From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
General notes:
- Very good article. Great job!
- Decide on terminology (mountain/highland) and capitalisation
- Remove capitals from headings
- Suggest using regular citation mechanism (ref tags) instead of Harward
- Suggest adding regular infobox over the "custom made" one
For centuries the Formosan tribes experienced economic competition and military conflict with a series of conquering peoples.
- What's Formosan tribes?
These languages are of unique historical significance, since most historical linguists consider Taiwan as the original homeland of the Austronesian language family.
- Citation needed.
Plains, Mountains and Tribal Definitions
- Don't use capitals in headings. Here and all the other.
For most of their recorded history, Taiwanese Aborigines have been defined by the agents of different colonial projects with a variety of colonial aims; Confucian, Christian, and Nationalist.
- Change to: agents of Confucian, Christian, and Nationalist colonial projects with a variety of colonial aims. More natural.
Qing literati used the term “raw barbarian 生番” to define those people who had not submitted to Qing rule, and “cooked barbarian 熟番” for those who had pledged their allegiance through their payment of a head tax.
- Citation needed.
As the Qing consolidated their power over the plains and struggled to enter the mountains
- Might want to mention some place before the goegraphy of Taiwan.
During the 50 years of Japanese colonial rule (1895-1945), anthropologists from Japan maintained the binary classification, and in 1900, incorporated it into their own colonial project by recognizing nine tribes of Aborigines: Atayal, Bunun, Tsou, Saisiat, Paiwan people, Puyuma, Ami and Peipo (Plains Aborigine), later the Yami (Tao) and Thao were added (Harrison 2001:54-55).
- How did they incorporate the binary classifcation? Explain please. (list of tribes is not self-explanatory)
During the early period of Kuomintang (KMT) rule, the tribal designations given by the Japanese were considered tainted by Japanese rule and the blanket term Shan Bao 山胞 “mountain compatriots” was substituted to reflect the place of Taiwan’s indigenous people in the Chinese Nationalist state (Harrison 2001:60).
- Might want to say early on that KMT is Chinese.
The divisions are not and have never been based strictly on geographical location. Among the so-called Gaoshan tribes are the Amis and Puyuma, who inhabit the plains of eastern Taiwan, and the Tao live on Orchid Island.
- What's Gaoshan? "who" is needed after "the Thao".
Based on the body of statistical and empirical data, it is widely acknowledged that these ethnolinguistic groups are not based on prior social entities, political groupings, or self-identified alliances in Qing Taiwan, but are the product of more recent taxonomies (Teng 2004:104-105).
- What does this mean?
Commonly cited examples of this ambiguity include (Seediq/Sediq/Truku/Taroko) and (Tao/Yami).
- What ambiguity? In earlier sentence you said it's difficult to arrive to a name.
The Thao, Kavalan, Truku and Sakizaya were recognized by Taiwan's government in 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2007 respectively.
- Something as recent as 2007 might need a separate citation.
A full list of the recognized tribes of Taiwan, as well as some of the more commonly cited unrecognized tribal groups, is as follows
- Where is the list of unrecognized people from?
In each successive regime, as the degree of colonization increased, the Aborigines of the plains found themselves in greater contact with outside cultures, resulting in an incremental process of acculturation and assimilation (Brown 2004:38-50).
- Might talk again on geography and how that affected the tribes.
The removal or replacement of these brought about an incremental transformation from "Fan" (barbarian) to "Han" (Brown 2004:155-164).
- Translate "Han"
The Japanese and KMT periods resulted in the assimilation process becoming more centralized (Harrison 2001:60-67), and had a greater impact on the Highlands groups.
- You mean mountain groups? Please be consistent. And why greater impact on them?
The complexity and scope of Aboriginal assimilation and acculturation on Taiwan has led to three general narratives of Taiwanese ethnic history.
- Might want to might this paragraph to history section.
Several factors militated in favor of the assimilation of the Plain tribes of aborigines.
- Such as?
