^1 - Monadic length - Ribbon category - Rigid monoidal category - Semi-abelian category (with redirect from Semiabelian category) - Yoneda ext -

[edit] Coding theory

Brand quotient - Coding lemma - Disguise operation - Football pool problem - Satisfiability coding lemma - Context modeling - Asymmetric numeral systems

[edit] Combinatorics

MacMahon master theorem - Oligomorphic group - Polyhedral combinatorics - Stern's diatomic series (sequence A002487 in OEIS), also called fusc() - combinatorial number theory -

[edit] Complex analysis

Boettcher coordinate - Formal Newton series - Gram polynomial - Hyperbolicity - Hyperbolic components - Neumann operator - Osgood's lemma - Paving lemma - Theta operator - Theta series - Z plane as corresponding to Z transforms as used in control engineering - recursive filter (IIR) float accuracy problem -

[edit] Complexity theory

Crossing sequence - Dimensional shrinkage - Homeokinetics - Pollaczek-Khintchine formula

[edit] Convex analysis / Optimization

Bundle method [2] The Bundle Method in Combinatorial Optimization] - Constrained conjugate gradient / Conjugate gradient with barriers (how does the barrier effects the conjugate gradient solution) - Error surface (see, e.g., [3]) - Grid search method - Hopscotch method - Monge-Kantorovich problem - Noisy optimization - Supporting functional - Waterfilling theorem - MathProg - Roman Polyak - Nonlinear rescaling

[edit] Cryptography

Ari David Levie - Blum-Micali algorithm - Comp128v2 - Cryptographic Quarterly - Decision linear assumption - Forking lemma - Keystore - Laszlo Kish - Multilinear modular hashing - Online/offline signature [4] - Range proof - Superincreasing sequence - Yao's XOR lemma - Pseudo random large bit sequence using XOR feedback - Spyros Magliveras

[edit] Decision theory

no requests

[edit] Descriptive geometry

Parallel projection (currently a redirect to another article that's a bit too advanced for the general reader.) -

[edit] Differential equations

Backwards diffusion equation - Extended linearity principle - Majda's model - Microdifferential operator - Similarity solution - Singular limit -

[edit] Differential geometry and topology

Atiyah-Hitchin-Singer theorem - Conjugate locus - Double tangent bundle - Fedosov manifold - Gibbons-Hawking space - Grothendieck lemma - Last geometric statement of Jacobi - Light cone quantization - Natural bilinear concomitant - Nonlinear connection - Partial tangent functor - Polyvector field - Pseudofunction and partie finie (with redirects from Hadamard's partie finie, Hadamard's finite part) - Randers manifold - Ricci's lemma - Symmetric part of a tensor - Symplectic connection - Tight surface (see, for example, [5]) - Toponogov theorem - Whitney forms -

[edit] Dynamical systems

CARIMA model - Paterson's worm (see [6]) - Zeeman catastrophe machine (see, e.g., [7])

[edit] Elementary arithmetic

no requests

[edit] Functional analysis

Bornology (currently a redirect) - Codistribution - Convenient analysis - Finite representability - Function algebra - Fundamental lemma of interpolation theory (see e.g. Cwikel et al., On the fundamental lemma of interpolation theory, J. Approx. Theory 60 (1990) 70-82) - Fundamental period - Hermite-Gaussian - Nonlinear operator theory - Operator space - Quasinuclear operator - Radon-Nikodym property - Separation theorem (the present article is about one in economics; there might be several theorems called separation theorem.) - Spectral triple - Super-reflexive space (or superreflexive space) Symbol filtered algebra -

[edit] Game theory

Multi-perturbation Shapley value analysis (MSA) - Saddle value - Sandler: Marketmaking in a Panopticon - Search games - Strictly determined game and Strictly non-determined game

[edit] Geometry

Coarse function - Diametral circle - Diametral lens - Funk transform - Haruki's lemma - Killing-Hopf theorem - Longuerre's theorem - Moufang polygon - Noncommutative plane - Omnitruncated 120/600 cell - Operational mathematics - Plane of rotation (generalizable to more dimensions than axis of rotation) - Plücker's conoid - Pythagorean solid - Shadowing lemma - Shape grammar theory - Synge's theorem - Sphere-cylinder intersection - Sphere-sphere intersection (see Plane-sphere intersection) - Steiner's porism - Theory of proportions - Triangle midsegment conjecture (see [8], should probably be a redirect) - Ultralimit - Weak separation property (fractal geometry) - Zonal harmonic - Wheel of Theodorus - 10-polytope - Decacross - Vertex angle - Vertical angles -

