Renal pelvis

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Renal pelvis
Frontal section through kidney.
1. Renal pyramid 
2. Efferent artery
3. Renal artery
4. Renal vein
5. Renal hilum
Renal pelvis
7. Ureter
8. Minor calyx
9. Renal capsule
10. Inferior renal capsule
11. Superior renal

12. Afferent vein
13. Nephron
14. Minor calyx
15. Major calyx
16. Renal papilla
17. Renal column
Latin p. renalis
Gray's subject #253 1221
Precursor Ureteric bud
MeSH Kidney+pelvis
Dorlands/Elsevier p_10/13473676

The renal pelvis is the funnel-like dilated proximal part of the ureter in the kidney.

It is the point of convergence of two or three major calyces. Each renal papilla is surrounded by a branch of the renal pelvis called a calyx.

The major function of the renal pelvis is to act as a funnel for urine flowing to the ureter.

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[edit] See also

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