Taking a Han name was a necessary step in instilling Confucian values in the aborigines (Liu 2002:31-32). Confucian values were necessary to be recognized as a full person and to operate within the Confucian Qing state (Ebrey 1996:19-34), and a Han surname was a necessary prerequisite. Possession of a Han surname, then, could confer a broad range of significant economic and social benefits upon aborigines.
- Repeating the same 3 times.
One family of Pazih became members of the local gentry (Pan 1996:440-462; Hong 1997:310-315) complete with a lineage to Fujian province.
- Huh?
Many plains aborigines joined the brotherhoods to gain protection from the collective as a type of insurance policy, and through these groups they took on a Han identity with a Han lineage.
- Protection from what? Don't follow.
Preference for one explanation over another is sometimes predicated upon a given political viewpoint.
- Citation please.
Aborigines were not permitted to use their traditional names on official identification cards until 1995.
- What are their traditional names?
The Mountain tribes were not entirely governed by these colonizing forces until the latter half of the Japanese colonial era, though the highland groups played a significant role in shaping colonial policy.
- Needs better wording. Shaping colonial policy when? of what? how?
The concept of property was often communal, with a series of conceptualized concentric rings around each village.
- Citation please
Many of the plains peoples were matrilineal/matrilocal societies. Men married into a woman's family after a courtship period where the woman was free to reject as many men as she wished before marriage.
- Citation?
In the matriarchal system of the Siraya, it was also necessary for couples to abstain from marriage until their mid-thirties, when the bride's father would be in his declining years and would not pose a challenge to the new male member of the household.
- Citation. Why so much attention to Siraya?
After they were driven out of Taiwan by a combined Dutch and Aboriginal force in 1642, the Spanish "had little effect on Taiwan's history" (Gold 1986:10–11).
- No need for ""
The Sirayan villages were, however, divided into warring factions: the village of Sinckan (Sinshih) was at war with Mattau (Madou) and its ally Baccluan, while the village of Soulang maintained uneasy neutrality.
- Citation.
In 1629 a Dutch expeditionary force searching for Han pirates was massacred by braves from Mattau, and the victory inspired other villages to rebel (Shepherd 1995:52-53).
- Braves is a weird word to use.
The Dutch soon found trade in deerskins and venison to be a more lucrative endeavor (Shepherd 1993:451 19n), and the recruited plains Aborigines to procure the hides.
- More lucrative than what?
Increased contact let to several Han taking up residence in Siraya bachelor houses.
- Huh?
After the Qing government defeated the Ming loyalist forces maintained by the Cheng family in 1683, parts of Taiwan became increasingly integrated into the Qing Empire (Teng 2004:35-60).
- Where did the Zheng go? And when did it happen?
...or from a variety of other factors, including: frequent intermarriage between Han and Aborigines, the replacement of aboriginal marriage and abortion taboos, and the wide-spread adoption of the Han agricultural lifestyle due to the depletion of traditional game stocks, which may have led to increased birth rates and population growth. Moreover, the acculturation of aborigines in increased numbers may have intensified the perception of a swell in the number of Han.
- Citation. Otherwise looks like wild speculations.
The Qing government officially sanctioned controlled Han settlement,...
- Huh?
The Qing authorities hoped to turn the plains tribes into loyal subjects, and adopted the head and corvee taxes on the aborigines, which made the plains aborigines directly responsible for payment to the yamen.
- What's yamen?
Aboriginal participation in a number of major revolts during the Qing era, ...
- Confused. Weren't the revolts Chinese vs aborigens? Was there a third side?
The tribes would commonly offer Han farmers a permanent patent for use, while maintaining ownership (skeleton) of the subsoil (田骨), which was called "two lords to a field" (一田兩主).
- Citation.
This strong version of the "migration" theory has been largely discounted by contemporary research as the Gaoshan people demonstrate a physiology, material cultures and customs that have been adapted for life at higher elevations.
- Citation, especially for physiology.
Linguistic, archaeological, and anecdotal evidence also suggests there has been island-wide migration of indigenous peoples for over 3000 years.
