Republican Majority for Choice

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The Republican Majority for Choice is a Republican organization in the United States dedicated to preserving legal access to a full range of reproductive health care options including abortion. The group also supports federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research[1].

RMC has a connected political action committee and supports pro-choice Republicans across the country.

[edit] History

The Republican Majority for Choice was renamed from the Republican Pro-Choice Coalition in 2004 after an American Viewpoint Poll commissioned by Republicans for Choice[2] found that 73% of Republicans believe that the decision to have an abortion should be made by a woman and her doctor and not by the government. Polling by Zogby in December 2004 disputes the claim that pro-chioce is a majority opinion within the Republican party [3].

[edit] References

  1. ^ Republican Majority for Choice - 2008 Legislative Priorities
  2. ^ John Avlon on Anti-Abortion vs. Pro-Choice
  3. ^ Zogby: New National Abortion Poll Shows Majority of Americans are Pro-Life

[edit] External links