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Thursday 12 June 2008 04:21
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user is a member of the Tropical cyclone Wikiproject.
Hurricane Katrina
May we never forget…
This user enjoys tracking hurricanes.
This user enjoys watching the weather.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
IE This user contributes using
Internet Explorer.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Yes, I do use both browsers.
HTML-4 This user is an expert HTML user.
1337 7|-|15 |_|x0r 5|>34|<5 1337.
vn-6 This user page has been vandalized 6 times.
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[edit] Bio

My online nickname is RattleMan, but you can call me Rattle. I was born in Colorado, USA in 1987 and in 1996 moved to Arizona, one of the most driest places in the United States. Although I loved storms and unusual weather before that, this dry condition makes me love them all the more. It most likely is fueling my love for tracking, investigating, and learning about hurricanes and other storms. I love learning about history and current events such as September 11th, and I have many video documentaries on them. I am a big time fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. Back in 1991, I bought the first Sonic game and have been following the series for over 15 years now.

[edit] Tropical cyclones

While I was living in Colorado, I began to get interested in hurricanes by watching such disasters as Hurricane Andrew unfolding in 1992, Andrew being about the first storm I remember vividly (incidently, I had a friend named Andrew and some neighborhood kids joked with him about this at the time). I was too young to remember monsters like Gilbert, being about 1 year old at the time. As time went on, I began to watch more and more storms on TV and various other places, and get more and more interested. Currently, the tropics are one of my biggest interests.

Find my ACE Calculation Program here.

[edit] Anime

I also love anime. One of my first anime ever was Sailor Moon, played back in 1995. It was the American dubbed version, which was to many purists, a horrible dub. Also playing along with Sailor Moon on the same channel was the dub of Dragon Ball Z. As time went on, I discovered that both dubs had original Japanese versions, and I investigated them further. Today, I have many DVDs pertaining to both of the series, in both Japanese and English. The latest anime I have been following very closely is Sonic X. It was the first anime in which I had seen the Japanese version before seeing the English version. As such, when the dub came out, I (and many others) viewed it as horrible.

[edit] Wikipedia

I've been surfing Wikipedia for a long time, but in 2005 I began editting it. My main interests/edits right now are on storms, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, some Disney shows, and wars such as World War II. I love being able to contribute to this community.

I edit almost any article relating to Tropical Cyclones, as well as Sonic, Mario, and other articles. As it stands, I created the wikitables that you see at the top of the screen at Talk:2005 Atlantic hurricane season (minus the WikiProject bit).

My first edit on this user account was on July 2nd, 2005, at 7:38 PM, to the World War II article. My first anonymous edit was on June 7th, 2005, at 6:41 PM, to the Corneil and Bernie article.

As of this edit, May 27th, 2006, at 00:26 UTC, I have 4838 edits. This was counted manually due to the edit counters not working properly.

[edit] Shortcuts

Using Firefox, you can use Bookmarks to easily type in a keyword into the address bar and you will be taken there immediately. Here are examples of what Wikipedia shortcuts I use. First, how to create these shortcuts:

At the top of the Firefox window, click Tools, then click "Manage Bookmarks". Click "New Bookmark", then type in a name. Now, for the Location and Keyword bits, see the following list (keyword is first, location is second):


The most important, this allows you to go to any article in the English Wikipedia, e.g. "w Hawaii".


Allows you to find Contributions for a user, e.g. "wc RattleMan".


Allows you to see a user's edit count, e.g. "wec RattleMan".


Allows you to go to a user's page, e.g. "wu RattleMan".


Allows you to go to a user's talk page, e.g. "wut RattleMan".


Allows you to go to a specified Atlantic hurricane season, e.g. "ahs 2000".


Allows you to go to a specified Pacific hurricane season, e.g. "ehs 2000".


Allows you to go to a specified Pacific typhoon season, e.g. "wts 2000".


Takes you to the List of North Indian cyclone seasons page.


Takes you to the List of Southern Hemisphere cyclone seasons page.


Takes you to the Talk:2005 Atlantic hurricane season page.


Takes you a specified hurricane's article, e.g. "whur Katrina".


Takes you a specified Tropical Storm's article, e.g. "w.TS Allison".


Takes you a specified typhoon's article, e.g. "wty Longwang".


Takes you a specified cyclone's article, e.g. "wcy Tracy".


Takes you to the Dvorak chart for easy viewing.
For an offline/downloadable version, see here.

And some other shortcuts:

[1]: Since I visit Unisys' Weather Archive extremely often, I found it tedious to manually do many things, so I created this page which contains all my most-frequently visited links. Below is a Firefox shortcut associated with that:


Takes you Unisys' Atlantic season archive for any year (1851-2006), e.g. "uni 1933". I made this because I tend to access Atlantic archives more often.


Takes you to the NRL Tropical Cyclone Main Page.


Takes you to the NRL Tropical Cyclone Archives (NRL Archives for short).


Takes you to the NRL Archives' 2005 Atlantic hurricane season page.

[edit] Music

I love certain types of music, especially music from anime. I can memorize unusual amounts of beats and lyrics to many songs. I love analyzing music.