René Oberthür

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René Oberthür (1852 - 27 April 1944 , Rennes) was a French entomologist who specialised in Coleoptera. With his brother Charles Oberthür he worked in "Imprimerie Oberthür" the very successful printing business founded by his father François-Charles Oberthür. René and Charles supplied free bibles, missals, catechisms and other printwork to missionaries in exchange for insect specimens.In addition they purchased on a large scale, acquiring almost all the large collections sold during their lifetime.


[edit] Works

  • Coleopterorum Novitates- Recueil spécialement consacré à l'étude des Coléoptères, Tome (Volume) 1 (1883)(the only published part of an intended series). Very few copies of this 80 page work, published by René himself, were printed and it ends abruptly.René Oberthür contributed "Scaphidides nouveaux"; "Nouvelles espèces de Monommides"; "Trois Nebria nouvelles"; "Un Coptolabrus nouveau"; "Carabiques récoltés à Saint-Laurent-du Maroni par Nodier"; "Deux espèces nouvelles de Geotrupides"; "Trois espèces nouvelles du genre Helota"; "Deux espèces nouvelles du genre Lemodes" There were only two other contributors Maximilien Chaudoir "Carabiques nouveaux" and Léon Fairmaire Note sur le genre Chalaenus and Espèces nouvelles d'Hétéromères de Madagascar.
  • with C. Houlbert (1913) Lucanides de Java. Insecta; revue illustree d’Entomologie, Rennes 4 parts (1913-1914)-includes (1914) Catalogue systematique des lucanides consideres somme ayant ete trouves dans l'ile de Java.

[edit] Collection

His collections are conserved by Muséum national d'histoire naturelle(5 million specimens in 20,000 cases) Museum Koenig and Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Indomalayan and Papua Coleoptera).

[edit] References

  • Anonym 1944 [Oberthur, R.] Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 49 61
  • Constantin, R. 1992 Memorial des Coléopteristes Français.Bull. liaison Assoc. Col. reg. parisienne , Paris (Suppl. 14) : 1-92 67
  • Vincent, R. 1986: [Oberthur, R.] Bull. liaison Assoc. Col. reg. parisienne 8: 8

[edit] External links