Reading Clerk of the United States House of Representatives

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The Reading Clerk of the United States House of Representatives reads bills, motions, and other papers before the House and keeps track of changes to legislation made on the floor. During the vote for Speaker at the beginning of each Congress, or when the electronic voting system fails, the clerk calls the roll of members for voting viva voce.

Traditionally, the reading clerks are appointed by the leaders of the majority and minority parties. For instance, Paul Hays was appointed by the then-Minority Leader Robert H. Michel, for the Republican party. Current Democratic reading clerk Mary Kevin Niland was appointed by Dick Gephardt. Beyond this procedure for appointment, the party status has no significance.

[edit] List of Democratic Reading Clerks

Reading Clerk Term
Meg Goetz 1981 - 1998
Mary Kevin Niland 1998 - present

[edit] List of Republican Reading Clerks

Reading Clerk Term
Paul Hays 1988 - 2007
Susan Cole 2007 - present