Rede Manchete

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Rede Manchete
TV Manchete Ltda.
Type Broadcast television network
Country Flag of Brazil Brazil
Availability National
Founded by Adolpho Bloch
Owner Grupo Bloch
Key people Adolpho Bloch (deceased)
Launch date June 5, 1983
Dissolved May 10, 1999

Rede Manchete was a television network from Brazil. It first aired on June 5, 1983 in Rio de Janeiro and simultaneously in other 5 Brazilian cities, like São Paulo. In Brasília, it was transmitted by TV Brasília.

It was owned by Adolpho Bloch, Ukrainian naturalized Brazilian, founder of the publishing group called "Bloch Editores", from half of the defunct Rede Tupi (the other half became SBT).

It ceased its operations in May 1999, being acquired by TeleTV! Group and later created the RedeTV! using part of old structure.