- Cut down on anecdotal evidence. This is encyclopedia. Migration to where?
The "displacement scenario" may also stem from the inland migrations of plains aborigine subgroups who were displaced by either Han or other plains aborigines and chose to move to the Iilan plain in 1804, the Puli basin in 1823 and another Puli migration in 1875.
- Why such precise dates of migration? What happened? Who migrated? Looks weird.
There is also anecdotal evidence that some Plains aborigines escaping to the mountains were sometimes captured and killed by highlands tribes (see the Atayal narrative "Headhunting" in the Formosan Language Archive).
- Relevance?
The lack of data primarily the result of the Qing quarantine on the area east of the border that ran along the eastern edge of the western plain.
- Quarantine?
- Does not really belong to history. Reads like a culture/custom section.
Almost every tribe except the Yami (Tao) practiced headhunting.
- Citation.
The Bunun people would often take prisoners and inscribe prayers or messages to their dead on arrows, then shoot their prisoner with the hope their prayers would be carried to the dead.
- Citation.
It was also customary to raise the victim's children as full members of the tribe.
- Citation.
Japan’s sentiment regarding indigenous peoples was crafted around the memory of the Mudan Incident, when, in 1871, a group of shipwrecked Okinawan fishermen were massacred by a Paiwan group from the village of Mudan in southern Taiwan.
- Citation.
A quarantine was placed around the mountain areas enforced by armed guard stations and electrified fence until the distant villages could be relocated closer to administrative control (Takekoshi 1907:210-219).
- Huh?
In 1949, on losing the Chinese Civil War to the Communist Party of China, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek led the Kuomintang in a retreat from Mainland China, withdrawing its government and 1.3 million refugees to Taiwan.
- citation for 1.3M figure.
In a 1994 study, it was found that 71% of the families surveyed would object to their daughter marrying an aboriginal man.
- Citation.
Many tang wai activists framed the plains aboriginal experience in the existing anti-colonialism/victimization Taiwanese nationalist narrative, which positioned the Hoklo speaking Taiwanese in the role of indigenous people and the victims of successive foreign rulers (Hsiau 2000:171-173; Edmondson 2002:32-42). By the late 1980s many Hoklo and Hakka speaking people began identifying themselves as plains aborigines, though any initial shift in ethnic consciousness from Hakka or Hoklo people was minor. Despite the politicized dramatization of the plains aborigines, their "rediscovery" as a matter of public discourse has had a lasting effect on the increased socio-political reconceptualization of Taiwan — emerging from the Chinese nationalist perspective into a wider acceptance of Taiwan as a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community (Hsiau 2000:171).
- Very hard to follow.
In the former case, the ATA took issue with the ROC's opposition to allowing Aborigines refer to themselves as yuan chu min (原住民). In the latter, the issue was the PRC's insistence that the Taiwanese delegation append Province of China to its title.
- Citations.
To some degree the movement has been successful. Beginning in 1998, the official curriculum in Taiwan schools has been changed to contain more frequent and favorable mention of aborigines.
- Citation.
The aborigines became the most skilled iron workers and construction teams on the island often selected to work on the most difficult projects.
- Citation.
Eco-tourism, sewing and selling tribal carvings, jewelry and music has become a new area of economic opportunity.
- Citation.
The most visible example of a tourism-based commercial development is Taiwan Aboriginal Culture Park.
- Link to WP article and not external link. Describe a bit what's that park. How many?
The Wulai Atayal in particular have been active in promoting their region's hot springs.
- Again, WP article and not external link.
The government has also spent considerable funds on museums and culture centers focusing on plains tribes and Taiwan's Aboriginal heritage.
- How much? How many museums?
[Listen to Ho-hi-yan; requires Windows Media Player 9].
- To external link section.
The issue of ownership was exemplified when the musical project Enigma used an Ami chant in their song "Return to Innocence", which was selected as the official theme of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
- Citation.
List of Notable people of Aboriginal descent
- Either expand or remove
External links
- Cut down