[edit] Graph theory

Berge's lemma - Dark geometry - Dynamic segmentation - Elimination order - Ellentuck's theorem Filled graph - Frerejaque number - Generalized net (extension to Petri net) - Graphoid - Horizontal constraint graph, Vertical constraint graph - Implicit and explicit domain and range - Intrinsically linked graph - Law of detachment - Linear referencing - Mass-distance relation - Midquad - Overlap coefficient - Restriction scaffold problem - Surface class - Tree measure / Tree metric - Uniconnected subgraph - Welch-Powell algorithm - Longest circuit-

[edit] Group theory

Automata group - Cliquet theory - Cogroup (currently a redirect) - Floretion - Lattice-ordered group (also listed in Order theory) - Normalizer of Singer cycle - Recoupling theory - Reidemeister-Schreier rewriting process - Repeating group - Singer cycle

[edit] History of mathematics

Ancient Chinese finger counting -[9] gives the basic numbering -but how do you do multiplication, division etc? — Calculus reform — Etymology of mathematical notation — Rigorization of analysis, usually referred to in 19th century — Hungarian mathematics [10] — Deutsche Mathematik ("German mathematics"), Nazi-era movement and mathematical journal (de:Deutsche Mathematik)

[edit] K theory

Bloch-Kato conjecture

[edit] Lie groups / Lie algebras

10-j symbol - 15-j symbol - Crystal graph [11] - Kač determinant (currently a redirect, gets one sentence) - Klimyk's formula - McKay correspondence - Miniscule representation - p-adic Lie group (currently a redirect, gets half a sentence) - Primitive invariant - Quantum double - Racah-Wigner algebra - Racah's multiplicity formula - Representative function - Satake diagram - Schur functor - SE(3) (Lie group of rigid body transformations) - Steinberg formula - SU(2) - SU(3) - SU(5) - Tangent Lie group

[edit] Linear algebra

Componentwise inequality - Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (linear programming) - Eigengap - Fast Givens rotation - Hotelling deflation - Leading 1 - Matrix lumping - Nazarova-Roiter algorithm - Nested dissection algorithm (also listed in Numerical analysis) - Test matrix - Kernel function [1] -

[edit] Mathematical analysis

Dyadic derivative - Friedrichs' lemma - Gauss transformation - Gevrey class - Infra-exponential type/function/growth, etc - Perfect differential - Percent recovery - Positive invariance - Spatial covariance - Ultradistribution [12] - Weyl calculus - Whittaker-Watson formula - Envelope of a function [13] -

[edit] Mathematical logic

See also Wikipedia:Requested articles/Logic

[edit] Proof theory

  • Harrop formula
  • Unwinding (proof theory)

[edit] Model theory

[edit] Recursion theory

  • Ordinal logic -
  • PA degree

[edit] Set theory

  • Barwise compactness theorem -
  • C-measurable set -
  • Canonical representative -
  • Condensation lemma
  • Core model program -
  • Extended set theory (D L Childs et al.) -
  • Effective Polish space
  • Inner model program -
  • Leftmost branch (of a tree, currently redirected to a page which doesn't mention the subject) -
  • Mitchell order -
  • Moschovakis' coding lemma (currently redirected to a page which doesn't mention the subject) -
  • Paris model -
  • Quasi strategy (for a game, currently redirected to a page which doesn't mention the subject) -
  • Scale property (currently redirected to a page which doesn't mention the subject) -
  • Scott analysis (should also have redirects from Scott sentence and Scott rank) -
  • Unfolded Banach-Mazur game -
  • Universally Baire set -
  • Weakly homogeneously Suslin set -
  • Yannakakis' algorithm


  • Totally reflexive relations
  • Bichotomous relation
    • Dichotomettic relation
  • Trichotomous relation
  • Idempotent relation
  • Heterogeneous relation
  • Contact relation
  • Regular relation
  • Normalizing relation
  • Consistent relation
  • Definite relation
  • Dense relation
  • Weakly dense relation
  • Determinant relation
  • Terminating relation
  • Convergent relation
  • Orthogonal relation
  • Rooted relation
  • Transitively connected relation
  • Deterministic relation
  • Cyclical relation
  • Weakly connected relation

