Recep Uslu

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Recep Uslu is a Turkish writer and researcher on Turkish musicology.


[edit] Biography

Born in Turkey. Graduated from Ataturk university. He worked in the research centre and library for the Encyclopedia of Islam in Istanbul from 1987 to 1994. He had his Ph. Dr. on Horasan history in Middle Asia, and interested in the Turkish music history. He studied historical musicology with compositor Prof. Yalcin Tura together in the conservatory. He's working to teach the courses of sources of Turkish music history in the department of musicology in Istanbul Technical University since 1994. He gave some papers in the international symposiums, especially in Balkan countries. He wrote many articles and books about the music history. He studied relationship between Turkish music and Bizantion music in the XV. century, especially in the rein of Mehmed II.

[edit] Biblography

His some books and articles:

  • [1. Mehmed Hafid Efendi and Music (2001),]
  • [2. Musicology and his sources in Turkey (2006),]
  • [3. Mehmet II and music in his court (2007),]
  • [4. Musicians in the Ottoman and Central Asia in the 15th Century According to an unknown work, in The Great Ottoman Turkish Civilization, Ankara 2000, vol. IV, pp. 548-555]
  • [5. Music in Fatih Era, in Atlas of Turkish culture, Istanbul 2002]

[edit] References

[2] [3] [4] [5]

[edit] External links