Recurring characters in Newshounds

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This is a list of minor characters that appear in the webcomic Newshounds by Thomas K. Dye.

[edit] Characters

  • Ernest and Julia Dilbrook - Ernest and Julia are Lorna's parents. Ernest is a financially irresponsible person with few scruples. He exploits Lorna for his own personal reasons, such as getting her to dress up as Hillary Clinton and make the public think she put anthrax in some punch. Julia is allergic to pets, and often tries to stop Ernest from going too far in his dealings. Despite her allergies, she does manage to help Lorna and KPET, even helping in Wolfram and Rochelle's marriage.
  • Virgil Lishuss - Virgil is Lorna's foolishly idealistic half-brother and owner of Virgiltech software.
  • Angie Lishuss - Angie is Virgil's sister and a power-hungry porn star engaged to Roger.
  • Roger Deledize - Lorna meets Roger at a party, and thinks she might be the right man for her, but there is more to him than first seems. He works alongside Virgil and is engaged to Angie.
  • Hal O'Peridol - Hal is the canine CEO of Sunflower Chemicals, and is disastrously infatuated with Renata. He tricked her into marrying him once to go public with his control of the company per his owner's will. Initially annulled, they remarried when someone tried to usurp control of Sunflower, but they divorced after two weeks. His name is a pun on the chemical Haloperidol.
  • Stormy Knight - Stormy was once Kevin's lover for a day due to their love of Blackadder videos, before she dumped him to return to her steady boyfriend Connor, whom she later married.
  • Connor O'Connor - A neo-Elizabethan poet and Starbucks worker. Stormy left Kevin to return to him, and are currently married.
  • Manny the Mink - One of Alistair's friends, Manny is a slacker turned computer geek. He was killed at his computer and turned into a mink stole in March 2001 because he knew too much about Virgil and Angie's diabolical plans. The KPET crew do not know his whereabouts. Manny and Angie are core characters in Thomas K Dye's other current feature, Manifestations (Manny's spirit was supposedly sucked into the Internet when he died, hence its premise).
  • Dirk Snoogems - Dirk is the moustachioed lead anchorman at rival news station KRVL. He has fun denigrating the KPET team, particularly Renata.
  • Della - Della, a poodle, is Kevin's girlfriend, a technophile and very playful. Originally, she worked at a Radio Shack, but she was fired for trying to have a romantic interlude with Kevin on company time. She was fired from Radio Shack for planning to sleep with Kevin inside the shop, but was later hired at KPET as Kevin's technical assistant. She went AWOL, abandoned by her owners during a vacation, but in the last daily strip, Della returned.
  • Randy - Randy is Della's cousin and Sam's ex-girlfriend. She is a very manipulative gold digger and nymphomaniac. She was cheating on Sam, while she convinced him to shower her with money and gifts. Sam broke up with Randy after he discovered her relationship with Vladimir, her other boyfriend.
  • Nigel - Nigel is the pet cat of a local gay rights advocate. He has long been highly infatuated with Alistair. After initially deciding to just be friends, they periodically subsequently went out on dates together. Since then, the two have become romantically involved.
  • Yvonne - Yvonne is one of Lorna's few friends. She used to try to play matchmaker for Lorna, setting her up with dorks.
  • Pontius - He in the current head of the Los Muertos Canyon coyote tribe. He enlisted KPET's help to save his tribesmen from persecution from local humans, but almost got Wolfram killed in the process.
  • Zodiac - He is the former head of the Los Muertos Canyon coyote tribe, but he was jailed by the tribe when he went insane and started terrorizing humans. He was also romantically linked to Randy. He was moved to a distant wildlife preserve when he picked a fight with Kevin and lost.
  • General Swallowemup - A former military general, he was the leader of the corporate conglomerate Swallowemup Industries. In various plots, he attempted to engage in a violent military takeover of Starbucks and also attempted to use Hal O'Peridol's experimental mind control chemical (created so Hal could try to get Renata) to control the world. He is currently serving a long-term prison sentence.
  • Sgt. Bully Runyon - A male bulldog that was sent to the brig and discharged for trying to fly a plane into Afghanistan's Embassy in Germany during the post-9/11 furore. He is currently a conservative talk radio host in KPET's area called Afternoons with Bully Runyon. Alistair frequently calls his show to match wits with him.