[edit] Other and uncategorized requests

  • E-connection -
  • Equational logic
  • Generative set -
  • Implicit assumption (different from Tacit assumption?) -
  • Matrix logic -
  • Multi-attribute utility theory -
  • Multicriteria decision analysis -
  • Outranking analysis -
  • Pragmatic fallacy -
  • Reductive reasoning -
  • Self-reference puzzle -
  • Simple multi-attribute rating technique -
  • Sortal -
  • Subsumption lattice -

[edit] Mathematicians

(a redirect page using only the last name should also be created for each of these, if the last name is both famous and unambiguous. For example: Bourgain should redirect to Jean Bourgain and so on.)


  • Achemmel, Gottfried
  • Aczel, Peter
  • Arfken, George
  • Beauville, Arnaud
  • Berloty, Bonaventure
  • Bezrukavnikov, Roman
  • Bickel, Peter
  • Bloch, Spencer
  • Boettcher, Lucjan E
  • Bol, Gerrit
  • Boyarchenko, Mitya
  • Braverman, Alexander
  • Brenier, Yann
  • Bruck, Richard Hubert
  • Burns, David (the mathematician)
  • Chakerian, Gulbank Don (USA)
  • Cohen, Teresa
  • Cobb, Charles (article is presumably about a different Charles Cobb)
  • Cuntz, Joachim (see de:Joachim Cuntz)
  • Dold, Albrecht
  • Donoho, David
  • Dunfield, Nathan
  • Edixhoven, Bas
  • Faddeev, Dmitrii Konstantinovich
  • Feng, Zuming
  • Fikhtengol'ts, Gregory M.
  • Filippov, Aleksei Fedorovich
  • Flach, Matthias
  • Fontaine, Jean-Marc
  • Franel, J. (France, 19th century-20th century)
  • Frenkel, Edward
  • Fuks, Dmitry (Fuchs)
  • Gabber, Ofer
  • Gelfand, Sergei
  • Goundar Rajaram
  • Grabowski, Janusz
  • Gratzer, George
  • Gras, Georges
  • Greenberg, Ralph


  • Hashiguchi, Kosaburo
  • Haynes, Martha Euphemia Lofton
  • Hildebrand, Francis B. ( 1915? -29 Nov 2002)
  • Hildebrandt, Theophil Henry (T. H.)
  • Hofmann, Steven (or Steven Hoffman?)
  • Hopkins, Michael (the mathematician, not the architect!)
  • Huppert, Bertram (see de:Bertram Huppert)
  • Illusie, Luc
  • Jannsen, Uwe
  • Jarvis, Frazer
  • Karoubi, Max
  • Kato, Tosio (Konuma, Giappone, 25 Aug 1917 -Oakland, California, USA, 2 Oct 1999)
  • Katsevich, Gene
  • Kaull, Donald
  • Kelley, Kyle
  • Khovanski, Askold G.
  • Kings, Guido
  • Kisin, Mark
  • Knoer, Alvin
  • Kottwitz, Robert
  • Lansey, Jonathan
  • Laumon, Gérard
  • Legnani, Tom
  • Liu, Qing
  • Longyear, Judith Q.
  • Mad Mathmos (a group at Cambridge University)
  • Milne, James
  • Mochizuki, Shinichi
  • Natanson, Isidor Pavlovich
  • Neeman, Amnon
  • Neukirch, Jürgen
  • Ngô, Bao-Châu
  • Norden, Aleksandr Petrovich
  • O'Nan, Michael
  • Pimenov, Revolt Ivanovich
  • Pop, Florian
  • Quadling, Douglas
  • Prabhakar, Tilak Raj
  • Preiss, David
  • Puppe, Dieter
  • Rapoport, Michael
  • Roquette, Peter
  • Rickert, John
  • Saito, Shuji
  • Sato, Kanemoto
  • Schapira, Pierre
  • Schlesinger Ludwig (see de:Ludwig Schlesinger)
  • Scholze, Peter (Three time gold medallist and 2007 runner up at International Mathematical Olympiad) (also see List of International Mathematical Olympiad exceptional participants)
  • Sendova, Eugenia
  • Shult, Ernest
  • Skinner, Christopher (Princeton University)
  • Sós, Vera, (Adviser of Laszlo Babai, co-founder of the notable St. Olaf's Budapest semesters in mathematics, 100+ papers on mathscinet, mostly combinatorics)
  • Soulé, Christophe
  • Stein, Sherman K.
  • Sujatha, Ramdorai
  • Szamuely Tamás
  • Tamagawa, Akio
  • Venjakob, Otmar
  • Villareal, Federico
  • Wall, Hubert Stanley
  • Wei, Juncheng
  • Weibel, Charles
  • Wielandt, Helmut (see de:Helmut Wielandt)
  • Wintenberger, Jean-Pierre
  • Wright, Margaret H.
  • Yatsenko, Yuri
  • Zahorski, Zygmunt
  • Zarhin, Yuri
  • Zhai, Alex

