Remote office hosting centre

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Remote Office Hosting Centers are office space leasing centers which lease individual offices to employees from multiple companies in one office building. The purpose of Remote Office Hosting Centers (ROHCs) is to provide professional office space in locations that are near where people live, so they can cut down on the commute, but still work out of a real office with professional grade internet, phone service and security.


[edit] Office Center Locations

Remote Office Hosting Centers are usually located in close proximity to where people live; they are generally distributed throughout

suburban and near-suburban locations. The idea behind a Remote Office Hosting Center is that you lease an office near where you live,

in a building shared with other remote office users and you telecommute from a professional, secure, and reliable office work


[edit] Services Provided by Remote Office Hosting Centers

  • Professional grade internet access for use with company VPN. (Personal firewalls, for each office, are configured in order to

insure security within the center).

  • Professional work space environment (desks, chairs, lighting, file cabinets, etc).
  • Professional grade phone system
  • Mail Stop
  • Security system (complete with system logs that can be provided to employers in order to guarantee work attendance).
  • Flexible office space leasing that can grow or shrink as a company grows or shrinks, which is no longer constrained by location, or

limited floor space in existing facilites.

[edit] Leasing

  • Remote Office Hosting Centers (ROHC) allow for flexible leasing, so that companies are not stuck in long term leases in case an

employee quits or leaves employment for any reason.

  • Remote Office Hosting Centers may offer additional services such as optional equipment or hands-on technical support for additional


[edit] Advantages Over Traditional Telecommuting

  • Professional work space with professional internet/network access.
  • Freedom from distractions inherit in home work environments (TV, family, chores, etc).
  • Secure facilities with attendance logging so that employers can be assured of employee work hours.
  • Separation of home and work. This is a key to mental health. For many people, it is hard to separate work from home, if you never leave home. Most people need a work place to go to and more importantly come home from. An ROHC provides the office, and the social contact that comes from working in an office with other workers (even if they work for a different company.

[edit] Summary

The bottom line is that many people do not have the discipline of facilities to be productive in a work / home environment. Employers do not trust employees to work from home without a reliable network and phone system.

With the cost of commuting these days in large cities, telecommuting is needed. However, most people need a real office space and everything that comes with a real office. They just do not need the commute.Slartibartfast100 (talk) 00:27, 5 June 2008 (UTC)