Renal capsule

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Renal capsule
1. Parenchyma   
2. Cortex
3. Medulla
4. Perirenal fat
Renal capsule
6. Ureter
7. Pelvis of kidney
8. Renal artery and Renal vein
9. Renal hilum
10. Calyx
Transverse section, showing the relations of the capsule of the kidney. (Labeled as "adipose capsule".)
Latin capsula adiposa renis, capsula fibrosa renis
Gray's subject #253 1220
Dorlands/Elsevier c_07/12211754

The renal capsule is a tough fibrous layer surrounding the kidney and covered in a thick layer of perinephric adipose tissue. It provides some protection from trauma and damage.

The renal capsule relates to the other layers in the following order (moving from innermost to outermost):

  1. renal medulla
  2. renal cortex
  3. renal capsule
  4. perinephric fat (or "perirenal fat")
  5. renal fascia
  6. paranephric fat (or "pararenal fat")
  7. peritoneum (anteriorly), and transversalis fascia (posteriorly).


[edit] Adipose capsule

The periephric fat may be regarded as a part of the renal capsule, called the adipose capsule of kidney.[1]

[edit] Additional images

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ University of Michigan - Lab Manual - Kidneys & Retroperitoneum

[edit] External links