[edit] Unsorted

From the requested biographies page

  • William N. Everitt - William Everitt - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - mathematician
  • Boris Kordemsky - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - Russian mathematician
  • John Knox (scientist) vs John Knox (disambiguation) - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - meteorologist & mathematician, found new method of calculating e
  • Vasiliy Sergeyevich Vladimirov - Vasiliy Vladimirov - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - mathematician
  • Dionigi Galletto - (req. prior 2008-02-16) - physicist - mathematician

[edit] Measure theory

Loeb measure

[edit] Number theory

Combinatorial number theory

[edit] Algebraic number theory

abelian polynomial theorem - Artin-Verdier duality - Beilinson regulator - Borel regulator - B-math - cyclotomic character - diophantine dimension - explicit class field theory - Greenberg conjecture - Grunwald-Wang theorem - Hasse-Arf theorem - Hermite-Minkowski theorem - higher local field - higher ramification groups - Iwasawa algebra - Liardet's theorem - Infrastructure (number theory) - Leopoldt conjecture - Leopoldt's Spiegelungssatz (Leopoldt reflection theorem) - main conjecture of Iwasawa theory - Minkowski's convex body theorem - Neukirch-Uchida-Pop theorem - noncommutative Iwasawa theory - p-adic L-function - p-adic modular form - Poitou-Tate duality - ray class field - Sen's theorem - Shafarevich conjecture (there are two conjectures) - Strange numbers - Tamagawa number conjecture - tame ramification - Tate twist - Weil converse theorem - Modular symbol

[edit] Analytic number theory

Bobak Hossainkhani - Brandt matrix - Brandt module - de Bruijn function - Fundamental lemma of sieve theory - Markov spectrum - Mixed integer rounding

[edit] Numerical analysis

Absorbing boundary condition (with redirect from absorbing boundary conditions and mentioning perfectly matched layer) -- Box spline - Faure sequence - Kevin theory (a form of vector calculus used for physics calculations) - Lentz's algorithm (for the evaluation of continued fractions) - Model order reduction - Nested dissection algorithm (also listed in Linear algebra) - Non-uniform sampling - Orthomin(1) algorithm (for approximating Ax=b) - Sobol sequence (currently a redirect but deserves an article) - Watson transformation -

[edit] Order theory

Continuous poset - East Gawley overlap algorithm - Ideal completion - Irreducible element (order theory) - Join-dense set - Kaucher arithmetic - Lattice-ordered group (also listed above in Group theory) - Lawson topology - Localic group - Mathematical relaxation (order theory) - Meet-dense set - Partially ordered monoid - Pointwise order - Powerdomain (order theory) - Prime element (order theory) - Von Neumann stability analysis

[edit] Population genetics

Nucleotide polymorphism

[edit] Probability theory

Bayesian mapping - Cameron-Martin development - Campbell's theorem - Continuous tree - Convergence in variation - Derived distribution - Feinstein's fundamental lemma - Homogeneous process -Constant parameters process - Iterative proportional fitting - Laplace estimator - Luders rule - Marked point process - Martin boundary - Predictive distribution - Probabilistic potential theory (currently a redirect to an article that doesn't mention the topic) - Probability summation - Stein's two-sample procedure - Threshold function and their relation to combinatorics/graph theory, number theory, etc. - Tracy-Widom distribution - Verdu-Han lemma

[edit] Real analysis

Bi-Pareto distribution - Hake's theorem (see Henstock-Kurzweil integral) - Half-exponential function - Inverse distribution function - Maharam theorem - Sierpinski-Erdos duality theorem -

