Real life experience

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Real life experience (RLE), sometimes called real life test (RLT), is a process where transsexual and transgender people live in their preferred gender role for a period of time, in order to demonstrate that they can function in the preferred role. Historically, this process was a prerequisite to receive permission for hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery.

A minimum requirement of RLE is no longer part of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association Standards of Care (SOC) requirements for hormonal therapy. Either three months of RLE or a specified time in psychotherapy (usually at least three months) now suffices. The current SOC state: "Although professionals may recommend living in the desired gender, the decision as to when and how to begin the real-life experience remains the person's responsibility." However, clinical practice in many places may be more or less stringent. In the United Kingdom most National Health Service trusts will require 24 months, whereas in Thailand the Benjamin SOC is not usually followed and RLE may not be required.

Real life experience is usually considered to start after transitioning full-time. However, some individuals may choose partial RLE, for example, living full time with the temporary exception of work or school.

The intention of requiring RLE is to reduce the incidence of post-treatment regret, by giving people more time to realize the full and sometimes unexpected consequences of transitioning. It also provides a time when people can learn to function in work, school, and gender appropriate social roles. During this time, people can begin documentation changes - especially legally changing one's name to a gender appropriate one.

[edit] See also
