Requiem (Dvořák)

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Antonín Dvořák's Requiem in B-flat minor, Op. 89, is a funeral mass for soloists, choir and orchestra.

[edit] Parts

  • Section I:
    • 1. Introitus: Requiem aeternam
    • 2. Graduale: Requiem aeternam
    • 3. Sequentia: Dies irae - Tuba mirum - Quid sum miser - Recordare, Jesu pie - Confutatis maledictis – Lacrimosa
  • Section II :
    • 4. Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe – Hostias
    • 5. Sanctus - Pie Jesu
    • 6. Agnus Dei

[edit] Opus history and characteristics

Antonín Dvořák composed the Requiem in 1890, which was in the beginning of his peak creative period. This composition is one great reflexion on generally alarming questions of human existence. The construction of the mass is not typical: the composition is divided in two basic parts, each of which begin with the original interconnection of several liturgical sequences. Likewise, Dvořák inserted between "Sanctus" and "Agnus Dei" a lyrical movement "Pie Jesu," created on the base of the final text of the "Dies irae" sequence. Its basic melodic motif is created by two ascending half-tones with an incorporated very sorrowful diminished third, which begins the opus and continues in many variations as the main "leitmotif" running through the entire work. Dvořák's Requiem is a supreme opus of classicist-romantic synthesis. This composition inspired many other Czech composers, e.g. Josef Suk and Bohuslav Martinů.

This composition was performed for the first time on the 9th of October 1891, in Birmingham, England, conducted by the composer; its success opened his pathway to glory.

[edit] Major recordings