[edit] Recreational mathematics

no requests

[edit] Statistics

See also Requested articles in Econometrics --

ABC curve (I've heard this term mentioned in management as a method of determining the relative desirability of various expenditures by "triage" or the Pareto principle. Google search seems to show it used as a general statistical term.) (Approximate Bayesian computation?? - In which case we may want a redirect.) (Activity-based costing? - redirect?) - Bayesian deviance - Burstiness - Burg's method -used in Matlabs arburg() for estimating AR process coeffs. Clisy - Cochran's Q - Composite bar chart - Conditional covariance - Doornik and Hansen normality test - Duncan-Waller k-ratio t-test - Dunn-Sidak bound - Empirical likelihood - Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariant techniques - Extended spatial decorrelation - Fast simulation - Fisher's protected LSD - forensic statistics See the category:forensic statistics - Fractional error - Frequency distribution table - Gap statistic - Graybill-Deal estimator - Harmonic mean estimator - Hill estimator - Hyperparameter - Inference on Markov chains -Continuous and discrete time, fixed interval and fixed event sampling - Inherent zero - Interrater reliability - JADE (ICA) (an Independent component analysis algorithm) - Jenks natural breaks - (numeric classification, useful for thematic maps) Linear feature extraction (a collection of pattern recognition algorithms used in science and engineering) - L-moment - Log-Pearson type III distribution - Lower tail dependence - Max-stable distribution - Morisita-Horn index - Newman-Keuls test - Nonlinear curve fitting - Noncentrality parameter - Nonparametric Bayesian method - Normal power family - pooled OLS - Polychoric correlation matrix - Probability-weighted moment - REDATAM [14] - Ryan Einot Gabriel Welsch method - Seasonal index (with redirect from Seasonal indices) - Separate families of hypotheses (and tests of) - Smallest singular value of the hessian - Split plot - Stagewise regression - Standardized residuals - Statistical disclosure - Statistical linearisation - Superpopulation models - Symmetrical MAPE (SMAPE) - Systematic variation - Tukey B method - Upper tail dependence - Varimax factor analysis - Violin plot - von Mises statistic (a.k.a. V-statistic) - Wilson estimate

[edit] Topology

[edit] Algebraic topology

Artin-Mazur profinite completion - E_infinity ring spectrum - even periodic ring theory - Free homotopy group - homotopy groups of simplicial sets - Hyperbolic simplicial complex - James construction - Karoubi conjecture - Landweber exact formal group law - Motive (topology) - secondary cohomology operation - Strong shape theory - Transgression (fiber bundle) - Witt space

[edit] General topology

Absolute neighborhood retract (currently only one sentence) - Affine fibration - Contiguity space - Double fibration - Martin boundary

[edit] Geometric topology

Geometric structure - Lambda lemma - Murasugi sum - Propeller twisting - Regular neighborhood - String topology - Thurston norm

[edit] Knot theory

Chayes-McKellar-Winn theorem - Singular braid monoid

[edit] Set-theoretic topology

L-space (mathematics) - S-space

[edit] Special functions

Gram-Charlier polynomials - Poisson-Charlier polynomials - Lommel polynomial - Lommel-Weber function -

[edit] Still uncategorized

Please try to classify the rest of these requests.

Boolean polynomial - Bounding lemma - Compendo and dividendo - Classical result - Coupled map lattice - Cousin's lemma - Definition (mathematics) - Dobrushin's lemma - D-triangle number (redirect to Pascal's triangle?) Dynamic subtraction - Fourier goniometry (related to Goniometric) - Graph (application) (equation plotter) - Graphmatica (equation plotter) - Hilbert-Huang transform - Hyperslab - Interior degree - Kadison–Singer problem - Klop's lemma - Mathematical algorithms list and general contrasts to computer algorithms - Median cut (quantization algorithm) - Model management - Non-zero - Object coloring - Polydromy - polynomiograph, polynomiography - Robert's cross operator - Seven-point code - Simplest form - Simplistic algorithm - Strict positivity restriction - Uniform bounding lemma - Arc of descent - Jeffries multiplier - Evolution of numbers - H-stability - Bloch's constant (named after André Bloch) - Dirichlet form (named after Johann Dirichlet) - Prefactor a non-universal quantity - Szegő kernel - Gauss space - Dürer's conjecture - Bezdek, Dániel - Davies-Bouldin index - Combinatorial Nullstellensatz - Innovation (signal processing) -

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a redirect to Positive definite kernel for the moment; relates to Fredholm kernel I suspect, and has applications to support vector machines and other kernel methods in statistical classification