Raymond Erith

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Raymond Erith (1904-1973) was an English architect known for his restorations and work in a traditional styles. Critic Ian Nairn described his work as "genuinely Georgian, not 'neo'"[1].

He formed the partnership Erith & Terry with his pupil Quinlan Terry.

He was the subject of an exhibition at Sir John Soane's Museum in 2004[2].

[edit] See also

Heralds' Museum

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Twentieth Century Society, November 2004, Raymond Erith’s Library at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford http://www.c20society.org.uk/docs/building/erith.html
  2. ^ Raymond Erith (1904-1973) Progressive Classicist http://www.soane.org/erith.htm